I have encountered this problem of stubborn parents.

The main thing is 'TRYING' TO GET THEN WITH A 'face to face' meeting. Fortunetly for me, Sophie 'MANAGED' to get this done for me/us.
What I done and it probably is not the same type of thing, in that her mother was more concerned about 'my height'. BUT, I spoke with her MOTHER about us, asking Sophie to TRANSLATE...EVERYTHING I SAID, (word for word).
I explained all about me, my children, my life before meeting Sophie. (Making sure I called Sophie by her 'proper name), also explained to the mother what I truly felt about her daughter, and the hopes and dreams that I hoped to carry out, as a husband to her daughter, and of course Sophies hopes and dreams concerning us.
More inportantly...I LOOKED the mother straight in the eyes, and explained my financial position etc.
The 'CLICHER' so to speak was, that I said to her...
"I am also a parent, and I love my children very much. I WOULD do anything in my power to protect them. Like you, if I was in the same position, I WOULD FEEL THE WAY YOU DO. Online dating is not the usual way of finding a husband or wife, but in this day and age - it is...Times change and as parents we must also change with the times".
I then told Sophie to tell her mother "If she wanted to ask me any question, I would answer truthfully, and she would know if I was telling the truth, all she had to do was look into my eyes, and she would know"
This must have worked for me, because she then agreed to let us marry...Unfortunetly, it did not work out at the time, well you probably know the story. Anyway, hope this helps in some small way...