Well here goes...
Everyone of the members on here know my story with a certain lady called Zhang Ying, known to you all as Sophie.
Rightly or wrongly, it ended in distress (for both of us) and disaster, many parties were hurt. To put you in the loop so to speak, after weeks (since I got back) we have been inn contact for long periods of time. BUT we both had time to reflect and discuss those 7 magical weeks we spent together. Not including the nine months we spoke on computer and web-cam getting to know each other. As it transpires, what I done was wrong, I hurt this lady very bad, and I can assure everyone I am suffering because of it. believe me. She still feels 'hurt' and 'the lose of face' is getting to her. Anyway, we have decided to call it a day but that we will stay 'friend' --- only through Email. Nonetheless, I have told her, that if she wants to speak to me about anything I will always be there for her. she is NOT added to contact list, but I am still on hers, and we both have our telephone numbers. She has contacted me through Yahoo Msn so she can talk to me sometimes. but it will NEVER go back to the way we were. I lost her trust...

I do know I will NEVER ever, FORGET HER, I really did love her, despite what some people may think. This happened once I got back here at the beginning of January, it has taken me, this time to get over it, and get back into the saddle so to speak. So we are no longer together..

The next time, and I have spoken to Willy, David E and a couple of others about my intended return to china. I believed I was ready the last time, BUT I wasn't.....The next time I WILL BE, and that will include having enough money, so I never get into that begging position again. That episode although may seem closed, is NOT, I told you all after I asked, I 'lost' friend etc..This is true. I have many members on here who are in my 'Yahoo', 'Skype', 'QQ', 'Telephone Numbers', and 'Facebook' and now, they don't talk to me, all since that 'fateful' day. But, it is my own fault, so I suppose I deserve it.,,,one way or another