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Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2011, 09:20:25 pm »
hi guys and good morning from Chengdu
first of all Sophia and myself would like to thank you all for you best wishes you all sent to us very much  appreciated,
well yesterday, we were busy,  we were out shopping for presents for Sophia parents  for spring festival and also looking  for present for Sophia son  who's birthday it will be on Saturday , we also went in to the city as Sophia bought me  my wedding ring that was a big surprises after that we went to a cafe  for lunch, yeah you guessed it noodles wow they were the best noodles i have tasted, after lunch we went to a park and a teahouse, the afternoon was very pleasant the sun was out and not to cold ,
as time went on we departed for home for a quiet evening and relaxation,  for dinner Sophia made chicken and vegetables after  that we relaxed as the folowing day we are busy again , this time going to Sophia parents home for dinner and to be with many family members which should be good as now i am officially a part of the family so this excites me
so once again guys thank you for your kind wishes on  our marriage
so  from joey and Sophia in Chengdu have a good day and speak to you all soon


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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2011, 10:22:58 pm »
Joe , just watch your Wife and follow her of what to do over at the Parents house and you'll be okay . She'll keep you out of trouble and not make a fool of yourself .
Sit down and enjoy some of the greatest Food you'll ever have ( I hope )  :P . Oh .. try to keep up with the " Toast's " haha

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2011, 10:56:07 pm »
well good morning everyone fro Chengdu , on what is new years day
well yesterday all went well at Sophia parents home
there was a small gathering of people but it was very Nice,
on the menu was hotpot,
 it is amazing that the things they put in the hotpot can taste so good after all it does not look appealing, and i was a good boy i never embarrassed myself once.
there was only one member of the family drinking so we shared a drink of this Chinese white spirit
well actually a bottle and half  so i feel a little delicate this morning ha-ha,
so we gave presents to parents and the children which Sophia mother and father enjoyed ,
and you know when you are part of the family when they give you your first red envelope that was special for me ,
and Sophia mother chose the photo album she wanted as a these were the wedding photos we had done in Sept last year,
so in all guys everything is going to plan which is a big thing of my mind .
later today Sophia and me will be going to a friends home Sophia says we are going to say hello and drink  tea so i will just have to wait and see what develops, as you no guys they do not tell you much suppose it is a kind of a suprice for me when i arrive
so that is all for now guys
with regards joey and Sophia
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 10:58:52 pm by joeswuhandream »

Offline Scots_Robbie

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2011, 12:19:59 pm »
Sorry for the lateness trouble.. :o

Big conratulations to the 2 of you.  I hope everything 'good' comes to you both
Cras amat qui nunquam amavit quique amavit cras amat...

Tomorrow may he love who never loved before,  and may he who has loved love too

Offline shaun

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2011, 05:06:23 am »
Joe great report.  Glad to hear all is well and fun had by all.

Offline Kevin T.

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2011, 03:05:03 am »
Joe, congrats man. Sincerely. I'm new here, so I only have a few posts, but I wish you and your lady the best. It sounds like you are having the time of your life.


Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2011, 09:32:29 pm »
good morning all from Chengdu 
well since my last post  we have been staying  at home some days
and visiting Sophia Friend's for tea and fruit and peanuts on other days
they were all happy to see me and wish me and Sophia well for the future
we have been exploring many parts of Chengdu all the back street  which i have not seen before
all very interresting stuff and we have been  visiting many of Sophia Friends for lunch
the food as been excellent so as the company  it seems very grey and  sleepy  in Chengdu in wintertime
but the one thing is when you look around  all you see is happy and smiling faces the locals realy have a passion for life with so very little
the people of Chengdu are something special  indeed 
i enjoy the spirit of Chengdu life
As a footnote the place Sophia lives is called quingyang district  does any of you guys know of it ?
DAVID E  the weather in Chengdu is around 15-16 c as the day goes on not to bad
OK guys speak later
 time to catch up on all the postings regards joey and Sophia

Offline kenny

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2011, 10:01:44 pm »
Hi Joe,

It is good to read your updates and I am happy that things are going good for you. I think I will check out Chengdu on the maps, seems I been doing allot of that these days. I never thought I would feel this way a couple years ago but after reading about everybody that has been in China lately I seem to miss it. Enjoy your time there with Sophia and keep the updates coming.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 10:03:35 pm by kenny »

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2011, 03:34:52 pm »
Hi Joey

Yes, I agree with you, Chengdu and Chengdu people are  very nice. I always enjoy my time there.

Ming tells me that the Shangri-La Hotel where we stay is in Quingyang district, her apartment is in  Chenghua district.

Our favourite restaraunt is close by there, it is in Wangpin street. Its a bit 'spit and sawdust" sort of a place but the food is awesome, especially the prawn and pork hot pot. Just over the road from the restaraunt is the best massage place in Chengdu, which we go to often. Just by the Shangri-La hotel is a german beerhause, which sells authentic foreign beers and some "not so authentic" German food !!...there is also a Pizza place there, but the Pizzas are rubbish.

Also in the area is a large market where the locals bring all the old/antique odds and ends to sell from little tables. Some real interesting stuff if you look hard enough !!...but a lot of junk also. It is an interesting morning adventure to browse through all the little stalls. It is a good place to get some authentic antique Jade...bit pricey though...better let your Lady haggle for a while if something takes your fancy !!!!

15 degrees is not so bad...but from Perth 40 degrees to Chengdu 15 degrees is too much for me this time  ;D ; off we go to Phuket !! Should be a lot of fun.

Cant wait to see Ming on the back of an elephant on a Jungle trek...she is terrified at the thought of it, but wants to do it anyway...thats my girl !!!

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2011, 04:40:18 pm »
thanks for the info David  E
 i will put this to Sophia and see about checking the places of interest out  you mentioned
will have to ask Sophia what are plans  are as i return to England early Tuesday morning
gore blimey David 40c in Perth  not surprised going to Phuket  a little cold for you in Chengdu
mind you keeping to the hot  temperatures  will keep the tinnies flowing just  nicely ha-ha
regards joey and Sophia

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2011, 09:19:54 pm »
 hey good morning guys  hope you all well
today the weather in Chengdu is not good pretty dark out side
this last 24 hours we have had lots of rain  :(
well it  is Saturday morning 10 am    our plans for today are
to have breakfast that is when Sophia is out of the shower ha-ha
then we plan to go to the cash machine for some money then of to the supermarket for some provisions
IF we have time i hope to go to one of the many teahouses that Chengdu as  this is were me and Sophia do much talking
already Sophia is feeling a little bit down with my return to England next tuesday  morning at  you know the feelings guys
at 3.30pm we are invited out for dinner to one of Sophia Friend's
 apparently Sophia   Friend's boyfriend  speaks English  or is from England  so this will be a change for me to have conversation at the dinner table for once yippee
 well you know guys sometimes you feel like a fish out of water at the dinner table when they all speaking chinese ha-ha
yesterday we went out for dinner the first time since my arrival in Chengdu thought give Sophia a rest from cooking
very enjoyable  it was
you guys may think it unusual that we only been out the once for dinner since my arrival
the reason behind  this is i wanted to live they i will be living when i move over for good later in the year to Chengdu
 anyway guys Sophia is drying heir hair so time for shower before breakfast

speak soon guys  have a nice day all of you and good health
regards joey and Sophia


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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2011, 02:29:54 am »
Hey Joe, I know the feeling to well about returning back home, The time in China spent with our beautiful wife's goes too quickly.
I know to well what it is like to sit at the dinner table and know what it is like to to be the fish out of water with the language, I only dined once with an English speaking person and it was a welcome change.
Enjoy the remaining time you two have together and i hope you both are reunited again soon,
Regards from MinYing and John.


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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #27 on: February 13, 2011, 08:01:24 pm »
Joe , the threatening Tuesday .. I can imagine .. it is now in the forefront in both your Minds and it get's more and more emotional by the Hour as it get closer . Can I recommend .. what I had done when I left after the Wedding Trip ? I cut a nice ( about 8 inch ) piece of Qings Hair , where it shows the least and took it home with me . This I tell you helped me so much , everytime just feeling/stroking it when times called for it .. being apart and feeling down . It also keeps you as close as you can to the real Woman you miss so much . If she loves you , she will do that . It did not work the other way around , as my Hair was not long enough to leave any for her .

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #28 on: February 13, 2011, 08:45:52 pm »
thanks Arnold, i see if she will let me have a lock of heir hair

yes today is my last day  in Chengdu
and valentines day so when my queen wakes up we shall have breakfast
and time to go shopping  and as it is the romantic day of the year
red rose for my wife  :)

it seems at the moment i am putting a brave face on it with my imminent return to England
Sophia son is taking us to the airport tomorrow morning at 4am 
so i think Sophia and me will hold back the emotions
but yes it is very hard indeed
but i keep thinking   positive
 i have just herd Sophia wake up and walk into the living room
so time to go guys you understand
regards joey and Sophia

Offline Bee964

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Re: my final strive to happinees
« Reply #29 on: February 13, 2011, 08:51:39 pm »

I understand completely. I am going to try Arnolds suggestion too, if I can manage it. I hope that you and your wife have a fantastic day today.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.