Hi guys, just a quick update to let you know that I am still alive and enjoying every minute with my LAO PO in China. I know that I have been very slack updating this trip, but I am sorry to say that she far out weighs anyone on here. So I will provide a brief update of the trip to this point.
Left Sydney and the weather was warm about 28-30 degrees Celsius. Just nice and comfortable and upon arrival in Hong Kong it felt like the temp was about -30 although it was about 12-15. Very cold for me anyway. Off on the mini van to Shenzhen and to the Holiday Inn Hotel with mum to meet Xia.
After they met it was almost like I was the 3rd wheel. Insuperable, mum and Xia did everything together and I was the bag holder, picture taker and general hand for them both whilst they did some shopping and looked around.
Then after a day or two we went to Guangzhou and got the final piece of the puzzle a Stat Declaration saying I was free to marry and then to Huizhou and we finally got married on the 16 February 2011.
Then we went back to Hong Kong for the weekend with mum before she flew out to return to Australia. What a first week this was and a happy man at the end.
Back to Shenzhen after another day in HK and Xia and I started going through the mountain of paperwork required to be able to put in for her permanent residency visa and tourist visa. Thank God for Starbucks Coffee and their free wi-fi we were able to complete the whole lot of paperwork minus her passport details. Still awaiting them to get back to us with the new passport, hopefully tomorrow or Monday. Once this is received off to Guangzhou and the embassy to submit every thing and every piece of paper we have. They can decide if they want it or not, but they can never say we did not give them anything about our relationship!
After all of this was completed we decided we needed a holiday so off to Beijing for 5 days, Xian (where I am writing this) for 3 days and then to Xia's home town of Cheng Gu for the weekend and then back to Shenzhen with my new mother in law in tow, she is a little over bearing but we get on fine enough. I will give a complete update on all of Beijing and Xian when I get back home in 15 days time. Boy where did the time go? I have been here over a month already and it still feels like I have only been away a week!
I have so much to add about the trip, but the most important thing to come out of it is IT DID HAPPEN THIS TIME.....

Take care everyone I will post pictures and a more comprehensive story when I return to Sydney in about 15 days time........hopefully Xia will be with me with her tourist visa so we can start to establish our family home.
Cheers Jason in Xian.