Author Topic: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?  (Read 2851 times)

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Offline Jimmy

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Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« on: February 16, 2011, 02:33:58 pm »
Met my wife January 2009. Married my wife January 2010, Filed for Visa as soon as I returned home January 26. During 2010 I lived in China most of the year, and everything I own in the US got screwed up.
My Lawyer Michael Cho did very little and I have finally changed lawyers. I applied for an expedite due to health reasons, It was approved 4 months later.
Now I have an approved I 130 sitting in China and will expire mid March. And I don't know what to do next. I have spent more than $25k on this ordeal.  2 years waiting patiently and doing everything I have been asked. Hired 2 lawyers both very nice and seemed to know thier business. And as soon as they get paid forget who I am.
DO NOT HIRE A LAWYER. All they are good for is to take your money.  I have a real bad feeling this approved Visa we have will expire because we don't know the next step and the lawyers have all of the documents and won't give them back. We are out of money.  and just really stuck now.

My wife a wonderful woman she has been trusting I will get this done. The Son of her's we were having trouble with, he will be an Adult before anything happens so he is no longer a worry.
I have tried very hard and all we want is to live together in our house. We don't ask for anything else. Every day that goes by I hate the USA more and more.  For over 50 years I have lived in the fantasy that the country I live in would always help Americans. Well now I know I was wrong. Hell I don't even want them to give me anything. If my wife comes home it will actually save the government money. 

Well enough of my complaining. NEW GUYS. This is not an easy journey, and after you fall in love with a wonderful woman impossible to walk away from. Some guys get lucky and everything goes right through all the channels and will have life back to normal all in less than a year. Others well after 2 years I will let you know when she gets home.  Our only other choice is take my children move to China never to return.
Jimmy Henson

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 04:49:12 pm »
the American immigration  system  what a joke
this make me feel very sad jimmy for your case
but the American government stinks  in these matters

you can not fly to the good old USA from England with out interrogation

continue American spoiling life for everyone
do what you are good at going to war

i realy  feel sad for decent American people who want to live a good life their wife's in your country
maybe jimmy live your life in china without the bloody bureaucratic government  of yours

as a footnote in England all spouse visa are sorted and done 28 day from  submission of application
now joey as finished letting steam off
regards joey and my beautiful wife Sophia

Offline maxx

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 06:25:36 pm »
Jimmy what is the lawyer saying?I know your in a tough spot right now.But if you can tell me what the new lawyer is saying.Me or Scott.Or somebody else can help you get threw this.Jimmy you need to calm down.This rant isn't doing your heart any good.It isn't doing your wife any good.And it isn't helping your daughters.So be calm  and tell me what Lolly is telling you.

Did Lolly have to resubmit the whole thing? Did the Chinese attorney screw it up that bad?Check with Scott or Shaun.They can tell you how to look your case up.And see where it is in the system.One step at a time.We can work you and your wife threw this.

Joe wate till you get your wife to merry old England.Let us know what kind of hoops you have to jump threw.Just because you have read something on the enterenet doesn't make it true.Evan after My wife recieved her visa.I didn't stop worring about it till we had cleared customs.So yes all the work you and your wife did.To get a visa.Can go out the window.With a border patrol agent who is haveing ab bad day.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 06:40:08 pm by maxx »

Offline halfpint

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 12:30:00 am »
Sometimes a good rant helps clear the head.  I havent started this process yet, so I can't offer any real help.  I hope you find a solution.
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 03:02:10 am »
Jimmy what is the lawyer saying?I know your in a tough spot right now.But if you can tell me what the new lawyer is saying.Me or Scott.Or somebody else can help you get threw this.Jimmy you need to calm down.This rant isn't doing your heart any good.It isn't doing your wife any good.And it isn't helping your daughters.So be calm  and tell me what Lolly is telling you.

Did Lolly have to resubmit the whole thing? Did the Chinese attorney screw it up that bad?Check with Scott or Shaun.They can tell you how to look your case up.And see where it is in the system.One step at a time.We can work you and your wife threw this.

Lolly, They have told me nothing not even thank you for the money.
Why would they resubmit? This one is alive and needs completion is all. The problem with the case is negelect, all that has been done has been done correctly.
The packet was sent to the lawyer because my wife changed addess and he doesnt even accknowlege that it has happened.
Told me to download the packet.  The packet tells me all the documents I need to collect.
Big deal I had that over a year ago. I have had all of the documents for more than a year. Many I have had to get a second time due to the age of the document.
Then I am told we will turn these in at the interview.  The Consulate is requiring a form with information on it that I can not get. It was given to the lawyer and I can't get any reply from either lawyer.
My wife and I have been ready for interview since April 2010. By the time they get me sorted her English will be fluent.

Not to worry I am very calm. My wife and kids don't know any of this and I just rant to you guys. So all is well at home.
And if any of you guys that have done this all yourself want to help me out here that would be great.  But don't anyone bother to suggest another lawyer I won't pay another nickel. I'm broke. And have made the decision if this visa dies we will not wait again. She will come home within a few days.  California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas. And Chinese do not need any visa to vacation in Mexico. All that is required is a round trip ticket that I would gladly waste half of.
Jimmy Henson

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 05:22:29 am »
Maxx, It is past the Homeland Security and will only register approved with USCIS.  From what I understand it is sitting in the Consulate office in Guangzhou collecting dust.

Jimmy, has the Consulate given you a number for the case?  If not you do have one from USCIS.  You can contact the Consulate in Guangzhou and track it down and ask them why it is sitting there.  Has your wife received a packet from the Consulate?  What packet number is it; 2, 3, or 4?

There are ways to help this along by yourself and it sounds like the lawyers might be frustrated here.  They will usually clam up when they are.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 11:36:27 am »
Thank you Shaun now you are going the right direction.
It is packet 3. She did not get it, It was sent to the worthles lawyer. He told us to download it and go from there.
So that is where we are exactly.  Now the problem I have and please do not take this wrong.
My wife is not real smart about these things. And her English is stil weak so Explaining things is hard. That is one of the reasons I was there. I could do it for her.
So I need help in China now. Someone to hold her hand and guide her. And at this time I can not afford to go. According to the lawyer all of this was suppose to happen back during summer. Which is when I was there.

I need all the help I can get right now. I am not on the forum like I was but I will be now. Any that can help out here feel free to call me. Martin, Arnold, Maxx and a few others have my Number.  Or you can try
 707-413-6050. This is my Skype number you can dial from a landline.
Jimmy Henson

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 07:47:45 pm »
Jimmy, Robert is the one keeping me on the right track.  He knows his stuff and if he doesn't he knows who does.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: Getting tired, Angry and impatient. Should you Hire A Lawyer?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2011, 04:48:06 am »
Thanks Robert. I am getting all these things prepared. I had a heart to wallet talk with the new lawyer the otherday. And they have finally gone into high gear for me.
But I am still playing this as if I am doing it alone. Just in case they drop the ball like the other lawyer did.
Jimmy Henson