Author Topic: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.  (Read 4721 times)

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Offline cropduster69

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ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« on: January 17, 2011, 08:16:08 am »
Hey guys,

Like most here, I too, have good and bad experiences with agencies with chnlove. Presently, now communicating with a lady up through about 15 emf. have yet to really get any "red flag" warnings, but at the same time, I have not dealt with this particular agency before. Anyone have any "experiences" with this agency, ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd. P346? Just as an addition to anyone reading, I have been to China 3 times in the last 4 years. Have only visited one agency which was in Urumqi, China, and must say that I was very happy with them and trust them completely. At no time, did they attempt to obtain any monies from me, and even though it did not work out with the lady I went to see, they were and still are very good friends.

Offline Pineau

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2011, 10:13:59 am »

I spent 6 months and over $1000 communicating and sending love letters to the translator. They fabricate stories, they send you fake photos, and get you hooked to keep the EMF dollars coming. They are very good at toying with you and pulling your heart strings and making you fall for a fictitious woman.

The woman probably really does exist but she is neither writing you letters or reading what you have written to her. She has signed a contract to pay an enormous amount of money to the agency once they deliver her husband (you).

The photos that you have see of her are most likely been photoshoped to the point you would not recognize her from her photos. Each new set of photos will look different from the last and eventually they will morph into something that somewhat resembles what she actually looks like. (look for a thread here called confirmed case of photo fraud.)

I was disappointed , angry and heartbroken. I rember anouncing on this forum how I had found my soul mate and was ready to run to China and marry her. How very, very foolish I felt when I finally figured out the deception.

I would be very cautious of this agency. DEMAND , her phone number, DEMAND, her email and qq address. DEMAND to get her into a video chat on QQ as soon as possible. If she refuses or comes up with lame excuses then break it off now and save your money for a really sincere person. 

Although some guys have been lucky, I think Chnlove is the worst place to find a mate. I had much better luck when I walked away and joined blossoms, China love match and china love links. Seriously chnlove is infiltrated with scoundrels and they are complacent about policing their member agencies.

Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2011, 11:13:21 am »
thanks Pineau, thanks for your info and past experience, although be it seemingly bad. Yes, I know of the "possibilities" with these "agencies", for sadly, I am no stranger to chnlove. Only with this last letter, did any type of "red flag" jump out at me. After this, I was attempting to do some internet research on this particular agency and this is when I came across this site for info. A good site I might add. At least here, I can feel a little more "at ease" when it comes to honesty. Yes, I am going for the "need direct contact" with the next letter. We will see and I will let you know. Again, many thanks to your very much valued input.

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2011, 12:02:11 pm »
Cropduster,  I am not familiar with this agency but Gerry mentioned 3 sites.  If you find out that you are talking to a translator then you might investigate these.

Keep in mind that most all of the Agencies in China use these sites too.  You will see the same women on two or three different sites.  The unique thing about these other sites is that you can find women to talk to. The one I used is Several of us found success there but you have to be very careful.  I'll give you a few pointers to use blossoms then if the others want to chime in with their discoveries they can.

1.  Block the Philippines.  -  If you do not you will get tons of smile and emails from women ranging from 18 up to... well I think I remember getting one from a woman in her 70's.  Also while you are doing research they will want to talk. It doesn't end them asking to talk but it really cuts it down.

2.  Choose several women to watch and talk to.  (I think I initially chose 10 then later after eliminating a few chose a few more.)

3.  Talk to them and watch their habits.  I mean on-line chat on the site. You can tell when they are on-line.  Keep track of the days and hours they are on-line.  If the are on-line from (China time) 7:00am to about 12:00pm, Monday - Friday only and never on a Chinese holiday then you have an agency.  Keep a chart on them.

3a.  If they won't chat with you then they are more than likely an agency.  If they will type back and forth and it takes time for their reply then their English is not good.  But get them to chat so that you can hear their voice.

4.  If they do not have any real photos to put on the site then chances are very good you have an Agency.

That is all I can remember right now but I know there are more.

With my future wife Peggy she was and is not with an agency.  She set this all up with the assistance of her sister who is married and lives in the US.  Every one of her photos are natural.  They were taken just outside the door of her apartment in the hallway.  She was willing to talk even though her English was not very good.  We worked through it and one year, four months later we have good conversations.

There are so many alternatives out there to compete with chnlove that you do not have to worry.  I am helping two women right now look for an American husband.  One is unbelievably beautiful and has become a good friend and has very good English.  Other men on this site know a few too.  It kind of goes with the territory.

Interested? Send me a PM and we can talk about her.

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2011, 01:48:07 pm »
Hey shaun,

Outstanding information, especially since I am so bad to let myself get "tunnel vision". Thanks so much for your time here and I will talk with you via PM.


Offline halfpint

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2011, 11:32:52 pm »

I used  I'd gone on it last year, not to meet anyone, I just needed a "social life" so I went on it to chat with people.  You do get a lot of messages from young ladies from the Philippines.  The scary thing is there are 20 year old Philippine girls that would be quite happy marrying a 50 year old guy from the west.  I chatted for about 3 months then got tired of it and left the site.    I went back on this summer, I was bored.  Within a few days I'd met a wonderful lady in China that I have visited, soon she will come and visit me.

I'm guessing my 3 months of chatting earlier made it much easier for me to find someone quickly.  As soon as I met her, I went off the site and focused all my time on her.  I doubt I would have done that if I had met her the 1st time I was on the site.  I was having too much fun chatting with lots of ladies from lots of countries.

Take a look at a few sites, pick one or two that you think you would like and give it a try.  In my view, you wont need a site like chnlove.  I wish Pineau would say what he really thinks, sometimes he holds back  ;D
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 11:36:12 pm by halfpint »
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline Pineau

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2011, 06:26:08 am »
I am holding back !. I have ranted and raved enough about chnlove and this particular can find my rants in several threads here.  But I forgive them  NOT...
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2011, 09:44:02 pm »
I did see read them.  I'm glad I didn't have to go through that kind of experience.  Hopefully your comments will help some others.
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline cropduster69

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2011, 05:34:26 pm »
Hey guys,

This is just to give an update as to my situation, after having received such sound advice here, I did send the latest letter to this agency and to make a semi long story short, I was "demanding", politely I might add, to have any type of direct contact with her. As was expected by all I think, the reply was received and mostly telling me how I did not trust her and how "our future" was now up to me. hehe Not once, not one word was said about any type of "direct contact" and I had written a very long paragraph about this,  oh well, needless to say, I am DONE with chnlove!!!

as Don Imus would say, " and the search CONTINUES"..

my heartfelt and deepest gratitude to each of you, it really  means a lot to me.......................



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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2011, 06:07:56 pm »
Michael , sorry to hear that .. but why give up so fast ? That mishap does not mean all their Agency's are bad . 15 EMF's is after all not a very big loss , just think of it as a bad Date . I can't really say anything bad about Chnlove , as I have never incountered any problems at all . I know other's are also tired of this Co. , but are other's really 100% thruthful ? I don't think so , as Money is the Evil that changes People and mostly NOT for the better .
Anyway , better Luck next time .. if you decide there will be a n... .

Offline Pineau

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2011, 06:22:59 am »
You really think the women don't know? The one in Shenyang that was responsible for my $1000 loss definitely knew. I met with her for a day and had a long discussion on how the agency works and the services they provide for the ladies. The ladies are asked to step aside and keep quiet while the agency "works" the customer. They may not participate but they know what is going on.   I also have first hand knowledge from  a woman that  worked for an agency in Guangzhou. I cant say all of them know but many do.
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

Offline shaun

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Re: ChangChun LiRen Information Inquiry Service Ltd.
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2011, 10:16:33 am »
Arnold, you know I am happy that chnlove worked for you and a small handful of others but realize that it didn't work for most of us.  You said maybe we didn't tell things truthfully.  My friend that is conjecture.  Why would you think that those of us who didn't have success are not being truthful with what we say?

You made the statement that it only costs .15 per letter; try $1.00.   How do I come up with that?  It cost me $0.50 to send a letter and $0.50 to get one back so one conversation cost me $1.00.

Finally to say that we are driven the evil of money.  :o  I really don't understand that one.  I have a problem with people taking my money and lying to me.  That isn't the evil of money.  I think leaving chnlove and finding another option is responsibility.

I really hope you didn't mean to say all of this.  I am hoping that you meant it the other way that the truthfulness and evil of money was directed toward the agencies rather than those of us who didn't have success.