Thank you, Vince and Mike. :icon_biggrin:
A fruitful day today, something more interesting was published by chnlove on their official site for us agencies to read and learn (no open to you). With my estimation, it carries no commercial secret so I would like to share with you. The whole title is about "Feedback from male members who have visited this company". The artical is made up of mainly three questions.
1. what is "Feedback from ...." ?
2. What are current average scores of "F..."?
3. How to improve "F..."?
I'll skip 1 and go directly to 2 and 3.
2 is an image in original form so I will quote their fitures.
male members feel good after meeting females in agency 60%
male members feel good after meeting females privately 30.5%
male members feel bad after meeting females privately 7%
male members feel bad after meeting females in agency 2.5%
Most interesting is answer to question 3 How to improve "F..."?
Here are advice chnlove gives (in Chinese big 5).


1.) How to deal with M’s disappointment during visiting?
Generally, Ms hold a high expectation for their visit and meeting F. Any details of agency service, including attitude and quality of translation and the whole process of meeting F, may affect M’s impression to agency and even to F.
Therefore, it is necessary to make full preparation before M’s visit. It is advised to arrange the reception according to rituals dna traditionals of the country where M come from, to leave M a relaxing and warm feeling from the very beginning. Meanwhile agency can help M in some daily issues. If so, even M feel bad to F, they will not feel bad for agency. After meeting, translators can humbly ask M to rate their service and give advice. It’s a chance to establish direct communicationg with M.


2) How to deal with the difference between F’s real appearance and that in photos?
It is common for everyone to pursue beauty. Most F on chnlove use professional photos. Before meeting, agency staff can guide F to take some professional photos in outdoors. When M accept them, send real life photos. The key is to change gradually from professional photos to more real photos and finally to real life photos. Meanwhile make more effort help M and F to build chemistry in letters, therefore M will change from concentrating F’s outer beauty to inner beauty. Even if there is difference in appearance when they meet, M will gladly accept the truth because he has already accept the truth. So unsatisfactory feedbacks will be less. Meanwhile, do remember to remind F to dress up before meeting. If condition permits, lead F to buy clothes and design hairstyle. Remind them to take care of details such as chewing gum too, in order that F can leave a good first impression to M and avoid making M feel shocked by the difference between real F and photos.

3) How to deal with F’s ignorance of M’s condition (doubt to authenticity of letters)?
Generally before M’s visit, they will have many letters written with F. Authenticity of letters is always a principle we emphasize. We suggest agency to arrange translators re-read letters with F before meeting take place and help F to take notes about M’s experience, family, work, life, hobbies, and topics that appeared in letters. Knowledge of M will be helpful to their communication in China.








4) What makes M feel bad to fees charges during meeting? What make them misunderstand?
? During visiting, M feel bad toward fees charged for translation, how should agency deal with it?
a. Agency can suggest to arrange booking tickets and hotels for M and inform them the fees agency charge beforehand and let M decide when they can choose. It is recommended for agency to prepare a contract about items, time and fees of service to both sides to confirm and avoid dispution.
b. Before meeting, F can give translator’s phone numbers to M. Or T can give them directly in notes to M in case they need help during meeting.
c. when M get phone number or email of agency, they will usually call T directly. T can tell M the fees in direct communication and try to persuade M to accept. If M accept, T can offer the service. If M do not accept and when F’s English is fair, T can help them to arrange a place to meet by themselves and leave phone number for emergent need. If F’s English is too poor, suggest F and M hire a T by themselves.
? when M don’t understand why agency charges success fee, what should agency do?
a. If M have doubts to success fee or do not understand it, agency needs to explain to them what success fee is.
b. before M and F decide to marry. It is Not recommended for agency to charge success fee from F, or agency and F to charge success fee from M, or F demand success fee from M, otherwise misunderstanding will easily be incurred.
c. if F and M decide to marry. It is F who carry the responsibility to pay the success fee. There is nothing against M’s volunteer willingness to help F but it is not recommended for agency to charge success fee from M or help F to get from M.




5) When M and F encounter obstacles during meeting, what should agency do?
? after research of the situation where F meet M privately, we suggest T to communicate with F beforehand and inform them the risks and uncertainty during meeting, and cultural differences and other details F should notice during meeting. To show the feature of agency service, agency can give M phone number of the T who take care of correspondence between them, so that when they need, help can be offered immediately. It will be helpful to build M’s trust and confidence to agency.
? From analysis beforehand, we do not recommend F to meet M privately. It would be better to invite M to agency first and have agency staff arrange the meeting and make sure there is a T during the whole meeting to give M a direct impression of agency’s “hardware” and “software” and enforce M’s trust to agency and to F. And T can help to solve problems during their meeting.
? If M have complaints to agency’s service during meeting, agency can try their best to satisfy M’s demands to make their meeting go smoothly.
Try to read between lines. Interesting, isn’t it? Still work waiting for me, see you later!