Author Topic: Chinese Mothers / Parents  (Read 3708 times)

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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Chinese Mothers / Parents
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2011, 11:33:20 pm »
Thank you Zhuzhu , for that great insight into your upbringing , this I will show to my Lao po tonight along with her daughter , and I will see what their comments will be as daughter Sun Yao is entering her 11 th year of schooling now she is here in Melbourne , Australia .
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Chinese Mothers / Parents
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2011, 05:59:25 am »
From reading through all of this besides being strict I think the underlying outcome in all of this is for the child to have a better life than the parent did.  Maybe the wrong way to go about it in some instances, but who does not want their child to have better than they did?  I am not talking about spoiling the child with things missing from the parent childhood, but it could be something as simple as being able to read and write.

When Xia and I have kids they will be encouraged to excel in the things they are good at whether that be sports or academia or music is of no real concern.  However being able to read write and do simple maths is a minimum and if they have to be pushed to accomplish this then so be it but in an open encouraged environment.

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Offline halfpint

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Re: Chinese Mothers / Parents
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2011, 11:24:28 pm »
Zhuzhu the story you share is a good lesson and one that is applicable to any country I think.  For most people. a good education is the route to a better life.  As my two older girls were growing up we also talked to them about "when they go to university".  We never said "if".  In our girls minds, there was never any other option, they grew up believing this was what you did.  As they got older, they understood you needed t good grades to get to university, so they always studied hard.  We never had to push them, they just believed that's what you do.  My oldest is now in 2nd year university and loving it.  My middle daughter has already started to the application process to the same university.

Now if I can only accomplish the same with my youngest girl, I'll be very happy.  Not as easy without mom around, she did a lot to help my two older girls, but I'm hoping.
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not