Author Topic: If you need advice and help from an in-service chnlove agency translator  (Read 33123 times)

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Offline Proteus

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Hi Everyone, it's old lad Proteus again.

Thank you Martin for your answer. :blush:

Paul, basic knowledge of Greek mythology is not specialised subject in China. It's common knowledge for an average intellectual with universtiy education. We have a loooong history, so we have special interest in history of any country and civilization. :cool:

Thank you Chong for reminding me the questions I missed. I found no easy answers to them. I would like to combine them into one and draw the line. If the lady gives authorization to translators to modify her letters, or if she write inattentive short letters in some occasions where a clear Dear John is better, well, if you gentlemen are mislead or even cheated in such cases, please do not blame the agency. If the modifications or even letters are all produced by translators without ladies awareness, blame them. The line is drawn here. You are promised a genuine translation but not a genuine woman. Stock markets give you chances to fortune but not fortune itself. So is the situation with a dating site.

I realize there is a tune in my words trying to protect ladies, perhaps even beautifying them. This is my job. As I have said before, you are clients for chnlove and resources for us agencies, ladies are clients for us and resources for chnlove. So chnlove protects you and we protect ladies.

The reason why I am here comes from my faith in spirit of fair play. This is not my job but my mission in heart. I have seen agencies cheating men, men cheating women, women cheating men,  (heard of agencies cheating women and women cheating agencies). I can see the aim of this forum is to diminish cheating, so I hope to contribute some help, so I come here. After all cheating all minority, pursuit for true love dominates.


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Proteus , I personally thank you for your inside's from an Translator's view . You earned my respect and appreciation to help us as BEST as you can , without Jeopardizing your Job . Something we don't want for anybody .

Offline Peter

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I agree Arnold...
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove


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In many respects maybe I was wrong, I gotta agree with arnold

Offline Proteus

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Hi Everyone, thank you for all your support. My ability is meager. I just hope to provide some special information from my special position. I read the letter Martin drafted and forwarded to chnlove. It's a great thing you did. I truly hope chnlove will get better, not in terms of finance, but of the mission they and we carry.

Hi, sameldrum1. Thank you for your questions, especially the second, which gives me hints of how other agencies work.

1. About the topic of insult. When the lady feels your request is a test of her authenticity, she will naturally feel disappointed, sometimes even insulted. No lady welcomes doubts to haunt in a relationship she is trying to develop. If you give her the impression that you are comparing her dignity with money, her feeling to you will get even worse. The figure of 50% (who will get insulted) is my personal estimation. I have here an example on the men side which might help you to understand the psychology. In a relationship of a lady and gentleman who met through our agency, the lady asked the man (under our guide) to sent her cpoy of his flight tickets ( to check if he is coming to see only her), the man got annoyed, if not irritated.

2. If the cases are few and rare where the translator is on the side of the women, so few and rare are the cases where chnlove is on the side of the men. We obey orders from the side where pays come, right? There is possibility that ladies must pay membership fees before they can get direct contact with man. In that case, justice depends on the content of the contract they sign with the agency. I've seen Vince posted a contract he managed to obtain and if you can get more from your girlfriends and share, you'll learn more about the situation between ladies and agencies. sameldrum1, I feel your true concern lies in the possibility where ladies get blindfolded by agencies. I work for only one agency so I do not know much about how other agencies work. I'm sorry to hear there are ladies who Fear her agency. I can imagine it happens when some ladies have not good education or knowledge of law and international marriage. If an agency cheats a lady, I think she needs help from police and law most.


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Proteus...I am liking that you are here answering some of our questions.  I am curious, how did you find our little corner of the internet?  What prompted you to seek us out?  It is good having someone in Shenzhen that can give us insight into matters.

Please understand, that some of the men are frustrated with things at times...if not for this group, and being able to act in numbers, some of the guys would be all alone, and not getting anywhere.  I do appreciate your answers and your time to have come here.

Let me state again, for you, what our purpose as a group is.  We are here to support each other in our efforts to find a life partner.  We also support Chnlove, because without them, we would not meet the wonderful women that we have met.  But while we support chnlove, we will also support any member that is taken advantage of, and try to help right a wrong.

Offline Neil

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  • Zhangping, Fujian bound.

I wonder if the ladies really know that we pay for EMF's in each direction, as a general rule or if it's assumed they know it?  I really do understand that if she knows you are paying for the letters, they have a greater value to her but it would also help influence some of the more frugal ladies to either seek cheaper avenues of communication if they exist or hopefully put greater thought, care and attention into their letters.  

A simple answer will suffice, it's not a huge issue to me personally, just something I wonder about. irresistible as chocolate


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Neil , the Lady's do know we pay for the EMF's both way's . My Wife knew and my two Sister's also knew . That's three out of the four I have written to . The other one , I only wrote about two weeks to her , never had the chance to find out . I say it's a Yes for all . They either are told by the Agency or it's in the Contract .

Offline Irishman

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Hi Proteus,

Thanks again for taking the time to post here.
Here's a couple of questions that occurred to me that maybe you can answer?

1) If I hide my profile on chnlove but add some ladies into my "favourites" do they see this?
Reason I ask is that if I leave my profile on visible i just get a bunch of admirer messages from people that are not suitable for me for various reasons (too tall, too young etc etc) as well as ones from ladies I added to my favourites.

Ideally I'd like to remain "hidden" and just add ladies that interest me genuinely to my favourites and see if any of them seem interested.

2) Secondly, do all agencies get a notification that you have added a lady to your favourites?, even if you you check out a ladies profile and don't add them to your favourites?


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Quote from: 'Proteus' pid='4440' dateline='1243779740'

Thank you Chong for reminding me the questions I missed. I found no easy answers to them. I would like to combine them into one and draw the line. If the lady gives authorization to translators to modify her letters, or if she write inattentive short letters in some occasions where a clear Dear John is better, well, if you gentlemen are mislead or even cheated in such cases, please do not blame the agency. If the modifications or even letters are all produced by translators without ladies awareness, blame them. The line is drawn here. You are promised a genuine translation but not a genuine woman. Stock markets give you chances to fortune but not fortune itself. So is the situation with a dating site.

Hi Proteus ... I don't mean to bust your chops. I appreciate that you're here to answer questions ..... but what you're saying above is ...

1) Don't blame the agency but blame the translator ... aren't they both the same ??? A translator works under the direction of the agency manager.

2) So we get fake lady profiles but are guarantee a genuine letter on behalf of them. That's a scam. That's not comforting to know. The fact that you support this notion is not honest. You can't compare the stock market to a marriage service. It's losing money versus losing a man's heart.

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Proteus.. I am a little bit curious about the Red Envelope that you are supposed to give to your brides parents..  Someone told us that you should give a large sum of money, 20 000 - 30 000 yuan, so her parents loose their face.. Is this common for western men to give this amount of money ??
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 10:31:54 am by Peter »
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove


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Peter...Zhifang was very insistent that her family did not want a red envelope with money.  So in my case, none was paid.  I wanted to, but I figured this was a face thing.


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Proteus, would it not be a bit easier 'if', after say 10 Emf's each way, something like a web cam meet must be set up and incorporated into the ladies contract, and was compulsory?  I am sure this would help others that follow us into  I understand about the ladies shyness, but surely after so many Emf's once they get to know someone the shyness would (if not totally disappear) but abate???

Offline Proteus

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Hi Everyone, Good Morning! My Morning.

Among all your questions, I feel it urgent to answer Chong's first. Yes, an agency is on the same side with the translator, so if you encounter misdeeds from either part, they are both to blame. By "genuine" I intended to mean "free from hypocrisy or pretense", I should have chosen "honest" or "sincere" as the modefier. Sorry for my indiscretion.

Since we are talking about authenticity of ladies' profiles, I would like to answer Vince's post as well. As far as I know, when a lady tries to submit her profile to chnlove. She need to provides her ID card number with which in necessary occasions her identity can be checked. Then chnlove staff will phone her and ask her certain questions (which questions I do not know). Until she answer the phone call and the questions, her profile will not be posted. There is possibility to have real 18/19 girls post their profiles. A person above 18 is an adult and in terms of law can do anything law allows.

sameldrum1, your experience is typical. I am not very optimistic about the authenticity of the lday's letters. I suggest you complain to chnlove and point out the discrepancy of English level showed in her letters. Maybe you can try the method I suggested before and ask them to fetch the translated versions of your letters? I know some men had their credits backed with less convincing reason than yours. I only wish this frustration won't affect your belief in finding a new wife.

Sorry time to set off, I'll answer the rest later!
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 08:57:43 pm by Proteus »

Offline Proteus

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Hi Toon, the instruction for ladies to fill their profile does give guidance for them to tell hobbies and interests, the type of man she is looking for. About her looking, you can ask her to send some daily photos.

Hi Neil, there's no rule demanding agencies to explain to ladies the fees gentlemen pay. But it is to their advantage to explain it. When they try to explain the sincerity and quality of the gentlemen, comparing with those from free charge sites, the fees is a strong evidence.

Hi Ronan, yes a lady can see all profiles of the gentlemen who have added her as favorite. And only when you do add her, she will know. By the way, may I ask a question too. Is it an action to refuse receiving admiring letters and another action to hide your profile? Or are they actually one action? Because sometimes we can find a gentleman's profile by search engine but find he refuse receiving admiring letters. I assume when a gentleman hide his profile, we should not be able to find his profile by search engine.

Hi Peter, the amount of red envelope is something you need to discuss privately with your lady. The amount depends on your finance, the culture of her area and her family's expectation from you. In very rich areas such as Shanghai or Shenzhen, or when she comes from a rich family. A request of 20000-30000 is sometimes possible. In a word, it's mainly an issue of "face". But if a woman truly loves you, such as Vince's girl, your love weighs much more than any amount of money.

Hi Rob, personally I think a platform should give a loose and comfortable atmosphere for both sides. Besides compulsory regulations can only be imposed on agencies but not ladies. After all, they are our clients not our employees.