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Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2011, 10:32:11 am »
Me, her daughter and the nephews

yes, I have a stupid expression on my face, but they apparently loved it
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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2011, 11:06:48 am »
Wonderful up-date Lloyd .
Oh .. by the way .. yes I almost had to ban you for that " Expression " , but your Story makes up for it plenty .  ;D

« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 11:08:20 am by Arnold »

Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #32 on: March 28, 2011, 11:20:19 am »
great pic Lloyd,,enjoy every minute,,hows things going between you and hong yun,,by the look on yr face i think it is going very well,,best regards from MinYing and John

Paul Todd

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2011, 07:01:24 pm »
Great post! and pictures too.  :)

Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2011, 07:30:12 pm »
Wonderful up-date Lloyd .
Oh .. by the way .. yes I almost had to ban you for that " Expression " , but your Story makes up for it plenty .  ;D

well the photos go something like "yi, er, san..  CHEESE!!" so I had to be goofy, besides, she likes when I act dopey

it seems things are going in the right direction. the new job has put a damper on things, me being paranoid having worked in the insurance and financial industries I was getting frustrated with my internet issue as I was backgrounding the company she is going to work for and making sure they are a Chinese interest of Blackstone Financial, as her friend told her. Yesterday she spent a good share of the day reading on her phone, still not sure the position she was offered, but I know she's been assigned to a division that handles Hebei's oil and grain investments, positive she's not in any selling position, because I know Blackstone has some pretty major requirements.

Today and tomorrow morning are going to be stress days for me, as I'm waiting for mom to call, dad is having surgery today, at some time, Eastern Daylight in the US of course, so thus I probably won't sleep well tonight. I knew the date before my flight. So I am extremely happy and in a state of depression at the same time...

Life can be difficult, but I have been able to point out to dad, he's not allowed to lose his battle, not if he wants more grandchildren to spoil.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.


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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2011, 12:06:16 am »
Our wishes are wish your Dad .. Lloyd . Hope all goes well for Him and releave all that stress on everybody .

Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2011, 05:52:25 am »
thank you Arnold, in the meantime, we had a great day today at Long Hu Gongyuan. First time I've been to park that had a strip mall complete with supermarket, under the park...
When we were on our way back to the car-because she had to go to an orientation meeting for her new job this evening-this charming old lady came over and asked Hongyun and her friend who was dating the MeiGuoRen. She congratulated Hongyun, apparently her son is in Chicago, I understood when she said Chicago and erzi, her daughter lives in Canada, but I never heard a city name, so anyone's guess there. She told Hongyun that she has been to Michigan and that it is absolutely beautiful in 3 seasons and we have a ton of snow in the winter... I just nodded a bit, hard to deny after this past winter. She also complimented us on being a beautiful couple and that I was very handsome. More compliments about my skin tone, Hongyun's skin tone and how we should have beautiful children. A great many thanks all around to her for her praise on us. Hongyun's friends are worried that she won't get to go shopping very much, because I appear to live in the middle of nowhere. I used Yahoo maps, pointed out yes, I live in the middle of an agricultural county in an actual small town of less than 30,000, but I do know where all of the good malls are she will get to go shopping, because I will show her how to get to them and I am positive within 5 minutes of arriving, she will be able to home in on a couple of the larger malls including the Somerset, which is in Suburban metro Detroit and she has now squeezed it out of me that her bag came from that mall.  There goes my bank account :D

So now, I am apparently going to Dinner tonight with one of her sisters... Hongyun is at work, my Chinese is far from great and I looked in my wallet and I think I need to see if the front desk can change money... because I was just going to take a walk down the street and check out one of the local places.

John, is it me, or have I been lucky and her family and friends have just decided not to drag me to the most expensive places in town yet, my biggest check was the last meal with the sisters at just under 600rmb.
I'm guessing it's luck, either way, I've got just over 500rmb on me, so I need to pull out the green and change it to red...

Oh, I got blown kisses today, and she leaned into me at lunch, comfortably leaned as we talked with her friend, had to laugh, her friend wanted to go to KFC, I've been laughing about the KFC thing the whole time I've been here, not said anything about it to anyone, guess they thought I needed an American fastfood fix, irony, back home, KFC and Popeye's chicken are the only fast food joints I willingly eat, can't stand most of that stuff myself.

Wish me luck on the dinner and I am awaiting a phone call in the morning (here, there night of course) from my mom. to give me an update on dad's day and what the doc says afterwards
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2011, 06:53:12 am »
Thanks for another update Lloyd , we are pleased that all is going well and we also send a prayer for your Dad , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2011, 07:48:11 am »
Hi Lloyd, I hope the phone call tomorrow is the good news you are wanting to hear, We have our fingers crossed for you and your family.
I found MinYings family and friends to be the same, We only went to local restaurants all the time and the bill was so cheap even though they all eat like horses, The family dinner was in a private room for 9 of us with people waiting on us for the two or three hours that we was there for the trial  ;D,
even then the bill only came to about 500 rmb, must say i am missing the restaurants now and looking forward to being back in Handan in about 8 weeks.
Well i am missing my laopo with every beat of my heart and she feels the same, Really temped to fly there for the Easter long weekend, Easy way to blow a few thousand dollars but worth every penny,,no no no , must wait, the time will soon be upon me, Have a ball , good luck to you and hongyun, sounds like things are going well, Im really happy for you both, Regards from MinYing and John.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2011, 08:34:22 pm »
Mom's 1st phone was good, dad only needed one unit of blood, good b/c he is O- and that's a tough order to fill. The docs only removed the lower half of his kidney and the surgery room was the theater type room normally used by students and mom, being mom, watched. If she would have been ten years younger I think she would have been a surgeon. Dad is of course in critical care now, she said his BP was on the low side and they were keeping him there until it was back up.

Hongyun has tried to keep me distracted, she was telling me all day long dad would be fine. We spent the past two nights dining with her JieJie, wine at an upscale place the first night out with them, last night KTV at Happy Hour KTV. They brought a translator and I wanted to wring her neck, Hongyun knows that I know some Chinese songs, Wang Leehom being one of my actual favorite artists, I've sang one song for her a couple times. In the KTV room, I got nervous with the audience-yeah all five other people beside me and Hongyun- choked on the song that I sing to her.  Then the translator starts plugging in songs, some more songs by Leehom and Jay Chou-I'm familiar with the songs, but have not tried to learn them- of course Chinese songs are in Zhongwen and uh... I can't read it very well. The songs she plugs in that are in English, I have no idea who the #*!! the performers are and never heard the songs. I apologized to Hongyun, pulled the translator to the side and tried to explain that an English lyric song can be huge in Australia, Canada and Europe and we have no idea who or what it is in the U.S.

JieJie had me just sing love songs to Hongyun that are the classics. Did "Unchained Melody" and "Everything I do" which both appeared to be huge hits with all the girls. Especially when I faced Hongyun and sang "everything I do" without looking at the screen, just sang right to her. Also sang some beatles and Everly brothers just so I did sing a couple fun songs. JieJie's husband seemed upset that I did not know any of the patriotic Chinese songs...  How do you explain that?? I personally would never force Hongyun to endure my father's friends doing their big round of patriotic American songs, at least not until we've been married for at least ten years, then most of them won't be able to sing anymore.

Today, is gonna suck, she's working. Doesn't know when we'll get time today. I officially hate the new job, I think her daughter agrees with me. Mama is working way too hard, but she is liking the idea of a summer visit to Michigan now. I told her I would buy the plane tickets for her and daughter. She seemed shocked by the idea. I know what the US gov't says, she's supposed to visit on her own dime, but they know I'm not gonna let that happen. Besides, she will get to laugh at me and dad fighting over the bill there. Dad is going to laugh that game when the wedding comes. He's played it for years.

Well, I need to pack away some of my clothes and chi zaofan, or she'll find out I missed a meal and chew me out.

John, the hotel isn't bad, could use paint and carpet but she wants me to stay somewhere else next time. I'm agreeing, the walls are a bit on the thin side here. Nothing like having an afternoon nap, about to turn cuddle, when the neighbors start to have a go in the sack. It does earn lots of giggles from her though...

Oh, I also have been given two box sets of some type of candy?.?.?.  hints, suggestions, clues anyone... I know when a lady is getting married in China she hands out candy to her friends, one of my friends back home did so back at Christmas, but when does a Chinese lady hand two boxes of candy to her beau?

Thanks and I'll get another update posted soon,
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2011, 05:53:13 am »
So yesterday a bit of a bomb, beautiful day, went for walk, got stared at, pointed at, scowled at, the whole gambit. but she had to work the whole day and until we serve the tea, she will not let me do much about it. Had to fight her to let me pay for the gas in her car. Met her oldest niece today, we went back to the Halal place, no chaffing dish this meal, just kaoya. Oh darn, right... Spent the afternoon looking at pictures on computers and watching home movies. Mine were just travels around different places, there was one segment I filmed for friends who have never been to Michigan, crossing the "Mac" she asked how high... I think she got scared, had a couple other videos she loved, a young duckling on the water at a friends place and a little way over I caught some young loons trying to feed. I told her we would visit there in the summer, I just want to see her and her daughter's face the first time they hear the loons crying in the morning. Also several bald eagle nests in the area so that's a common site there. She approves of going to visit and see nature, but she's a city girl and I'm ok with that.

Her home movies, mostly her daughter, different ages, dancing to different music, traditional, opera and pop. There is something hilariously cute about a 3 year old be-bopping to Kesha.

Personal joy, today at lunch, I had a little problem with my hands (nerve issue from military injuries) she realized it and helped me. After we dropped off her friends she told me it did not matter, she knew that it was from injuries, and it did not matter to her. She was shocked when I told her the responses I was used to back in the states.

I got a full on hug. She squeezed :D

well, gotta go, have to check in with the love of my love, I do not know our dinner plans yet, but I believe both of my darling ladies.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2011, 11:09:08 am »
I have been following your story since you was new here, Enjoy your story always, Great read again today Lloyd, I really wish you and Hongyun all the best in the future, My wife asks how things are going between you both and wishes you two all the best,,really hard to be apart from MinYing at this moment but must smile and look happy, good luck my friend, wishing you all the best,,Regards from MinYing and John.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2011, 08:04:14 pm »
John, Should we happen to be in Handan at the same time in the future, we will have to get together and take the girls out.

 For now, today and tomorrow is it. When I bought my plane tickets I did not know the limited number of trains to Beijing, the train schedule I found online is apparently from the Olympics... So I have to leave Handan Tomorrow night on the last train to Beijing, she's working Monday, have I mentioned I hate her new job. I will definitely have to solve this little crisis in the coming months. Next trip, I'm making sure my flight doesn't leave Beijing until after 3:00PM.

Today, I'm packing, she's working most of the day, again... we're having lunch together and talking about dinner plans, our new little family, us and the little one, it's been a little harder since her parents left town for her grandmother's town, as she is not long for this world unfortunately.

I'm off to make the most of the day and get as much quality in the time we have left on this trip.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2011, 09:17:32 pm »
Hi Lloyd , we have enjoyed reading your fun times here , but never forget with the ladies of China , especially those with children employment always comes first , as they are all well aware that there is another 600 million ready to take their place , however once like in any business everything is swinging along things can be more relaxed , if things are as you have indicated maybe even as you have only a little time left open a joint account at a local bank , preferably one that has a Mitchigan address also , ie ; B of China or ? especially as things like plane tickets etc, would need to be purchased at her end , and if you send her a little something each week/month that will also help your end game , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline john1964

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Re: And I'm off, or we are off....
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2011, 11:51:54 pm »
Lloyd, the end is near, right now i know how you are feeling, I remember the feeling so well and know i will be feeling it again when i leave my loved one again on 12th June, Yes you did mention that you hated hongyun,s new job and i too hate MinYing,s job as she is working long hours and sometimes seven days a week and i feel that i am taking second place but that is the way is for now as she is just keeping occupied to keep her mind off of me .
It would be great to catch up with you and your lady in Handan some time, Have you already thought when you will next return?, Dont leave it too long as it eats away at you both , I am to return on MAY 25TH TILL 12TH JUNE and then back again in late September or early October for the wedding ceremony.
So far you both seem to be very much enjoying each-others company very much, All the best in the future my friend, Regards from MinYing and John.