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Offline lfputman3

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And I'm off, or we are off....
« on: March 07, 2011, 01:12:28 am »
So I guess it's my turn to start writing in here about how things are going.  So Hongyun and I met in early May through Chnlove and through the agency in Handan, which John I know said wasn't the best in appearance but they are great on the customer service end of that.  So far I have to agree.  We exchange alot of email and other web messages frequently and its all coming along quite well, I think. Also, Hongyun and I have started video chatting through QQ, we type more than talk, she is not comfortable with her English and I personally think my Chinese is terrible, mainly because I do not get to use it.

I am waiting on my visa to come back from the Chicago consulate, should be here this week according to the paperwork they gave me at the visa office.  My flight is March 18 and I will land in Beijing on the 19th. As for the weather in Beijing and Handan, well, I'm in Mid-Michigan, I think it should not be much of a problem.  Being that it can't make up it's mind if the snow is going to melt, or we're going to freeze to death, that's the great lakes, great weather we have.

The down side of my trip, dad was just diagnosed with cancer, they're removing the tumor a couple days after I fly over, mom and dad told me it's not like I can do anything for him other than support and my nephews will be present for that.  I guess my brother did do two things right so far. Hongyun knows and she's offered her support and even said I could stay, but I told her the folks told me to enjoy an actual vacation, something I haven't done in over 7 years and that was a crappy trip.  The nag I was dating wouldn't let me go fishing or mushroom picking, which the trip was her idea.  Hongyun-on the other hand-told me I better be good at fishing, because she likes to eat fish. I believe that counts as a win in that column.

So, I'm counting down the days and putting together my things. Yes, I'm feeling the butterflies, but hey, I haven't felt this happy about that feeling in several years

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Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2011, 04:09:57 am »
good for you Lloyd, The weather is still a little cold in handan and Beijing, I asked my wife if she knew your lady but she that she only knew a few of the other girls there and not your lady, I know you will have a good time there and i hope you and your lady do hit things off together and the relationship moves ahead, regards from MinYing and John.

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2011, 06:34:58 am »
We had sunny spring weather here in Beijing today, quite nice to be outside. It can still be abit chilly early in the morning or late at nights but nothing compared to 1-2 months ago. I think you will find the weather in Beijing rather mild when you arrive. The air here is very dry though, i never had to use so much face lotion as i have since i came here. I repeatedly read about people bashing Beijing for being heavily polluted and that you never see clear or blue skies here. This is really rubbish. I have seen plenty of clear and blue skies here , the air may not be the best in the world. Traffic is darn heavy in central Beijing. However, the air doesnt smell bad at all, i know some industrial cities in Eastern Europe that smells terrible if you were to compare.

My condolences, and best wishes for your father. Hope you will have a long awaited nice trip and vacation, and all the best of wishes for you and your lady.
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 01:26:15 pm »
Thank you to both of you for the wishes of luck, as for dad, he's still displaying himself as invulnerable and the doctors are optimistic.

As for the weather, Michigan is in doing the great lakes "can't decide if it is winter or spring today" fairly common this time of year, we just have record snow sitting on the ground.  The rain is working on that. So I am used to cold, warm, cold all in one day for the time being. We do not have plans for spending a great deal of time in Beijing on this trip, and her mom is watching our video chat sessions now.  I know when I am completely murdering the language, there is a great deal of laughter and some comments about my being some kind of American...

I'll keep everyone posted as the days progress, almost down to a week until the plane is wheels up.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.


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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 03:40:50 pm »
Lloyd , boy sounds like you are READY for a wonderful Vacation and not with a Nag .. that makes me very Glad . 18 Wheels up on the 18th and don't forget your Fishing Pole ? Lucky you don't have to go Fishing for a Lady .. only Fish .  :)

Offline halfpint

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 10:28:25 pm »

Have a great trip.  When my girlfriend came to visit me here in Canada, a long month ago, she got word her father was in the hospital in serious condition.  These are just things that happen, you can't change it.  You carry on and enjoy every day.  Good luck.
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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2011, 05:09:33 am »
Lloyd , have a great trip and we will await future developements , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2011, 08:35:40 pm »
Planning update, she has an extra day off when meeting me at the airport in Beijing, so we're gonna stay in Beijing until Monday.  I hope changing my reservations is not going to be a nightmare.  I am rather glad though she knew I was hoping to get to see a little of Beijing before we head south to Handan.  Her mom has been peeking at me on the webcam chats over her shoulder and has made a couple comments I understand and a couple I have not the foggiest of concepts about.  She smiles when she makes the comments I understand.  Apparently mom likes me over the computer, find out next week if she does for real.  Her dad looked one time, but he is indifferent yet.  Probably the whole "westerner" issue that I am prepared to get the brunt of.  I know her brother is probably not even going to give me the time of day. 

As for my dad, they're moving forward with a couple more tests and then surgery.  They think they caught it soon enough before it spreads.  Mom told me the same thing I was thinking, what am I supposed to do but offer support?  They both told me get on the plane and go enjoy myself.  I think mom finally caught on to the whole concept, dad has too many other issues to worry about right now.  We are not planning a wedding on this trip, note, I said "not planning" so there should be no issues.  For now, I've a boatload of my own stress to deal with before the trip.  Two parties owe me checks for services, not huge, but while not being Scrooge, I've got to run them down so I have no loose ends when I leave.  I know the one well enough he will try and say he paid me if I do not collect now.  Who said accountants love tax season?  No, we love the money from tax season...
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 02:19:05 am »
Less than 12 hours until wheels up, bags are packed, gonna take a nap, get up, shave and all. Get a little breakfast and then catch my ride to the airport, next post will be from Beijing.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline Bee964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 09:03:30 am »

I hope you have a great trip. I am sure you will enjoy it. Good luck to you.

Dave C
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2011, 10:20:43 am »
Sorry for the long delay in posting that Hongyun and I have actually met face to face, in real life and all that fun lingo,
hey, we finally met, she just left my hotel a little while ago, mama was with her, laughing at my terrible Chinese and the fact that I can't understand 3/4s of what either of them were saying in Chinese.

Reason for the delay, I absolutely hate Delta airlines now. My flights from Flint and Minneapolis were actually leaving and arriving early. Not too often you here that with any airline. Luck ended there. I arrived in Seattle, plane was already delayed a 1/2 hour, supposed to leave at 6 pm pacific, finally boarded at 7, finally took off at 8, turned around at 9:30 because the plane was a flying manure brick. So we were not close enough to Anchorage for a redirect, back to Seattle, overnight, they told us we would be off at 8 am, ok, I can deal, sleep on the plane be wide awake on arrival...  No, they decided we would wait until 2 pm, then they delayed us another half hour on the flight. We get boarded, I've gone from 22 to the back of the bus, no big issue I did not pay for a picked seat. We are on the plane, everyone seated and waiting patiently when the pilot announces he is still waiting for one member of the flight crew, his #3 pilot to show, he's currently on the other side of Tacoma and they expect him at the airport in roughly 1/2 hour....   no, we were really not getting upset at all by this time.  Of course now I am not able to jump online, because we are on the plane and we are supposed to have all devices in the "off" position. We finally get wheels up and the one positive thing I have to say, the #3 guy was actually the pilot flying the plane that day and he shaved almost an hour off our expected arrival time. Lands about like an RAF pilot on a bender-yes I have seen some rough landings our of those RAF flyers with their cargo planes-This guy dropped our 767 sideways onto the runway at Beijing Capital, the right gear came off the ground, fortunately we did not pull any dynamic maneuvers on the runway, the gear dropped back onto the pavement, but it was a rough landing. When I was crewing I would have slapped a pilot helmet for that type landing on a runway.

Back to life after landing, her friend she was staying with in Beijing decided that something happened because my flight number was not on the board. I got no warm greeting at the airport, just a howdy from the officials at the airport. Tried calling her, couldn't get through, figured I was dialing wrong, asked the phone card girl who told me it wasn't a local number. She dialed the number for me, the people on the other end didn't understand a thing I said in English or Chinese and hung up me. Jump on the WiFi at the airport misunderstood the message she left for me, run over to information desk, they send me to the bus to Beijingzhan, where I am told I'm too late come back tomorrow. Came back the next morning and they sell me a ticket out of Beijingxi. Grab a taxi, run across town, ride the train to Handan, get here, get to the hotel, finally get her on the phone, to find out she is on her way back from Beijing on a later train.... 

A few minutes Hongyun came back, and I got phone grilled by her friend in Bejing-calls herself Hongyun's Beijing mother-because it's my fault-what's new in life-and I'm not good enough for Hongyun-I think she's a yank hater-funny her real mother here seems to like me. This trip started great, seems fine when she's here, but has some really bad rough spots. I really like this girl and I think she really likes me, but whoever the wicked witch of the east is, I have to figure out how to get past her for some kind of approval.

So, I'm gonna have me some water, because I'm dried out from the trip here and get some rest, because I'm so stinking tired right now I don't know which way is up. We're meeting in the morning at 9, so I'm planning on just doing my thing and not worrying about the Beijing issue.

I will update everyone later,
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.


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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2011, 12:50:04 am »
my oh my Lloyd ? That is some start you had there .. I'm jealous !

Hope the rest of your stay is exciting as well . About the Witch , take her Broom away and she'll be just an ordinary Bitch .. much easier to handle . haha

Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2011, 01:04:17 am »
You arrived safely, thats the main thing,,,waiting patiently for the next up date,,hope it goes well between your self and hongyun,,im counting the days for me to be back in Handan, Enjoy every minute and i am really happy to hear that you both like eachother so far , good luck mate,,regards from MinYing and John.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2011, 08:39:29 am »
Arnold, great news, didn't hear from the witch today. I think we had a good day, She came and grabbed me as I finished breakfast, she brought a translator who spent the morning with us and then we went to lunch, translator came along. They both poked fun at me as I was stuffed rather quickly, I really don't eat a lot these days as I just finished dropping some weight and uh, yeah I just don't eat as much anymore.

After lunch, we went phone shopping, I got me a gin-u-wine iPhono for use here as I forgot the phone I wanted to bring for use. It's alright, I can show off my iPhono back home for a few laughs. I got dropped off, as she had to go take care of her daughter after school and then she came back and drug me off to the agency here in Handan. Daniel was busy with a couple potential clients, but Echo and Hacker along with a few other girls put us on the couch by the window and there was a whole lot of talking, giggling, more talking, occasionally they involved me, then the others left and Echo, Hacker, Hongyun and I went over a bunch of unanswered questions, some of which I answered to the translator that was with us earlier in the day, but apparently it didn't work in translation somehow. I am pretty sure Echo translated those items as close as she could to what I said, because I received the appropriate giggles and slaps where expected. Especially on the wonderful old sage advice I received as a kid from my late grandfather.

We finished the evening off at some little hole-in-the-wall noodle joint that I dare say Anthony Bourdain would most heartily have endorsed, looked like crapped leaky roof, rickety furniture, but oh man, the food was amazing. Yeah, too much for me again.

In the morning we are headed out to the park, I think she said Songtian, but I could be wrong, maybe John could correct me, or I might correct myself tomorrow.
Awesome day, she left with a smile and her phone just a buzzing, her daughter started calling every 5 minutes after 7 and I could hear her asking mama about the meigouren, grandma told her that mama's man is handsome, nice and seems to care about her very much. Not sure when I meet the kid, but that's ok, I came packing gifts, suggested by Hongyun before I ever got on the plane.

So now, I am off to my pillow, knowing I have one day in my favor and it appears we are starting to breakthrough on our personal communication, my broken chinese is coming together more and her broken english is working well enough.

and John, you were right, the agency is not much to look at, but they put forth an effort in there.

For now, wan an, I am bushed

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2011, 09:06:44 am »
Very happy for you and your lady Lloyd, I am also VERY jealous of you being there in my wife's home town too, I will be back there in late May to enjoy the company of my wife and all that Handan has to offer,,,,I must say that i feel the excitement that you must be feeling right now and dont sleep to early,,Your time with your lady will pass so fast,,It has been two months now since i felt the warmth and passion from my wife,,Enjoy every moment with your other half,,,It is so nice when you feel that you are breaking through the communication barrier, Please believe me when i say that you will have the hard times but try your best as MinYing and i have done, We are now husband and wife and we are preparing for the hard road ahead , As i have learnt from the experienced and knowledgeable  people here , It wont be easy but worth every minute and every dollar that you have invested in this pursuit of happiness,,Good luck to you both,,,,Regards from MinYing and John.