Author Topic: China Flights, Domestic  (Read 5270 times)

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China Flights, Domestic
« on: October 04, 2014, 03:26:24 pm »
I have non- stop air tickets, early Nov., from Hangzhou to Shenyang via Hainan Air. I purchased the tickets
through C-Trip for 694rmb (US$113.05) each. The total cost for 2 tickets
was 1430rmb (US$232.94) and that included a 3% service fee. As a point of reference I use Orbitz. Always.
That same plane on Orbitz is US$285 each ticket. Good deal C-Trip!!

A few weeks ago, it was mentioned by a few, that it is better to arrive in China, then purchase your air tickets.
I am curious if that is the case for me..if it would have been cheaper yet if I had waited until my China arrival
before I purchased my tickets (I notice when I revisit C-Trip the ticket prices are very actively priced. It is a
game of $ timing).
As another fun thing on C-Trip, train tickets can also be bought a couple of weeks in advance. The newest
G model 'Fast Train' is what I would have bought. About a 10 hour ride. Not much of a $ difference between
the air or the rail ticket if played the game successfully.