Thank you Ron. I can see your a man after my own heart. Despite two languages Canada are still part of the British Commonwealth. But I hear an American gallon is smaller than a UK One. Can that be possible something smaller in the land where every is bigger?
It looks like I am up to my old tricks again - hijacking threads. But then I come from a long line of highwaymen. My sister is still one - she is a parking meter attendant in London. No bigger highwaymen than that.
Willy see it is already working.We will have you speaking proper English in no time.I don't think you will have to fly all the way to the States.You seem to be doing very good learning English.So you will not have to make the dreadful flight.And you won't have to go to Las Vegas.And put up with all the noise.And the flashing lights.We have learned with are other students.That the noise and the flashing lights.Really hampers thiere learning ability.So we don't take are students to Las Vegas anymore.
What I can do for you is send you a bunch of English tests.So that we can really evaluate where your English level is.And I can also send you the bill.For my services
Right, you two...I have had enough of this mangling of the Queen's English. I am going to take my life into my hands and translate BOTH of your comments into correct, grammatical English.
No doubt you will all start throwing stones at me....let the battle commence

Willy :
Thank you Ron, I can see
you are a Man after my own heart. Despite having two languages,
(never begin a sentence with "and or but")Canada is still a part of the British Commonwealth.
I hear an American Gallon is smaller than
an ( cannot use "a" before a vowel......this sounds cumbersome but is grammatically correct) UK Gallon. Can
"it" (IT refers to a specific comparator,"that" refers to a general comparator) be possible, something smaller in the Land where everything is bigger ?
It looks like I am up to my old tricks again - highjacking threads. However, I come from a long line of Highwaymen. My Sister is one, being a parking meter attendant in London.There are no bigger Highwaymen than that.
Willy, you see, it is already working.
(always a space after a full stop) We will have you speaking proper English in no time. I don't think you will need to fly all the way to the States. You appear to be doing well with your English learning, so you will not need to make this dreadful flight. (
fragmented sentences...revise), neither will you need to go to Las Vegas and put up with all the lights and the flashing lights.
New paragraph...change in story)This really hampers one's
( If using "their"( not theire), need to refer to "they" specifically. "one's" refers to the undeterminate principal") learning ability. That is why we do not take students to Las Vegas any longer.
What I can do is to send you a bunch ?
(probably "bunch" is incorrect collective noun for tests) so that we can evaluate your level of English comprehension
(cannot end sentence with a preposition). I will also send you a bill for my services (
one sentence, full stop and Capital not needed half way into the sentence)Hahahaha...David