well as for joey i do believe this, for many years i looked for my ultimate happiness it always deluded me ,
it can be a tricky road finding the right Chinese women to be your wife , i have been seeking for so many years now
yes it as been a long time but i now find my princess and i am happily married ,yes living apart is very hard to say the least
some people are envy of what i have done some people have called me, laughed at me , but i now have the last laugh
so i have now to wait for my wife to learn and pass her English exam so that we can be together in England
anything i have done in life as always paid some dividends
now i have the sweet smell of success
do you get out of life what you put into it ? well for me yes
many people say i have just been lucky i do not see that way you get out of life what you put into it
what do you guys think
