Author Topic: my final strive to happinees  (Read 6323 times)

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Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2011, 05:59:49 am »
well the time as come, the day is almost over nothing more to do than pack that dam case :(
my time in Chengdu as been something very special
my strive for happiness as succeeded now it is time to live my dream
yes my dream will continue till the day i die i have  my beautiful Sophia
as the clock comes around to 6.45pm  i am left with a wonderful feeling of being very special
by a very special women  when we try to define our Chinese wife's it is near impossible to find the words
one thing is we no we are special to that one person  and we can only feel this way because of our wife's
the rain is coming down so hard now  but i am left    warm and sunny  inside
oh yes Chengdu is something very special the  place i met my wife Sophia
we have just finished dinner  which was beefand vegetables also  spicy hot pork and hot homemade soup
my Sophia sits and enjoys our last meal  oh yes heir beautiful mile is still radiant as ever
sat just behind her are the flowers i bought for valentines day she is so happy

so for now guys it is good bye from Chengdu( i shall post my thoughts when i get back to England )

regards joey and Sophia

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2011, 03:29:38 am »
Hi all , well i  have been back 8 days  and it is hard to pull  my  thoughts together
nothing can put the pain we all suffer when we leave our new wife's and have to return home

but the feeling i have now,  is that i feel so very happy that i shall be going back to Chengdu to settle
yes Chengdu is like many places in china  many poor people , average incomes  less than adequate plumbing
squat toilets  etc etc , yes Chengdu is rough round the edges ,  but when i look at my own country  it some how makes you feel
i wish i was back Chengdu , in England we have high taxation, full of greed ,what made us great as all been sold off , a society of benefit culture, and a country of people complaining all the time ,many many immigrants claiming benefit at the expense of hard working people, and a government not fit for purpose
when i look at Chengdu  the people do not have  a lot but they are very pleasant they always have a smile on there  faces
they are happy with what little they have  they have a culture rich in value  they are a proud race of people  and now with china with there rise to prominants they are encouraging new business  i saw many new business starting up in Chengdu  maybe the future Will be bright for these people
i for one will witness it first hand   because that is were my home is now       with my beautiful  wife Sophia   
regards joey and Sophia