Author Topic: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .  (Read 12980 times)

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Offline mustfocus

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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2011, 07:59:37 am »

One thing about wrapping... don't wrap anything until you arrive in China.  Especially coming from a "Western" nation.  Airport security has a habit of peeking under the wrapper and ruining a perfectly good wrapping job.  There have been multiple complaints on this front...
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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in 4 weeks
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2011, 06:34:50 am »
Bring a picture book (ie:tourist book) from your own country that has chinese script in it. Most airport book stores cater to tourists and should have it. Also some small native art such as wind chimes as a good choice. I remember bringing some native Indian dream catchers as gifts and explaining the meaning behind them.

You cant go wrong with Chanel # 5 or Coco.

About vaccines. I took everything the local health department recommended for travel to Asia, which turned out to be less than ten.
Hepatitis A/B you will need to hurry because you will need two Hep B shots. Tetanus, polio, small pox, malaria and Japanese encephalitis.  Mosquito born deseases.
I only took one Japanese encephalitis shot as the first one gave me a terrible headache.

Also get some travel health insurance. Your young and healthy I suppose but you can still trip and break something.

BTW. lovely girl. I also met Fiona on Chineselovelinks.
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Offline seagull

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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2011, 11:51:48 am »
Hi everyone.

Tonight is my last night sleeping in my own bed for the next 10 or so days. Tomorrow night I am leaving for China (my city is in the same timezone as China), and I arrive in Chengdu on Sunday around 1 pm.

I received a lot of excellent gift suggestions from you guys and in the end for the main gift I got something similar to David E's suggestion (a silver necklace with an opal being held by a koala).  As I don't know the lady that well, I did not want to risk getting something too personal, so thought I'd get something more generic but still a little relevant to us. But thank you everyone for the great ideas which helped me to reach this point.

I am starting to get a little bit nervous, especially when thinking about getting off the plane and walking into the arrivals area of Chengdu airport where I will have to try and spot her in the crowd and see her for the first time! My main concern is the same as I described earlier in the thread, rushing here to see someone who although is nice, I still do not feel I know too well. But overall, I am quite happy. That's the whole point of the trip to get to know each other, and no one ever goes on a trip like this without having some concerns. I guess mine are minimal compared to some of the issues others have had to deal with (e.g. no translators, no agencies, no doctored photos, etc. as I met her on CLL rather than Chn Love). My internet access in China may be limited, so will post a report when I come back. Thanks again everyone for your help and advice.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 11:54:47 am by seagull »

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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2011, 07:06:41 pm »
Good luck Seagull , have a safe trip , and don't worry about the airport ha ha , you can bet she will spot you way before you spot her , has to do with you being the only Whitey on the plane , make sure you have a biro with you on the plane to fill out forms , and enjoy the Middle Kingdom , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2011, 07:11:05 pm »
Seagull, I've done that twice.  Two times I've gotten into china to meet someone I had never met.  The first time in the Zhongshan ferry terminal.  I left from Hong Kong where everyone spoke some English to China where nobody spoke a word of English.  The second time in the Xiamen airport.  It is a little intimidating at first, but a friendly smile and an open mind will get you quite far. 

I didn't know either of these women very well.  The first was through Chnlove, I had only seen her photos and one webcam session.  The second was through qq, but I never got to see her more than twice.  Treat her well and trust her judgement and you will be fine.  She's very brave to meet you at the airport. 

Good luck, I can't wait to read all about your trip.  I'm very excited for you. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2011, 07:11:56 pm »

Best wishes from a fellow Sandgroper !!!

I can easily imagine in my mind the fun you will have at Chengdu Airport.......done that many times now  ;D ;D

Dont even worry about finding her in the crowd...just stand still and let her find you !!!

And dont forget that there are 2 exit doors at the International arrivals.........I waited patiently for 30 minutes, getting more and more worried on my first trip...only to find that Ming was waiting at the other door. Luckily, she finally realised what was the problem and came hot-footing to the other door !!!

Have a great trip...hope all turns out as well as you wish



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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2011, 07:44:07 pm »
Yes .. good luck Seagull and like other's have mentioned , can't wait to hear how the arrival / meeting went down . Have a good Flight and may it continue through your stay .

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: I'm going to Chengdu in one month or less .
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2011, 08:21:40 pm »
Good luck mate. Hope you have a great time :D
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