All About China > Understanding Chinese Women

Chinese woman and honesty

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I was chatting with my girlfriend last night.  I can't remember what led me to say this to her but I said "there is a saying in North America, a women must be good in either the kitchen or the bed to keep her man happy".  She responded with "Alan, I must be honest with you, I'm not a good cook   ;D" 

Don't you just love the honesty of Chinese women!

yes, your lady is honest. some chinese ladies couldn't cook well because thier mom or sister cook for the whole family in china. some chinese wife needn't cook too for the family because their husband cook. but i enjoy cooking everything.  :P

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: sara on January 09, 2011, 08:45:54 pm ---yes, your lady is honest. some chinese ladies couldn't cook well because thier mom or sister cook for the whole family in china. some chinese wife needn't cook too for the family because their husband cook. but i enjoy cooking everything.  :P

--- End quote ---

You missed the point. What Alan was saying was that she said in a roundabout way that she was good in bed.


I'd take the bad cook any day :D eating out is cheaper than sleeping out :D

I was married to a wonderful lady that was not the best cook in the world.  I was a very happy guy!


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