Author Topic: My love troubles  (Read 12469 times)

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Offline victor-hills

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2009, 01:13:21 pm »
Nice one josh happy things are working out for you mate.
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2009, 02:16:21 pm »
Josh , there is that PERFECT Lady for everyone and that goes for the bad Guy's too . Like alway's attract the like , better to make it all work .

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2009, 11:16:04 am »
Hey Josh, I was a little heartbroken to hear that you felt like a failure.  You should never let a girl get you down like that man.  The brotherhood is made up all walks of life.  We all work hard in our own right (me at being laid off again).  When it comes down to it we all deserve to be happy.  Men who are here looking for the genuine love only a chinese woman can offer, are the men in this would who still have kind, caring compassionate hearts.  You my friend are a good man and deserve to feel like a success.  I am happy to hear that you are back up on the bike riding again down the path of love.
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Offline China Shark

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2009, 11:30:34 am »
Josh riding the bike on the path of love. Are you sure you are on the right site. This isn't the poetry corner you know. Just busting on you.
Bodybuilding with a heart, what will the guys at the gym think. You're a good egg just joshing with you. There now you have a real good reason to flame back at me. Josh it's all good we're all misfits from western society so I feel you bro.
China Shark Mike
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Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2009, 10:16:14 pm »
Jessie brings out the best in me......I'm sure I haven't experienced the absolute best in me quite yet though. That will come in time, when we're together. Ping made me feel like a failure, Jessie makes me feel like a success even though I have a crap job. We've been talking and making plans for our future. She has family in the states. New York and California. I want her to be as happy as I can make her so I've agreed to move to the States with her in the future. Our simplified goals are; Live together in Guangzhou for 3 years or so, move to my city of Halifax and live there for about 2 years and then move to California.'s very possible we'll be neighbours. :icon_cheesygrin: Oh Arnold, are you here? *poke*. haha. So anyway, I very much hope these plans can become reality.
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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2009, 12:00:10 am »
Quote from: 'Joshua Smith' pid='6375' dateline='1245809774'

 and then move to California.'s very possible we'll be neighbours. :icon_cheesygrin: Oh Arnold, are you here? *poke*. haha.

Oh no it wont . My Neighbor's are not going anywhere soon . With me around , nobody want's to move .

But , you have about 10 year's to move close to me and that would be great . But after that time I would like to be in Shanghai and be kicking back and take the Spanking's like a Man .
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 12:00:49 am by Arnold »

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2009, 03:00:49 am »
Quote from: 'China Shark' pid='6337' dateline='1245771034'

Josh riding the bike on the path of love. Are you sure you are on the right site. This isn't the poetry corner you know. Just busting on you.
Bodybuilding with a heart, what will the guys at the gym think. You're a good egg just joshing with you. There now you have a real good reason to flame back at me. Josh it's all good we're all misfits from western society so I feel you bro.
China Shark Mike

Bustin Balls I have nothing for you right now but I will get you back.  maybe with a poem of some sort.  Bodybuilders with no heart are standing next to me on stage wondering why the got second.  Haha.  Helll I dont even know if that made much sense.  We are misfits for sure.  Unfortunately I will not get to be a misfit while I am in china.  Xu Le is staying at my hotel with me in beijing and I am staying with her in baoding.  No hell raising for me.  Though she did say the family loves to drink.  HAHA!!!
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Offline MLM

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2009, 02:30:50 pm »
Hay Josh M., be very careful of that stuff they call wine, some of it could choke a maggot and others could not you for a loop and you wouldn't even know it until you try to stand up.
There have been to many times when Baba wanted me to drink with him, I think he just wanted to see me crawl, hahaha

Offline maxx

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2009, 07:59:01 pm »
Josh what Michael is telling you is true.Go real easy on the terpintine they drink over there.It is very potent.One bottle of beer over there is like drinking a six pack here.And you don't even know it till you try to stand up.


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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2009, 10:11:00 pm »
Remember Josh lives in Germany , us German's know how to drink Beer ... any Beer .:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Agarn

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2009, 02:49:49 am »
Sorry guys but all a US 6 pack will do is make you pee, its not just that it has little strength but its so hard to find any with flavour and what happens next is they bring out a light version, lol.
On the up side there are some great wines from california.
Some of the chinese beers have a little more flavour but the wine [grapes] is truely awful, the other wine [rice] has a bite to it, but not what you would normally drink with a meal.  The foods fantastic, but trying to find the right drink to accompany it is difficult.

Offline maxx

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2009, 03:18:33 am »
Arnold I have drank alot of German beer.I used to have a landlord who was from Germany.Every Sunday he would come over to my apartment and we would drink beer that he had shipped from Germany.Every weak it was a different beer.So I probably drank every beer made in Germany.

German beer is  good beer. But it is not even close to the horsepiss that they drink in China.The beer they drink in China.Will make you see things if you drink enough of it.It will make you think that you are 10 feet tall and buillet proof.

Chinese beer is not to be fooled with.Drink in moderation.If you don't drink in moderation You could wake up in a hospital.If your lucky you will just have alchool poisning.If your unlucky you could wake up blind our you could not wake up at all.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 03:26:07 am by maxx »

Offline Irishman

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2009, 03:33:33 am »
Meh, pack of big girls blouses. I drank plenty of beer with no ill effects.
Snow beer is the worlds biggest sellinging beer, even more than Budweiser, considering most of it is sold in china it gives you an idea of their internal market. 0.6 litre bottles in the Carre4 supermarket costs about 2.4RMB - thats about 40 euro cents, i think you even get something back if you leave back the bottles, but i never bothered.
The day an Irishman cannot handle his beer is the day it aint worth dinking!
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Offline Joshua Smith

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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2009, 02:08:07 pm »
You want potent beer? Move to Halifax. (Or at least visit) :icon_cool:
"I'm somewhere where I don't know where I am."   ~ Homer Simpson ~
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RE: My love troubles
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2009, 12:39:00 am »
Argarn is right . The US Beer's are all a very successful attempt to water down Beer . If somebody want's to drink a real ( knock you down Beer) try EKU from the Swiss . It's 28 % compared to 3 to 5 for other's . One Six-pack is all you need at about $ 20 a sixer .

Budweiser was a huge Sponsor for the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany , but you think anybody from the Local's would ever even try it ... NO . Why should they , with the great Beer they have ... it would be a big step backward's .