Sorry you seem to be getting a lot of conflicting advice.
I will tell what my Lawyer told me, and what my plan was to get Ming to Australia permanently, as quickly and as efficiently as possible under a spouse visa (309)
1) Make at least 3 visits to China to meet her, her family and her friends.
2) Make sure all documentation (air tickets, hotel receipts etc) are kept
3) Make sure that we establish a frequent communication via QQ or similar and keep records of the conversations.
4) Make sure we also communicate via personal email, again keep records of all correspondemce
5) Make sure Ming gets serious about learning English
6) Get married in China !!
7) Send her some money regularly and keep records of it (the amount is not so important, but must be regularly)

Apply for a 309 (spouse visa) ) After a case number is given to Ming, apply for a tourist visa.
This was the plan we followed......and will continue until all is resolved. So far, no hitches !!!
I was told that it is impossible for her to get a tourist visa as a single woman, because of the overstay fears. I was told NOT to apply for a tourist visa until the case number was given. They will allow a tourist visa once they know you have applied for 309 visa.
I was given 50 or so typical questions that are asked at interview and my Lawyer told me to make sure Ming knew, understood, and could answer all of these questions.
ps...I have no idea why the "smilie" popped up instead of the number 8 in the text...cant get rid of it !!!