Author Topic: [split]  (Read 4768 times)

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Offline jeffm

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RE: [split]
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2009, 11:32:07 am »
I met a nice intelligent Philippine girl while at a starbucks in Shenzhen in August.  She walked in with her laptop and sat down.  I couldn’t resist, and had to talk to her.  Spoke nice clean English and is a teacher in Zhuhai teaching no less English.  We’ve been talking ever since.  Just at a friend stage, but it’s funny I go to China to meet a Chinese girl, and I meet a really nice Philippine girl.  Go figure. It was nice though to sit down with someone and not struggle with communicating.  It was like talking to someone from the U.S..
Watch what people do not what they say


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RE: [split]
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2009, 09:43:08 pm »
Hey, Keeping with the thread, I have found a very interesting thing on blossoms last night.  As some of you older Brothers may remember I had a lady over in China name of Ping.  After about 6 months of recieving EMS from her, trying to call, trying to find out her address (they never gave it to me) and after A time, I came to believe there was no ping, only an unscruples translator who was just using me for my money. I checked with her agency, Chn investagated and looked for her and it was like she was swallowed up and gone.

Now I'm checking out blossoms last night to see how many smiles I have recived (and i get plenty) and who do I get a smile from;
PING of all people.  The pictures are not hard to see its her, however this time she has a kid, instead of being 40 she is 53 and god where have the years gone? and last time she was an accountant, now she does somthing totally different.  But apparently still in China.

I think the pictures of her were faked and it's the translators mother or somthing, anyway, the same translator is working her agian, so beware of any girl named PING, cost a bundle to emf her and phone her, so I learned the hard way and thought I'd warn the bro's before someone else falls into that trap.

Offline mustfocus

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RE: [split]
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2009, 10:14:11 pm »
Something that I've been doing, and I suggest others do is your due diligence...what that means is that if you have a membership to multiple sites, see if you can find your prospect on other sites other than blossoms or chnlove.  I've found several are on other sites and when you compare the data, it doesn't match.  Age difference of one year is fine (based on how chnlove and other sites calculate age), but I've seen cities that are different, height swings of 6 inches, english proficiencies ranging from some (on chnlove) all the way up to very good (on other sites).  Really the best thing is tot take everything with a grain of salt until you've met that person (cam is a better indication but the real deal is the only way to be certain)...

It's a shame that the world has come down to this...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: [split]
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2009, 11:24:30 pm »
what would be the objective on blossoms for ping???
try and get you to send money?

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: [split]
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2009, 11:30:56 pm »
learning for the person behind PING so that PING can PING more EMFs on CHNLOVE?


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RE: [split]
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2009, 02:47:59 am »
I don't believe that ping exsisted, as the emf's were returned almost the same day, I'm thinking red flag and it was an interperter
that was milking me for money.  I think I still have a picture at home that I can compaire to it, but I have seen ping many times as I used to stare at her picture like many of you do with your lady's.  Just funny to see her agian after she disapeared.  I'm thinking its the same interpeter working a different system.

By the way, I was in Subic Bay in the late sixty's so It has changed since then.  I was a navy town then so I could have the wrong idea, but never traveled much there.


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RE: [split]
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2009, 04:54:41 am »

With Pink being on Blossoms now you can try to persuade her to do a web cam and then you can find out if she is real or not.  The beautiful thing about her being on blossoms is that your attempts will not cost you money other than the monthly fee.  Continue with her or don't continue does not really matter.  You know that you tried.  If you discover she is real through web cam and decide to not continue you have at least resolved that issue.  I still would like to get in touch and find out of Pinky was real. She pops up in my mind quite often even though I ams sure that most of the EMF's were the translator.



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RE: [split]
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2009, 10:45:25 am »
Oh sure, now that I have discovered web cams and QQ this comes up...ha ha ha, I never thought about that...but hey wouldn't help,
as she don't speak a word of english thats why we needed interpeters.  With my luck, probably end up with the same interpeters....LOL
Time to move on.....not worth beating a dead dog... (unless he's tough and stringy)... LOL