Author Topic: If you need advice and help from an in-service chnlove agency translator  (Read 33128 times)

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Offline Proteus

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The image I attached in last post is this. Our further discussion needs information from it.


AsiaMatch (Hong Kong) Matchingsaking Service Website
Contract of service to female member and privacy protection

Authorized agencies from AsiaMatch (chnlove) provide you the service as profile publishing, EMF sending and receiving through our site, translation and so on. We edit this contract constantly, so you can contact your agency to provide you latest version. New contracts take effect immediately after published on net and replace old ones. If you don’t agree with clauses below, please stop using our service.

1.Requirements for becoming a member
You must be a lady above 18 years old and are legally able to find a spouse according to your local laws. You will not have intentions other than seeking marriage here.

2.Application for profile publishing
You must fill the “Application of Publishing Female Member Profile” in person. You promise that all the information you provide in the application form is real. You will provide at least one color graph of yourself. You will provide real and accessible contact ways.

3.Profile publishing, modifying, hiding and deleting
If necessary, chnlove has the right to contact through the ways you provide and verify authenticity of information in your profiles. After your profile passes our check, it will be published on service platforms of and At any time, you can get your profile modified, hidden or deleted through your agency.

EMF sending, receiving, printing, and translating are free to you. You are required to reply male member’s EMF timely. In letters honesty and politeness are required. If you do not want to continue communication with a male member, you should explain the reason in a polite way. If in three days you fail to reply male member’s letter or be contacted by us through the phone number you provided or your letters are dishonest, we have the right to delete your profile. You must abide by laws when using our service. If your misdeeds incur loss to other members, agencies or other people, we may resort to lawsuits.

5.Money Issues
You must be honest in any occasions. You are prohibited from asking money from male members in any ways or by any reasons. Before you get into a marriage with a male member, you cannot accept big deals of money he voluntarily offer. If you violate this clause, we have the right to take methods we think appropriate, including but not confined to, deleting your profile.

All the service we provide to female members requires no fees. In other words, we don’t charge any monetary benefits from female members. But we accept only female members from our authorized agencies. And they provide service to you. It is possible for them to charge some fees from you because of their operation cost. We declare here agencies have no rights to charge any fees from you through EFM sending, receiving, printing, and translating. The economic relationship between you and your agency has nothing to do with chnlove and we undertake no legal responsibility regarding to issues between you and your agency.

We undertake no responsibility of results caused by accidental forces other than intention of chnlove and authorized agencies.

8.Privacy Protection
When you submit your profile to chnlove, you give us authorization to use the information provided in your profile. We will not give other party your information or put your information into other uses. But if male members doubt authenticity of your profile and make complaints to us, we have the right to show them your information to prove you are real.

9.Declaration of Risk
Please be careful in online dating. You are supposed to understand the risks you may meet. You agree to be responsible for all the outcomes after your profile published.

Vince, total male members on chnlove exceeds 200,000 but it is too difficult to find how many of them are active members. But I've heard that most major match making sites (such as and other domestic ones in China) have an active member rate less than 10%.

Hi hellerjk, to be honest, success rate of international marriage and the rate of lasting marriages are now not high enough to be uplifting. I think the major reason is that some women and men confuse what they want and what they can get. For your concern, I can give you some hints of what a woman generally cares most from her overseas BF, economy, criminal record, how soon you will visit her, if you are visiting her only, how much support you can give her after you meet and before you finally get together. And I think it is wise for you to suggest her keep improving English, direct and effective communication will sort out a lot of misunderstandings.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 10:35:01 pm by Proteus »


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Quote from: 'JimB' pid='5935' dateline='1245329477'


My apology and request to Jim, can you make this question,"1. There has been some discussion on how effective this group really is it he grand scheme of ChnLove, what is your opinion?" into plainer English? My English needs still improvement.Blush I will answer your questions together with it in next post.

My apology for not making it easily understandable.  Your English is so good that we sometimes forget it is not your native language.

What I mean to ask is, What we call the Brotherhood here in this group of men, does Chnlove pay real attention to us as a Hornet with a stinger or just say what we want to hear in order to make a mosquito go away?

Damn were doing good till the hornet and the stinger thing.

Proteus...what Jim is asking is...Has chnlove taken notice of our group?  Do you think chnlove cares that we can now act in numbers?  Are we a threat to them at all?

Offline Proteus

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Thank you Jim, I would like first wish you a successful trip to Wuhan! Now let's come back to our big questions. I think how much chnlove cares about the existence of this group, depends on how much pressure we can give them. I've suggested my female colleagues visit this forum. None of them showed much curiosity. As for me, I come here not for job and surely I have my desire. I say it here again, "I need your power as a united group to reduces cheats and hurts."

Your other question mentioned a union between male members and female members. I gave deep thoughts to it and feel I need to be very careful in explaining my thoughts. I would like to start our discussion with this premise, there are good and bad individuals in every fields, do you agree?

In most cases, when you (plural) want to start a communication with Chinese women, you need a bridge to solve the language difference. Chnlove and agencies are supposed and carry the obligation to be that bridge. Now your suggestion implies a desire to find another bridge, which implies an overall disappointment to chnlove service, right? Here I will apply the premise, so far I have no good idea to find another bridge better than chnlove and can be immune from bad individuals.

More importantly comes here. I understand many of you have a negative feeling toward some agencies. According to my limited experience, this negative feeling extends beyond only agencies. I hope it won't surprise you to hear such a remark which truly took place from one of my clients to me, "I won't marry this guy, he don't even have a house, but keep him hooked as a backup until I meet the next." Again, bad individuals don't speak for all. But stories similar to this one make me try to find the answer to this question, whether what is to your best interest will be to the ladies. Answer to this question will let us know if you and them have enough foundation to unite.

Surely when you finally marry, you come to the mutual end. But in how to pursue the result. I think it is acceptable to say you care for honesty more and ladies care for efficiency more. Now let's read clause 6 in the contract. It is not allowed for agencies to charge any fees from them through EFM sending, receiving, printing, and translating. Apart from them, what service can agency provide ladies to charge a fee often amounts to more than their annual income? That's the service different from you enjoy. Therefore, for some of them, it is to their best interest to have a packaged service which will bring them a result ASAP. I am not very optimistic that everyone of them will be as interested as you are in doing everything themselves.

Now Mike we can discuss our question here too. Sometimes it's really a prisoner's dilemma for agencies.
The cake of profit is there, if you don't bite it, others will. From clause 6, if ladies draft admirer letters, respond cupid nots and write EMF all by themselves, there's nothing left for agencies to charge from them. Then what agencies provide to them is merely a platform. From only providing a platform, there is little that honest agencies can charge to maintain their running. Honest agencies cannot survive, skilled ones can. A best agency (in a balanced sense) is one which incurs least complaints, makes most credits and successful couples, by all means. But credits are much more easily to make than successful marriages while honesty might lead to nothing. So I understand why it is easy to see so many credits driven agencies.

With what I said above, I understand our pursuit for honesty will probably harm economic benefits of a lot agencies and even chnlove itself (and maybe myself). But I don't believe in profit, I believe in justice. A promise is a promise, chnlove is responsible to provide what they promise.

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Well said Proteous. You are reaffirming my faith in that someone is actually looking out for us. Appreciate the honesty with the answers even they are not the ones I want to hear. Yes, I realize money makes the world go round. In the grand scheme of things I do agree to a certain extent the necessity of the form letters, cupids, etc. My point is that there needs to be a line drawn at a certain point. It is not fair to the ladies or the men to perpetuate lies to simple make a profit. Money can still be made but without so much plotting and scheming on the part of the agencies. Guys I honestly think we are making an impact to the agencies as well as Chnlove for the simple fact that Proteous is here. Guarentee quite a few of others are on this site from the agencies as well as Chnlove because our numbers are growing we are no longer the small minority we once were. Solidarity is what will force changes to be made. Yes, a certain amount of creeps {men and women} {incidently the woman who required the house is scum and hope no one gets hooked up with that character} that will always be here so we'll just have to be more vigilant and aware before investing too much time or energy in a woman. Honesty might be overated yet it is one of the number one qualities I am actually looking for in my future soulmate. Integrity anymore is a rather rare quality in todays modern day capitialist China. In many respects this part of thier culture is no different than our own cultures. Get what you can while you can anyway you can. Person I am subletting the apartment from rounded my 1,050 rmbs up to 1,100 rmbs for no other reason than to grift me out of 50 rmbs and this is a really sweet women. Different country same rules of dog eat dog mentality.
Keep up the posts Proteous I am enjoying the exchange of information. One day you have to let me buy you dinner, seem like you have a conscience and integrity that so many of your collegues lack.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Uncle Brucie

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if there are 200.000 members all activly seeking a wife

and the last if there are 7,000 women on there makes things sort of hard for each make looking for a wife

28 men for every 1 woman ?????

Uncle Brucie
My 2 cents  ????

Offline Chong

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Quote from: 'Uncle Brucie' pid='5987' dateline='1245405282'

if there are 200.000 members all activly seeking a wife

and the last if there are 7,000 women on there makes things sort of hard for each make looking for a wife

28 men for every 1 woman ?????

Uncle Brucie

No Brothas Brucie ... only 10% are active members ... so 20,000 ... so the ratio is more like 3 to 1. You can probably reduce this ratio even down further because most active members are not serious.

Proteus ... thanks for your information postings ... at your agency, how many male clients are there ??? ... and how many lady profiles are there ???

Offline Chong

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Vince ... I think you're giving too much credit to ChnLove to say that they have 100,000 active members. If that's the case, our Forum membership of over 100 members account for only 1/10 of 1%. We went through this % discussion before on FaceBook. The average active members' percentage of dating sites is 10% ( which Proteus also stated ). ChnLove wouldn't be any different. If there are 100 core agencies, each agency has 1,000 male clients to write back EMFs ???  Judging by the profiles, there seem to be 25 agencies at most. so they have 4,000 male clients ??? I seriously doubt that. They would need 100s of translators.

Now you have other guys worrying about nothing.

Offline China Shark

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Vince, good and practical way to view things. Nothing is ever set in stone until after the initial meeting. If chemistry is there like it is
in the letters you are golden.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Proteus

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Hi Everyone, my greeting before going to bed. I would like to request your caution in reading my previous two or three posts because a large part of them are my personal deductions. I see how far conclusions can run away from realities when possibilities multiply possibilities. It is logical to come to the ratio of 20 men : 1 women upon the information I provided. However, truth is light-years far away.

Our agency now has around 150 ladies' profiles available, about 50 of them have EMFs running. We receive about 60 EMFs a day. And the ladies' popularity is not a peaceful middle-class one but a highly competitive and polarized one, 10% very popular, 40% sometimes have EMFs, 40% seldom, 10% never.

An average 30s lady may have 10-20 letters the first week, from about 3 to 5 males. Letters surely get less as time goes by. But agerage is not typical. It depends on many factors.

Still I want to repeat my advocacy here. I hope more and more of you can try to get chinese versions of ladies' letters. Vince, maybe you can try it too. A polite footnote to the translator by just saying you are learning chinese and want some souvenirs will do it. It is harmless because you place no pressure on ladies themselves and translators have no excuse to refuse as long as the letters are real. And if they do attepmt to find excuse, you know the truth. I have tried attaching before but was discouaged by our manager. I am an individual and I need your power as a group. :fi_lone_ranger:

Good night!
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 12:19:33 pm by Proteus »


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Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='6091' dateline='1245514500'

Still I want to repeat my advocacy here. I hope more and more of you can try to get chinese versions of ladies' letters. Vince, maybe you can try it too. A polite footnote to the translator by just saying you are learning chinese and want some souvenirs will do it. It is harmless because you place no pressure on ladies themselves and translators have no excuse to refuse as long as the letters are real. And if they do attepmt to find excuse, you know the truth. I have tried attaching before but was discouaged by our manager. I am an individual and I need your power as a group. :fi_lone_ranger:

Good night!

Hi Proteus , you know this has alway's been one of the Items , we wanted to have from Chnlove , to be able not only to enjoy the Lady's letter's in English , but also get the Chinese version along with it . I myself love to see my Wife's handwriting , even though I don't understand or know what it say's , but it is so special to me just seeing it . This is so true , especially when receiving Card's through the Mail . There is  not substitute for it . Receiving a Loved ones handwritten letter is of that value , equally . I also understand , this is not possible with reply's done over the Phone , as many are . So any way we could help to get this done , we do what ever it takes . Having you here and us behind you , just might get this to change their minds and make it come a part of their Policy . Thank you for all the insight's , you been a great help to many here and the ones that will follow us .

Offline Neil

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Still I want to repeat my advocacy here. I hope more and more of you can try to get chinese versions of ladies' letters.

I would also love to see some of my ladies letters in their original form.  It's likely though, as you say, that some are taken verbally, some written by the translator and some written entirely by the lady so I could understand not being able to get all the letters.  It would be a great way to help learn the language (if you are at that stage) and they would be wonderful keepsakes and possible clues to what has been "fluffed up" or expanded on by the translator.  Great suggestion Proteus.

Someone should actually start this suggestion in the chnlove suggestion forum and we can all add our two cents to it. irresistible as chocolate

Offline JimB

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I guess i again did not make myself clear, for that I apologize.  I meant that when we find a  very bad agency, it would be in ours and the ladies best interest to band together to force them to change.  Now as the EMF's are translated by the Agencies that is obviously not the way to contact them.  That is why I was looking for an alternative.  Nothing against Chnlove because we have reported true problems to them only to have the ladies back down because they are (supposedly) afraid of the agency.  If we could talk to them direct they may trust that they have an organization behind them, they are not doing this all on their own.  

I understand and agree that there are bad people in all occupations.  But if the ownership rewards wrong behavior there are very few who will just not do it.  You are an exception and I applaud your effort.  We like yourself are trying to find a middle ground where both sides can be assured that they are being truthful as can be by the Agencies.  If they do not do it on their own we want to force them to be or to go broke.  You will never weed out all the bad ladies or the bad men. That is understood.
My one suggestion would be to boycott the Agency.  A group letter telling them why.  Then write a few letters to the ladies telling them why also, now thru their personal e mail if you can get it. Or some other method which is what I am asking for.

That was the reason I asked what Chnlove currently thought of us as a group.  Do they think of us as a minor annoyance or someone to really pay attention to.  Our numbers are small but vocal.

Thanks again.
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Offline Ed W

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Just a small detail i wish to offer. My wife had no knowledge of chnlove and only knew of her agency but infact never visited the agency and only dealt with her friend who's a translator for the agency and all corrospondence was via email.

I think sometimes we think there's an asumed connection between the lady's and chnlove when in fact, I'd bet most dont even know if it's existance but only their knowledge of the agency they deal with.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Ed , this is very true , funny how things happen , I met my Ying through another method , but then found that I had listed her in my favourites on Chnlove , she had no knowledge that she was in fact on that site , as her dealings were only with the local agency , and as the ladies cannot access their sites she was very surprised when recently they refreshed her profile , the local agency will not remove until she confirms with them that she has remarried .
As we do not want to create waves we have decided to shutup , and let sleeping dogs lie , as although she has paid the initial 5ooo yuan there is nothing to tie us to any other part of her contract , regards Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Proteus...are you still around?