Last couple of days have been a bit of a blur.
About a week back I found myself getting mild stomach cramps which got worse and worse. Sunny brought me to the hospital and the doctor diagnosed an intestinal infection. Sunny said this was in the news at the moment, theres some bug going around Guangzhou. Back home we are under strict instructions to stay away from the doc if we just have a cold for obvious reasons but not here.
The end result is you get the drip in a packed small room, with no aircon full of people sniffling and coughing.
I knew I was going to get a cold, I was appalled that all these people didnt have face masks on as all they were doing doing was spreading their colds everywhere.
Sure enough a couple of days later we were having dinner with one of Sunny's friends and i noticed that my nose started to feel ticklish. I thought it was hay fever initially but it got rapidly worse and soon became obvious it was a cold. Sunny got it too but more mildly - she didn't have the runny nose and difficulty breathing I had, or maybe i just had the "man flu" version

Last couple of days have been spent with a pounding headache , leaking nose and horrible cough. This morning finally it seems to be on the way out. We will take it easy though as Sunny's folks are moving apartment in a couple of days and we have to help with that.
We had been really looking forward to visiting Lotus Mountain with Dave and LingLing today but had to call that off as neither of us are up to to anything that energetic yet. Dave , hopefully we can catch up next new year and do it together then, I think we may have the start an annual New Year meetup in Guangzhou to look forward too

On Sunday we go back to Ireland and a new chapter begins..