Author Topic: If you need advice and help from an in-service chnlove agency translator  (Read 33121 times)

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Offline maxx

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First of Shaun let me deal with theese two knuckleheads.Michael, Chong you two know the rules.If you to are going to have a lovers spat you need to do it in private not in the open forum you have both ben warned before.I will start deleting this stuff all it does is breed hate and discontent.

Shaun what it sounds like.Is real close to what Michael told you.You and the lady were talking about meeting in the summer and now it will be after Christmass.

So that put her off.You can make all kinds of promises to a Chinese women.SHe won't beleave you till you actually do them.She has heard this all before from the other men in her life.Actions do speak louder then words.

Your looking at a long stretch at 8 months from the day you started.That may be to long of a wate for this women.After you already told her you would be there in the summer.It's eather time to find another women.Or fix this problem.

To fix this problem you will need to send the lady some flowers.With a little card telling her how sorry you are and how foolish you are.Then figure out a time that you can go to China sooner then December.If you can't figure out a time to go in the next couple of months it would probably be best for you and the women to find other people to write to.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 07:30:46 pm by maxx »

Offline Chong

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Shaun ... based on knowing more about your situation and your last post ... I owe China Shark an apology. SORRY MIKE !!!   If I'm wrong, I'll admit it. But like yourself Mike, I'll still tell it like I see it. We ain't always going to see eye-to-eye on things and opinions. After all, we're Brothas here.


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Maxx,  Thanks for your input.  I went back and re-read what I wrote.  She was asking for a summer visit and I wasn't sure until I understood the financial implications in the divorce.  Just that alone ruled a summer visit out.  Then my doctor wanted to do surgery on my right hand July 10, I will not be able to carry anything for 3 weeks.  I never promised a summer visit, I would have liked to, I wish I could go today.

Nothing would be more fun to me than to go recover from surgery in China.  But, Chong already said it, she works 12 hours a day in the restaurant she owns.  She does all the cooking and I imagine the restaurant does not have enough manpower to run without her.  So I can't do that to her.  The week after I am released from the doctor I go back to work.  I will have to make up for it in other ways just not travel right now.

I get 4 days off in October, 5 in November and 15 days beginning December 21st.  It is what it is.  Government schools can pretty much dictate what we do.

I am at the point where she will either hang in there or move on but I will be able to say I tried if everything fails, except the travel issue and really there is nothing I can do about that.  I don't want it to fail, she is kind of special to me.

As far as Mike and Chong, I didn't have a problem differing with each other, even arguing a little I just didn't want that to become the focus.  I am not saying it would but sometimes when two people argue more info comes out as it did in this case.  Both personalities are needed on this site.  Both personalities produce stimulating conversation and help to give insight.  All of their conversation back and forth stimulated good information.

I have a very close friend here in Georgia, we argue about several thing because we do not see eye to eye on the issues.  A stranger might think we hate each other, but we are the best of friends.  At the end of the argument we shake hands, sometimes even hug and agree to disagree.  Instead of warning them and rebuking, why don't you try to encourage them to agree to disagree.
Chong, one more point.  I can't post every last detail.  Most of the people here would not read it, I would not, so I tried to hit the highlights.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 08:41:11 pm by shaun »

Offline China Shark

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Well, Shaun I think your own the road to recovery in salvaging this internet relationship. It is a difficult thing doing this rather untraditional courting. I don't mean to ruffle feathers it is just who I am. Mincing words was never my forte so I stick with what I know. I think if you take Maxxe's advice and send flowers I think you could turn things around. Next letter go into specific details on why the trip is not possible sooner. If you clear these issues up I'm sure you'll be doing much better.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Sylvain D

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Hi there, Proteus.
I also forgot to welcome you,  sorry, so.

I got a question, because it is a bit important for me.
Ok, men pay a service on Chnlove to talk with ladies, and may can see them.
When does Chnlove services's stop to "help" each member?
I mean, ok, we can talk to ladies, if we have any difficulties, you may can help.
We can see ladies and if we need translator, you can help, too.
But... what about if we have to face with traditional parents and that they scare about foreigners? Can't Chnlove try to help the member who has met a lady, by arranging an apointment with the ladies's parents and (maybe) talking about the honesty and happyness of the foreigner who speaks to the lady since many months?

Because I'm living that situation in fact, and I would also know if you can provide any "help" for that..
As I think, who never tries, never knows.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 07:44:47 am by Sylvain D »
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Well men again thanks for all of the support and advice. I tried to communicate with the translator and it took 4 days before she finally responded. We had a good talk and I was encouraged.

So, I wrote Luaping starting with a sincere apology then explained everything in detail.  It seemed like a month before she replied. Then today it came.  Man, she let me know what it was like to wait for my letter when it was overdue.  The short side of the story is that all is good and we will work though it.  She thanked me for opening up a little more and now understands why I have delayed the trip and looks forward to December and as she put it, “the very end of December.”  So she has in her way let me know that it is a long wait.  Her real personality is beginning to come out and is more like what most of you have said from experience on this site.  That sounds kind of cold but it is not.  I have seen where many me have been blindsided by once they got to China and I would prefer to see it before I get there. After today’s letter I can tell you all, she is real.

Vince I took your advice and will send a camera and printer.  Bought one on eBay but will have to send it back and find another.  The quality was just not there.

I have not sent flowers yet, and I discussed this issue with the translator, but am looking for something a little more personal and memorable for her.  I do have an idea and will tell you if I go through with it and it works. Nothing against flowers but when you have to do a little damage control I’ve always tried to do something a little more spectacular.  Something no one has ever done for her.

Again I am thankful for all of you and the collective wisdom you have.  China Mike don’t ever let anyone convince you to not tell it like you see it.


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Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='8547' dateline='1247628947'

Shaun that was a Kodak I checked out. It has it's own base to sit in which is also a viewer/printer. I no linger have the model number but they weren't to expensive.

I won a Kodak Easy Share on eBay after you suggested it.  The person made it sound like it was in mint condition but had a lot of scratches on it.  There was a cable missing and no booklet so I sent it back.

I will try for the same again. Kodak makes a good product and this one looks easy to use.


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Thanks Mike

Offline China Shark

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Vince, I have 7 or 8 256 almost filled and one 512 almost filled. Have the direct memory card slot in the labtop so I load as I get them. But sometimes I keep the cards loaded for fear of something happening to the pc. Besides memory is so cheap to buy anymore. Buy a nice nylon case or plastic cases for extra protection in transit. One more thing to remember you can never take enough pix when in Asia. When I lived in Japan for a year I must have taken at least 1,200 pictures and that was before the advent of digital cameras. Figure I've been in country six months and imagine I've taken at least 800 pictures probably a lot more though.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!