Author Topic: Split from Different faiths, can become the obstacle of love? Religious Content  (Read 7599 times)

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I need to stop this Thread if it continues on a Religious Path or this Subject should be moved to the Religious Forum ( Thread ) we have already .
As it does not please some of our Member's and received PM's do to this . So out of respect to other's please ..

Offline David E

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In China, there are also some very good man pursue me, but they are not christians,

Let me see if I have got the right understanding about this issue :

It would be better to find a Christian Man who is a lying, cheating, theiving, wife-beating scumbag...than to settle for a kind, considerate, loving and devoted Agnostic or similar.....
........very strange !!!

Takes all sorts...................

Offline Willy The Londoner

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In China, there are also some very good man pursue me, but they are not christians,

Let me see if I have got the right understanding about this issue :

It would be better to find a Christian Man who is a lying, cheating, theiving, wife-beating scumbag...than to settle for a kind, considerate, loving and devoted Agnostic or similar.....
........very strange !!!

Takes all sorts...................

Shucks David. You've got my character off to a T.   HaHa sounds like a members description of me.   I have different views to many and you make a really good point - as usual.
Arnold does it matter where the thread  is situated. It will still be on the first page until it gets tired.  Those that read the heading can guess what the contents is and they DON'T have to read it.
Its like someone watching through a whole TV programme then complaining about it.    Why not remove it if it upsets so many people. Then remove everything else that upsets anyone else. The forum would be empty.
What is the saying about 'may not like what you say but I will defend your right to say it'?? Did someone have that on here once. 
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline David E

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Yes Willy

Your point is well made, free speech must be defended at all costs.

I only have concerns that where free speech is concerned, so much hot air and hostility is generated when it comes to religion. It is a subject that is always filled with emotion and positional posturing that often logic and common sense become casualties. I know that I have a short fuse when it gets onto this subject, but I guess that is my problem.

Out of respect for others' views I try not to inflict my version of the World on them and out of courtesy, I hope thay can do the same for me. After all, we have so much more interesting, important and non-controversial things to discuss here.

I respect the rights of any individual to believe what they choose......I just hope for the same in return, but sadly , my experience is that the "Christians" cant ever leave it alone when I declare I truly have no, want no and have no interest in this subject...period.

I suppose that is the benefit of a Religious Thread, you can all share your views in a non-hostile environment...good luck to you.

But proselytising is part of the it not ?????

I used to have that quote from Voltaire as my logo...but after consideration, I felt it was very pompous and theoretical and it was a statement that I know I cannot entirely live up I changed it  ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 03:38:42 am by David E »

Vince G

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I don't think the trend should be closed but I do think it should be moved over to the Religious section. Any mention of religion sparks a ongoing trend that shifts away from the question asked. And no I didn't PM anybody about this.

For Rachel, it is best to find someone with as many things in common as yourself. The same religious philosophy would help, but just as a christian is not an answer. Here in the US to be christian does not mean you all have the same philosophy. The different Christian faiths teach different beliefs.

An example of this is there was a convoy buses filled with christians spreading the word that the world was ending? I think the world ended last week? or this week? I have many stories of christians that push their beliefs onto others to tell that I have seen with my own eyes and even debated face to face. So to say it's a touchy subject is to say the least.     
« Last Edit: March 08, 2011, 08:00:00 am by Vince G »


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Mike , I know what the question was . I was only saying NOT to further on with Religious topic's and sway away from the original question ask . So this was not warning where it was .. but where it might lead .

Offline Martin

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Well, here is my opinion, since I was the one that made up these rules.  While i did set up a rule to not discus religion, I don't think that this falls under that heading.  This is a thread discussing what is important to a member, in her search for a significant other.

What I was trying to avoid, when it came to religion, and politics falls under here too, was a thread that said, Hey, I am a Christian, and if the rest of you don't follow along, you are going to burn in hell.  Because inevitably, everyone, including me, is going to want to get their two cents worth in.

While some may not agree with what she is looking for, I don't think this thread should be closed, or even moved.  If she came on here, and said, hey, I can't find a good Buddhist man here in China, would we have the same reaction?  I do think that if we keep with Rachel's original questions, concerns, and thoughts, then this thread should be able to move along, and provide insight not only to her, but also to anyone else in the future who feels the same way.

Just my thoughts.

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OK so let's leave it alone and get to the question.  I think one can answer the question with out trying to save the world; as the fear of it presents itself.  That being said I think it is good like others have said to marry a person who carries the same or very near the same moral values as you do.  This is not to say other values outside mine are moral.  There needs to be a commonality of beliefs between two people who have made a marriage covenant between each other.

For Example:  It wouldn't be good for two people to marry if one believes that stealing is completely reprehensible and morally wrong and the partner believes that stealing in certain circumstances if acceptable and practices it.

I have seen in my years people married with two completely different belief systems and they almost always end in disaster.  In 55 years of living I can think of only one couple who were successful at it.  The worst I can remember was a Christian married to a Muslim.

While I would say it is possible for people with two differing religious faiths to be successful I would say that it is unlikely that it would happen.  For me, this was one of the few reasons I took this road of finding a Chinese wife; shared values.

Offline David E

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as the question included the word FAITH .... and of course the answers also included the word FAITH....
also it was a certain member named RACHEL asking for direct and personal advice for herself .... not about dating in general, so the replies are about her and her FAITH are stretching the truth here.........

What got the juices flowing was the sinister and cryptic comment that "unequally yoked" was a least desirable outcome for a married couple.
I would think that the majority of marriages between Western men and Chinese women would have a disparity in religion....very few Chinese women are Christians. Thus any such mixed marriage is likely to be unequal in this specific area.

Thus, such rubbish leads on to the logical conclusion that such marriages are doomed...based on the tenets of YOUR Bible.  What you dont discuss is the reason for such an elitist quote is that it has nothing to do with compatibility of viewpoints, but has everything to do with instilling fear into the hearts of "Christians" that they will suffer eternal Hellfire if they dont marry other Chhristians, so it is purely a brainwashing mechanism to provide the Machinery of religion with millions of new little Christians. After all, if you are "unequally yoked" there is a 50% chance that the child of the union may become something other than Christian.....witness the "Contract" a person of a different religion must enter into before he/she marries a Catholic.

What most Christians never do, is to have a good look at where Christianity came from...and it is not from Nazareth in 000 came from the Roman Emperor Constantine...and was invented for a very sinister some research, check it out.

In summary, dont you dare tell me I am unequally yoked with my Dear have not got that right and I object violently

David A Evans

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I know I'm not a moderator or anything, but maybe some of you should step back for a bit and let things cool down.  It's getting a little heated in here...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline Martin

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I agree with mustfocus.  The thing is, nobody is pushing their religion, or beliefs on least that is my perspective.  So I am confused why this is taken to such a personal level?  Maybe Arnold was right...maybe this thread should be closed.  I don't want to do that, but that will be the next step.

Offline shaun

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Martin, do me a favor.  Break this off at Mike's comment about being unequally yoked and move it to the religion page.  I would like to make a few remarks but we've hijacked this thread and it has taken on a whole new identity.  That way those who want to talk about it can freely talk and those who would rather noe see or hear it can avoid it.

Then people can comment on Rachels thread as they wish.


David E, I would hope that you would go with us if Martin moves it over because I think this is a subject worth discussing.  You know that I will not judge you for what you say but will have a good discussion about it.  You and I have had many good discussions about religion before and we still remained friends.  One of the things you do is make me think before I post and I need that every now and then.


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I think , that I owe Rachel an apology .. as she must feel now embarassed for ever starting this Thread and Question . There really was nothing wrong with what she wanted to know or tell us , it just took a turn somewhere of the Road so to speak . So I apologize as a Mod and hope this will not discourage her to continue Posting , let alone leaving the Forum over this .

Offline Buzz

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Rachel;  just a comment from a different point of view.  A bit of background.  I am a son of a Presbyterian minister.  Grandfather was a minister.  So as you can see, my background is very much in the Christian side of the Universe.  I am old enough (60) to know in China that Buddha, Tao, and Confucius are the three religions.  I will say up front that I did not in the beginning or now consider religion to be the all important or main factor in my choice of a wife. 
What is most important is love and the strength of character of the person you choose to marry.  I have the belief that a true follower of Buddha will do good for all he/she comes in contact with.  Will be gentle, loving and caring, respect nature, and all living creatures.  This is the same philosophy as the Christians. 
So if your desire is to marry a person from outside of china and religion is most important,  then you must also look for that person who has the same level of importance in religion. 
It is my hope that you first look for love, respect, honor, and a kind and caring heart.  If you find that, then you most likely will have found a good match. 
I wish you well.   

As for my wife,  we go to the temple as needed for prayers.  I work at the Hospice on Sunday so I am spared the trip to the church. 

Offline Martin

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OK...I have split the thread.  Keep it clean, keep it civil, and no attacking others for their personal beliefs.