Author Topic: My First Trip  (Read 17599 times)

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Offline Jason B

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2011, 05:13:03 am »
but I am constantly amazed at the care and attention I am receiving from this woman. I find myself feeling more and more love for this woman as we spend more days together. I am at a loss for the best words to try to explain how she makes me feel. All I can say is that she is perfect for me! I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Feeling her love for me and hopefully giving her and showing her the same love back. The happiness and calmness I have in my heart now is all due to her. I hope that I give her the same feelings back.

Mate, there is not a man who has been to China and met his girl who does not know exactly what you mean and also can not express or say these feelings you talked about properly.  You are not alone but like us you are one of the special brothers now.  Enjoy every minute and a great update.  Hopefully we will have the opportunity to catch up soon.
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Offline shaun

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2011, 06:39:53 am »
Dave, Great update.  If every western man knew what we know and have experienced they would...

Offline Bee964

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2011, 08:48:22 pm »
Well lastnight I did it...... Yup. I sure did.
Since about the 4th or 5th day here Ling Ling has been asking me....

"Do you want to drive?"

She has been telling me to park the car for her and then drive it out of the "carpark" for her and then she takes over. (A carpark to me sounds like a place where you put all the little cars so they can play while you go off and do your shopping)

Lastnight she told me to drive us home. She did not ask me, she told me to drive. I thought to myself, "Well, when in Rome...."

I have to say it was quite an experience. It almost reminded me of the days I drove a stock car at the local track when I was 20. The speed, noise and the bumping were the only things that were missing.

I do not suggest this for anybody that comes to China and I have not checked into the laws about this. I am only telling what happened lastnight after dinner.

I have to admit, it was quite a thrill. I wonder if I could get the Bee here?

She even took pictures.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 08:52:52 pm by Bee964 »
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Offline Martin

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2011, 09:42:15 pm »
Well, I am pretty sure that your Ontario Drivers License is not valid inside the PRC.  I thought I read somewhere that foreigners were not allowed to drive in China.  It would be a thrill though.  Glad you are having fun.

Paul Todd

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2011, 11:23:54 pm »
Wow! brave man indeed!
You do need to take a driving "Test" here, but more importantly you need nerves of steel to take to the streets. It's not something I have done and nor do I wish too,just not brave enough I think!!I take my hat of to you for giving it a go though. I did read the other day that the reason Chinese drivers do what they do is because they are use to the days when every one had a bike. In that they all traveled as a pack at roughly the same speed and were used to changing lane and the like. The more I think about it the more it make sense, to me it does anyway :) Glad to see that your having a good trip!

Offline maxx

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2011, 12:10:32 am »
Dave and Martin yes it is illegal to drive in China.With out a Chinese drivers license.And it also allot of fun.I have driven around Zhuhai and Zhongshan.And I drove west out of Zhuhai and then drove back east. along the coast.And I have driven the rd between Zhuhai and GZ.both ways.The funny part is stopping at the toll booths.And seeing the look on the toll booth attendant face.When they see a foreigner in the drivers seat.

If you really want to have fun with the toll booth attendant.Start talking to them in English.When they get that puzzled look on thiere face.Is when you need to switch to gutter Spanish.It is funnier then hell.My wife finally got tired of me messing with the toll booth attendants.And made me put on my bandanna and my sunglasses.After I did that.I didn't get any more strange looks at the toll booths.It took some of the fun out of the driving experience.But not all.I still got to blow the horn.Weave in and out of traffic.Cross the center line.And use the sidewalk as a passing lane.Oh yeah lets not forget.Driving down a one way street the wrong way.All you have to do is blow the horn.The other drivers will move over.

If you get a chance to drive out  of the city.You should try that.It ups the game to a whole new level.You still have to dodge all the other drivers along with.The people walking down the center of the road.And all of thiere livestock.I missed a water buffalo and a goat.Walking down the center of the road west of Zhuhai.By a couple of feet.The wife was giving me the look.Like what the hell are you doing.So I slowed down a little.And gave the livestock more room.So give it a try if you get a chance.

Now the legal part.As A mod of this forum.I do not condone these kind of actions in a foreign country.If you are caught driving in China.You may have to bribe a cop.To let you go.Which I also do not condone.Also be for warned when you return to your own country it is very hard.To go back to driving like a sane person would.You see that little gap in the traffic.Or nobody is using the sidewalk.So you see a opportunity.And it is hard to resist the temptation.

Offline halfpint

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2011, 12:26:19 am »
Impressive.  I've driven in the Caribbean, South America and  Central America.  When I was in Shanghai.  i, I said no way would I want to drive here.  If I wore a hat, I'd take it off to you!
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 12:28:04 am by halfpint »
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline Martin

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2011, 12:27:36 am »
Now the legal part.As A mod of this forum.I do not condone these kind of actions in a foreign country.If you are caught driving in China.You may have to bribe a cop.To let you go.Which I also do not condone.Also be for warned when you return to your own country it is very hard.To go back to driving like a sane person would.You see that little gap in the traffic.Or nobody is using the sidewalk.So you see a opportunity.And it is hard to resist the temptation.

What?  Am I suppose to be taking the side of the law as the admin?  When did these rules come out, and why wasn't I told about it???  hahaha

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2011, 12:28:31 am »
Good on you Dave and Maxx , but we Aussies have a problem with driving in China , the steering wheel is on the wrong bloody side , and I still worry about my Sujuan driving here as she sometimes looks to drive on the wrong side of the road , and roundabouts , now they are another problem alltogether, regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #54 on: February 07, 2011, 12:35:07 am »
Driving in Zhuhai is a piece of cake wide roada and motor cycles are not permitted in that city.  Zhongshan a bit different as most accidents involve Motorcycles and cars.  But it is a smaller city, bigger roads and less traffic in the main.  Guangzhou I would not drive there.   

But just remember us Brits are use to driving on the right side of the road which is the left.

But there again it seems you can drive on any side you wish here.   But why are there so few bumps and scratches to cars here!

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline maxx

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2011, 02:36:01 am »
Martin It is for legal nobody can say.Hey one of the mods on this web site said it was ok to drive in China.

Willy I didn't know motorcycles were not allowed in Zhuhai? I have seen more then a few.Nothing like in Zhongshan.Or anywhere else in China.But I have seen a few.I was setting on the sign out in front of my hotel in Zhuhai one mourning smoking a cigarette.And drinking a coke.A guy went by on his motor scooter.He waved and said hello.And almost wrecked his scooter into the back.Of a big truck.After that I thought it would be a better idea to go  set in my room and watch the traffic.While I was waiting for my wife.I didn't want to get blamed for causing a accident.

I don't remember which forum I read it on.But some guy posted that he wanted to take his Harley to China.And ride it.I remember when I read the post.I thought the guy had a death wish.Or didn't really know what he was getting into.I have seen where you can rent a Harley in Bangkok Thailand.But I wouldn't advise that either.Bangkok is a dangerous city.For a person on a motorcycle

Offline Bee964

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #56 on: February 07, 2011, 10:07:32 pm »
A couple days ago We met up with Sunny and Irishman to have dinner spend the evening together with some fireworks. Ling Ling and I started off by getting a little lost on the way to meet up with them. She would stop and ask directions from anybody sitting by the side of the road. They would send you off with the wrong directions and you would have to stop and ask again. Most said theywould take you where you wanted to go for say 30 RMB. Finally I asked her to just negotiate with one and have him take us there which she did. He led us right to the meeting place and I realised that we were sent off on a wild goose chase.

When we met up we went for a nice boat ride and we also let the girls drive the boat. All the time Irishman was telling me that Sunny did not have her driving licence. I figured that with Ling Ling beside her we would be ok. We only had a half an hour in the boat but had some good views of the park from the water.

After the boat ride we sat and talked about dinner. We had the usual couple of children come up and say "hello" to us, at their parents urging. Then we decided to leave for dinner. Murdock said it was the real type of chinese restaurant. I saw that we were the only foreigners there. Right away we had 2 children standing beside our table. I was still sitting with my coat on so I took it off. The little boy was watching me. Sunny saw the little boy look at my chest hair and proceeded to look down his shirt to see none of his and he ran off to mommy. They had a good laugh over this.

We had a good dinner and Murdock and I had a couple beers. Then we headed off to find the firework vendors. We looked at a couple and the kid in Murdock and I was starting to take over. We ere looking at some of the big ones and the girls were saying "No!" We did manage to get some interesting ones though. We found a secluded street corner at a bridge and had a little fun. After the supply was spent we were still hankering for more. My Ling Ling wanted to help me suppress my urges to blow off some big ones and she said that she loved hearing the joy in my voice. She insists on going herself and buying them. She hails a man on a motorcycle and heads off to the vendor again. Murdock is worried that she will not get to big ones we wanted but I told him that I think Ling Ling would not let us down. And boy did she make us happy! She returned with some very interesting ones indeed. We had a blast lighting up the night sky and even the girls got into the act. We did have one go astray and land in the street and go off just as a motorcyclist came by but he was ok and we improved our way of lighting them off. I did worry because most people walking by did not care about the fact that we were lighting these things off, they just wanted to see the foreigners. At least that is how I saw it. We had these kind of sparklers that were just a green hard wick kind of thing. We did not think they would be much of anything. We were mistaken. Even though they were not the most fun they were still fun to set off.

After the show we took Sunny and Murdock back to their place and headed back home to go to bed. I was a happy camper.

Dave C
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Offline Bee964

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #57 on: February 07, 2011, 10:17:39 pm »
RE; Driving

Wow, I did expect to get some responce from people but not this much. I know that I did not have a PRC driving licence but the rule of law seems to be of the officers opinion. I do have a great respect for the country and the laws here but there was something that night that said inside me to try it. I do not have any need or desire to drive here on a regular basis. That night she was insistant that I drive. She did call the local government office here before I came and asked what I needed to drive and they said I only needed to do a drivers "test". She had called someone else about this "test" and I would need to use her address here in Guangzhou, my passport, a passport photo, at least 1000 RMB, and possibly other ID such as my Ontario drivers licence. I did tell her that I don't plan to drive but like I said she wanted me to drive and everybody here knows how persistant these women can be. I put the subject to rest by telling her that if I get into trouble here I may not be allowed to return. Then asked her how we would get married. I did this because she wanted me to continue driving here and I said no. By the way, motorcycles are not allowed here in Guangzhou but they still seem to make their way in here.

Dave C
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Offline Bee964

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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2011, 10:26:29 pm »
Yesterday we had some errands to run around town and she said that she wanted to go swimming afterwards. I said that this would be nice. Then I thought about it a little more. I do not have a great physique but I do have a rather hairy chest. I thought about the night before at the restaurant with Irishman and Sunny. Anyway, Ling Ling asked me to wait outside the ladies locker room for her if I had finished changing before her. I swear that she had me waiting there for 20 minutes. Standing there with my swimming trunks on and nothing else. I felt like I was standing there naked. I think every woman there came by to have a look. I know that most of you guys that have been here have experienced it too but this was quite new to me.

While I was standing there waiting a girl about 10 years old came out and stood there looking. After looking for several seconds she disappeared. About 1 minute later I hear this very faint "Hello" in very good english. Then I see the edge of her face peek around the corner of the doorway so I said hello back to her and then said "Happy new year" to her in cantonese, I think. She ran away giggling. It was one of the things that have happened here that will remain in my memories forever.

We had a rather enjoyable swim together and then decided to get out and shower and change. As I entered the changing room the man that I stood near started to talk to me in a very stern voice and shake his finger at me. I do not have a clue as to what he said but it did not sound nice. I just ignored him and continued to get showered and changed. I did tell Ling Ling about this and she wanted me to point out the man but he had left long before she got out. I wonder what he said to me?

After we were changed and out side we decided to go for a little walk through a park beside the pool. It was a nice walk. Very romantic. I took a couple pictures too. I stopped to take a picture of some men fishing in the water. Ling Ling asked me what I was laughing at. When I explained about it she laughed for quite a while. I will let you guys figure it out. I will include this picture at the end of the post. It amazes me that nestled in the city of skyscrapers here are these wonderful parks. As you drive by you never really notice them.

My darling Ling Ling had earlier dropped off one of my pairs of pants for repair to one of her friends. We were meeting up with them later that night for dinner, which we were buying them for the repair. It was an excellent meal. The BBQ salmon and garlic snowpeas were good as well as the other fish. And no, I do not know what it was. I will ask Ling Ling and put it up later. During the meal we talked about the walk we had in the park after swimming. Ling Ling asked me to show them the picture I took of the men fishing and then explained what the words on the backpack meant. They had a good laugh about it. We had a great meal together and I got to meet another of her friends here. We took a picture together and then went on our way.

Dave C
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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Re: My First Trip
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2011, 11:17:55 pm »
Buzz Buzz Dave , you are a great teller of detail about you ongoing Trip .. it put's me right back to GZ and the good time I had there .