Author Topic: If you need advice and help from an in-service chnlove agency translator  (Read 33129 times)

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Great post Proteus.  It is really good to hear an inside view of how things are working at the other end of things.

Offline Peter

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In my first letter to the Ladies I wrote I stated that I doesn't want to have any babies. From 2 of those women I got the reply that they also didn't want any babies. The Lady I am going to get married to doesn't want any more children and the other women that also doesn't want any children was only 38 and had no children so I think that is a hope for you too.
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Agarn

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Peter,       yes theres always hope.

My profile clearly states no babies in the future etc but it took 12 credits used for this lady to say she wanted a baby, 7 credits for another lady to to say, shame, nice ladies.
Its not just about the money used its about the time lost, time that should be used  talking to someone on the same page.
Still the rods baited and Im fishing again.

Offline Proteus

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Hi Everyone. Something interesting to share today. :blush: I found on a Chinese forum a post about chnlove.

The title asks information about chnlove. The girl who starts this thread said she had three unsuccessful relationships before and want to try her luck abroad. She has heard of the reputation of chnlove and asks for contacts from authorized agencies. I would like to request your attention to 15 and 36 posts. The speakers seem to be professionals in this trade and they gave honest advice and insights to females who are interested in joining . I try to put them into English here.  


Post 15 from ????


International marriage itself is an additional platform for you, neither superor nor inferior to domestic. But their practice requires discussion. Now most international marriage companies have a service patten like this. You pay money, they take care of all the process for you, in one or two years. When your service period expires, no matter you are married or not, the service ends.


Basically your translator takes care of the whole process for you. And major income for translators comes from a fee you pay after you meet foreign men. Therefore a problem emerges. Translators will provide you a very limited number of men to select and urge you not to pay too much time in choosing, in order to reduce her cost of time and begin service for next women. Usually she will tell you to be satisfied to have two men communicating with you and try to grasp the chance in case neither comes. she will also say if you pay too much time on choosing, you will waste your time and money. Actually in such company, the success rate can by no means succeed 40%


But vital problems is this. When you start a relationship with a foreign man, who truly is "in love" with him, is your translator. It's hard for you to develop a genuine feeling with them in communication. Only when you and your foreign BF finally live abroad together, rips will emerge. At that time, you are totally helpless and hopeless. It is wise to find some sites where you can build a real communication with foreign men, or at least learn some English and wisdom of life. Your fate is in your hand but no in some irresponsible translation companies. Weigh yourself! : )

Post 36 from feifei20009


I have worked in this trade for some time and am familiar with many sites of this trade, including chnlove, so I want to say something.

I was in this trade for 2 years so I dare to call myself a professional and I have some opinions to share. Many people hold bias to this trade. They think Chinese women want to marry abroad for a wealthy life or something else. In my opinion, people with such thoughs do not know this trade well. The ladies I met before are mostly from 35 to 50, some with children. In such a reserved and traditional country as China, it is very hard for them to find a suitable man and build a happy family so they look abroad. And for them, children is an important reason to seek a new life abroad too. After all, western countries have a better social benefit system. If we can think about it from the standpoint of ladies, we will understand them. International is nothing special, only one more way, one more platform.


There are a lot of companies involved in this trade in Shenzhen. I know many. Some are responsible and some not. Many companies pursue profits more than ladies welfare. They do not do their work as promised after ladies pay the fee so success rate is low, therefore incur bias and misunderstanding to this trade. But there are indeed some successful companies who are more responsible to their clients and have a high success rate. But on an overall level, this trade is in chaos in Shenzhen.


Chnlove is a platform in this trade. Apart from it, there are many other mature sites too. Chnlove's sucess comes from its profit-making system. This site is not open to women. Ladies can only access to their service from agency office. No fees are required from ladies when they post profiles and send letters to men, but men pay it. And profits come from them.


But chnlove has a big shortcoming. Since chnlove and agency can make profits from foreign men's credits, sometimes they care less about Chinese women's welfare. When a lady confirms a relationship with a man, she will hide or delete her profile from the site, and will reduce the resources for making credits. Therefore many companies try to delay ladies from meeting foreign men or hiding profile. And this makes ladies complain. So you must be careful when you choose a company!


Offline China Shark

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Proteous excellent post. I know firsthand how treacherous some of the Shenzhen agencies can be. I was actually recently approached by a Chinese woman asking me if I knew of some foreign man willing to marry a 30 yr old Chinese woman strictly for the green card. I do believe this is extremely rare yet was shocked and would in no way be a part of this type of thing. It all boils down to that leap of faith
initially. Ultimately the only real test is meeting face to face to ascertain whether any chemistry does exist and if there is a good chance. There is good and bad things in life so one must tread carefully to make thier dream come true. Saying that I've read many guy's exploits after it the chemistry wasn't there that are still not giving up hope because they believe in this thing of our's. I am a perfect example of how things didn't pan out yet I will never give up trying to find my other half here.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline Proteus

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Thank you, Vince and Mike. :icon_biggrin:

A fruitful day today, something more interesting was published by chnlove on their official site for us agencies to read and learn (no open to you). With my estimation, it carries no commercial secret so I would like to share with you. The whole title is about "Feedback from male members who have visited this company". The artical is made up of mainly three questions.
1. what is "Feedback from ...." ?
2. What are current average scores of "F..."?
3. How to improve "F..."?
I'll skip 1 and go directly to 2 and 3.

2 is an image in original form so I will quote their fitures.

male members feel good after meeting females in agency 60%
male members feel good after meeting females privately  30.5%
male members feel bad after meeting females privately 7%
male members feel bad after meeting females in agency  2.5%

Most interesting is answer to question 3 How to improve "F..."?

Here are advice chnlove gives (in Chinese big 5).

1) ???????????????????????

1.) How to deal with M’s disappointment during visiting?

Generally, Ms hold a high expectation for their visit and meeting F. Any details of agency service, including attitude and quality of translation and the whole process of meeting F, may affect M’s impression to agency and even to F.

Therefore, it is necessary to make full preparation before M’s visit. It is advised to arrange the reception according to rituals dna traditionals of the country where M come from, to leave M a relaxing and warm feeling from the very beginning. Meanwhile agency can help M in some daily issues. If so, even M feel bad to F, they will not feel bad for agency. After meeting, translators can humbly ask M to rate their service and give advice. It’s a chance to establish direct communicationg with M.

2) ?????????????????????????

2) How to deal with the difference between F’s real appearance and that in photos?

It is common for everyone to pursue beauty. Most F on chnlove use professional photos. Before meeting, agency staff can guide F to take some professional photos in outdoors. When M accept them, send real life photos. The key is to change gradually from professional photos to more real photos and finally to real life photos. Meanwhile make more effort help M and F to build chemistry in letters, therefore M will change from concentrating F’s outer beauty to inner beauty. Even if there is difference in appearance when they meet, M will gladly accept the truth because he has already accept the truth. So unsatisfactory feedbacks will be less. Meanwhile, do remember to remind F to dress up before meeting. If condition permits, lead F to buy clothes and design hairstyle. Remind them to take care of details such as chewing gum too, in order that F can leave a good first impression to M and avoid making M feel shocked by the difference between real F and photos.

3) ?????????????????????????????????

3) How to deal with F’s ignorance of M’s condition (doubt to authenticity of letters)?

Generally before M’s visit, they will have many letters written with F. Authenticity of letters is always a principle we emphasize. We suggest agency to arrange translators re-read letters with F before meeting take place and help F to take notes about M’s experience, family, work, life, hobbies, and topics that appeared in letters. Knowledge of M will be helpful to their communication in China.

4) ????????????????????????

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b. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
c. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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a. ????????????????????????????????
b. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
c. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

4) What makes M feel bad to fees charges during meeting? What make them misunderstand?

? During visiting, M feel bad toward fees charged for translation, how should agency deal with it?

a. Agency can suggest to arrange booking tickets and hotels for M and inform them the fees agency charge beforehand and let M decide when they can choose. It is recommended for agency to prepare a contract about items, time and fees of service to both sides to confirm and avoid dispution.

b. Before meeting, F can give translator’s phone numbers to M. Or T can give them directly in notes to M in case they need help during meeting.

c. when M get phone number or email of agency, they will usually call T directly. T can tell M the fees in direct communication and try to persuade M to accept. If M accept, T can offer the service. If M do not accept and when F’s English is fair, T can help them to arrange a place to meet by themselves and leave phone number for emergent need. If F’s English is too poor, suggest F and M hire a T by themselves.

? when M don’t understand why agency charges success fee, what should agency do?

a. If M have doubts to success fee or do not understand it, agency needs to explain to them what success fee is.

b. before M and F decide to marry. It is Not recommended for agency to charge success fee from F, or agency and F to charge success fee from M, or F demand success fee from M, otherwise misunderstanding will easily be incurred.

c. if F and M decide to marry. It is F who carry the responsibility to pay the success fee. There is nothing against M’s volunteer willingness to help F but it is not recommended for agency to charge success fee from M or help F to get from M.

5) ????????????????????????????

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5) When M and F encounter obstacles during meeting, what should agency do?

?   after research of the situation where F meet M privately, we suggest T to communicate with F beforehand and inform them the risks and uncertainty during meeting, and cultural differences and other details F should notice during meeting. To show the feature of agency service, agency can give M phone number of the T who take care of correspondence between them, so that when they need, help can be offered immediately. It will be helpful to build M’s trust and confidence to agency.

?   From analysis beforehand, we do not recommend F to meet M privately. It would be better to invite M to agency first and have agency staff arrange the meeting and make sure there is a T during the whole meeting to give M a direct impression of agency’s “hardware” and “software” and enforce M’s trust to agency and to F. And T can help to solve problems during their meeting.

?   If M have complaints to agency’s service during meeting, agency can try their best to satisfy M’s demands to make their meeting go smoothly.


Try to read between lines. Interesting, isn’t it? Still work waiting for me, see you later!

Offline MLM

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Thank you Proteus, this will help alot of newbies and some of the old hands here understand what is going on and what to expect when they arrive in China to meet thier ladies. :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Irishman

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Wow, Proteus, thats a really interesting post, thank you.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Agarn

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Interesting post, please keep them up,  looking forward to the next.


Offline China Shark

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You new guys have no idea how good you have it now. Second week in country my girl and I almost split up over this success meeting garbage fee. I was asked by my girl and her agency to fork over 50,000 rmbs prior to us getting married. I had no idea of what was going on and was livid, my girl stopped contacting the agency altogether after that. The agency and translators were in cahoots to keep me far away from the agency after I repeatedly asked my girl for the address and phone number because we were going to pay them a visit. A lot of the stuff from Proteous'es last post sounds like to they are starting to acknowledge our legitimate gripes after all. I suspect that this forum has made it much harder for the underhanded agencies as well as the crooked translators to grift us like they once were. If I had to do it over again with this kind of knowledge I'de be quite richer and much wiser. Our solidarity and sharing of the info is strengthing the brotherhood. Thanx to all that are making this thing of our's great.
China Shark Mike
Living life the way it should be. Following the path less traveled!!!!!!!!!

Offline MLM

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CSMike, the more members and information about the angencies we have the stronger we become, for example, I belong to another group and together we have made a small change in the way things are done at the Visa interview in Goungzhou, nothing big but for us it meant alot, lets just say in no longer takes 18 months to find out why a blue or white slip, anyway, now you see that with info and large membership anything is possible.
Thanks again Proteus.

Offline Proteus

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Hi Everyone, here I would like to share my thoughts from the chnlove announcement.

Before the topic starts I have some comments on David's revoked membership. I am not sure how many of you who are already married through cl still have your profiles and your chinese wives' left on it. In our agency, when a lady gets married or starts applying a fiance visa, her profile will be canceled from cl. This cancellation is surely justified. cl is a site for people seek marriage therefore not suitable for married people to remain there. If we take the case to extreme, remained profile could possiblity be the root of extramarital affairs. Since a male has freer rights than female, which means when a female hides her profile she cannot send admirer letters to contact males but when a male hides his profile he will not receive admirer letters but can still send any letters to any females if he would like. So cancellation of profile will be a gesture of commitment. In our agency, after marriage we will check if the lady's husband has cancelled his profile and give information and advice to lady. She will choose whether to ask her husband to cancel it depending on their mutual-trust. About your letters, a translator is only accessible to letters in the latest three months. But an agency manager have the right to get any letters the agency has processed.

Now back to our major topic. I though hard yesterday and last night to summarize my thoughs into some keywords. Now I have three "tricky" "submissive" and "business".

Surely we have nothing against winning a person's heart with a true heart and some additional techniques. But if the true heart is substutited by techniques to a large extent or totally, love becomes a business. To help the lady dress up a little, well, acceptable. To help her review letters and make notes of the letters, preparation for an exam? To arrange them meet in an agency with company and help of translators and maybe a lot audience, wait a minute, is it a date or an interview?

From the implication I sensed in the anouncement, cl wants to have agencies as well as ladies at their mercy to please male members. Agencies could be submissive to them because of cl's larger market power, but not the ladies. Forgive my boldness and honesty, there are already a lot cl regulations showing favoritism to male members. Now we have this Feedback system. But what if a lady is done wrong to?

All the advice cl gives to agencies requires labor to carry out, how can the labor be paid? Success fee! Now I'll defend success fee a little. What makes an agency's major revenue? Service fee from ladies (here I exclude the possibility of some rotten agencies who make money only by posting fakes ladies and winning credits). Some agencies charge a large amount of fee wholy before ladies joinning and provide a period of service such as one or two years. Some agencies divide the fees into some parts which are paid before joining, after meeting and after marriage. Surely fees are to be paid. What will be ladies' favorite choice? Try to weigh from their standpoint, surely paying after marriage. First, their service has a visible result, second they will possibily have some help from husband. So in most cases, a lady's success fee is made up of parts paid before joining and after marriage. An agency accept payment of success fee after marriage is indeed a very responsible agency. A lot of agencies, in fear of the uncertainty of this business, manage to persuade ladies pay success fee immediately after meeting. It's a little tricky. From the mechanism of servie fee, I think now you understand a lady does not pay according to the amount of translation work agency does for her. She never cares how many letters are translated. She cares only a result!

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Proteus I understand what you are saying.But the agency fees are not consistant.Neither are the contracts.For example.One of our members here payed 300.00 Canadian dollers for the success fee.The Agency is a good agency in Guanzghou.The translater went above and beyond.To help the member and his wife  have success.

The agency in Zhuhai my wife was registerd with wanted  the equivelant of  2,000.00  American dollers for the success fee.The translater wanted 300 RMB a day to translate.Even if he only came to lunch.And halfe the time his english was so bad I couldn't understand him.So I told him he did not need to translate for us.

When I send the paperwork for my wife to apply for the visa.The agency boss told me that they would help my wife fill out the paperwork.They had the paperwork a weak and didn't help her.They finnally give my wife the paperwork.And I help her fill it out over the computer.

I payed the agency the meeting fee.But I would not pay the Success fee.Because it was to much money.The translater was bad.The letters he was sending me that were supposed to be be from my wife.Were his own words.And the letters read like a low budget porno Magazine.When I seen the translater again I asked him about the letters.He ran off down the street calling me bad names in Chinese

Now I realize that you are a translater and you do not make policy for the different agencies.But I think Chnlove needs to step in and regulate theese different agencies.Theese bad agencies are destroying the buissness that Chnlove is trying to build up.If you doubt my words look at pfishy they say some really bad things there about the agencies and Chnlove.Vince has the correct web address.If you want to take a look.

I have another question for you.I heard that it is against Chinese law for the different agencies to introduce a foriegn man to a Chinese women.Unless the Agencies have a liscence from the Chinese goverment that says they can introduce foreign men to a Chinese women.What I want to know is this true or false? If it is true how many of the Agencies do you think really have the Liscence?

Proteus keep up the good work I enjoy these posts.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 01:17:50 am by maxx »

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Bravo Maxx that is what I like to hear. Hard questions getting asked. To be honest I do not agree with the meeting fee for the simple fact if I forked over the 50,000 rmbs I'de be out $7,000 and not anything to show for it. 90% of what was translated was not her words or feeling and in no way was any part of her profile accurate. We split up because of differences yet not cultural differences. I have no hard feelings towards the agency yet if they played square with me I'de probably be married and enjoying my newfound family. Yes, the favoritism is leaning towards the men yet we are the ones really taking the monetary hit for the most part. I feel for the women yet they do not travel half across the world or really jump through the hoops the guys go through. If the agencies would start getting ousted from Chnlove because of improper business practices you'de be amazed how fast they would start to straighten up. Some money is better than no money. This forum is making an impact that is why Proteous is here and quite a few others. Whatever the reasons I am okay as long as our issues are addressed in a serious fashion and not like the redundant form letters Chnlove is so famous for sending in reply to complaints. With that being said I think Proteous is making an excellent contribution to our humble forum.
China Shark Mike
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This is good information that men need to understand. These ladies are the ones who are in the least advantageous position. They're truely at the mercy of the agency.

In my wifes case, she paid 10,000 rmb to sign and was hit up for the 50,000 success fee even before I arrived. Now take into consideration that our plan was to go from the airport to the registry on the very day I arrived so I'm not really sure how I feel about her being hit up for this fee even before it had happend. It all did happen as planned so I can't complain too much but she had to hustle fast to get the money and thankfully her mother came through for her and paid the success fee.

Recently I sent the information form from my lawyer to her and she told me our translator wanted 5000 rmb to fill it out. That's freakin rediculous and I told my wife it was unreasonable and to use her 17yr old neice who has very good english skills. It only goes to show how these wonderful ladies are the ones who are truely at the mercy of the agencies.

Thanks for the great posts Proteus. You add much value to this forum.
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china