Author Topic: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws  (Read 2286 times)

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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 09:49:31 pm »
Interesting.  I actually think the change makes sense.  Having said that they do need to address the issue of ladies, or men, who might end up with a spouse that abuses them.  Ladies shouldn't be punished for leaving an abusing spouse.  If they address this issue properly, I'd support the change.
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not


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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 12:30:40 am »
Alan , but what really is Punishment to the Lady in a abusive relationship ? Making her go back to the Country she came from ? What if she has no-one she can turn to and can't surport herself in a new Country .. with limited Language skills and no means to stay on her own .. to approve them . The best is for her to go back to Family where she has at least a chance to be on her own again .
Now , the Punishment should FULLY lean on the Abusive Spouse ( which in most cases is the Husband ) and have the Book thrown at him by the Law . Of course there needs to be proof of such an ongoing abusive relationship with hard evidence , signs of such , photo's/recordings , witness's ect. .

Martin , I see the two year check as just another way to get Money .. by doing more paperwork . As with Child adoptions , can't they just pay a Visit and see for Themselves all is kosher in the Relationship/Marriage .. without a Bank-Roll attached . I know , they just love to squeeze our Pocket's .

Offline Martin

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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2011, 01:21:21 am »
Arnold, I agree with you about throwing the book at abusive husbands.  There is no reason for this type of behaviour.

I don't know it is so much a cash grab, so much as a way to stop marriages of convenience.  Right now, if a spouse is approved to come to Canada, once arrived on Canadian soil, this person has a legal right to be here.  And the sponsor is on the hook for any social services paid out to the new immigrant for three years.

A fairly recent case happened in Canada.  A woman was married to a foreign man.  Initially, he was refused a Permanent Residence Visa.  They appealed, and he won the appeal.  Upon arrival to Canada, he phoned his wife, and told her not to pick him up.  He had no intention of being with her.  He now has a legal right to be in this country.  And closer to home, i am facing a similar situation, where I am responsible for someone that I am not with, and have no idea where she is.  She has a legal right to be in this country, and I have the legal right to pay for her if she uses any social services.  Its a system that needs to be fixed.  I don't know if this is totally the right way to fix it, but it is a start.

Offline David E

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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2011, 03:38:17 am »
I can add a bit of info. as to how this issue is handled under Aus Immigration law:

After 2 years as a Temporary Resident, a migrating Spouse must go through the whole process again...documents of proof of relationship etc etc etc before she/he is granted a Permanent Resident Status.

During the first 2 years, the Sponsor (in this is responsible for ALL costs associated with the migrating, education, support etc. Our Government does provide some free services along the way...language lessons, assimilation sessions and such.

If during this first 2 years, the relationship breaks down...for reasons NOT concerning physical or mental abuse, then the Migrating partner can opt to return home, or can seek to be granted a special Visa to enable them to stay here.

If there is any form of abuse contributing to the breakup, then it is a Police matter, subject to all the evidenciary rules and laws that protect ALL innocent parties...and punish the guilty ones.. Of course if the abuse is not reported, then nothing can be done.

But once the Australian Sponsor removes their sponsorship, the whole affair is in the hands of the Immigration Department who are normally very sympathetic for continuance of the Tempory Residence..

I believe this system discourages Marriages of Convenience (which it should !!) but at the same time allows a disadvantaged spouse the ability to make application to remain in Aus, despite the Sponsor removing their support.

Once the migrating partner has sucessfully received a permanent Resident visa, then all the rights of a Citizen are in play (except the right to vote, Join the armed forces or become a Politician !!!) At this time she/he cannot be forced out of the country, and on a relationship breakup, all Australian Divorce, custody and property Laws apply.

3 years after Permanent Residency, the Permanent migrant can apply for Citizenship.

I really feel that some of the Women who come here need a lot of protection from guys who do the wrong thing...but then again, some of the migrants should never have been let in in the first place...but that's another story !!!

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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2011, 07:30:57 pm »
Arnold what David posted for Aussie immigration.It is set up almost the same way.In the United States.The sponsor is responsible for all dept in cured by the person he sponsored.Until such time as the person who was sponsored.Either leaves the country.Gets remarried,Or takes the test and becomes a full citizen.

For example you sponsor someone.And you can't get along with them.So you throw them out of your house.All they have to do is walk down to the local police station.Or Church.24 hours latter the person you threw out of your house.Is living better then you do.And has better insurance.You may not get the bill the next day.But keep checking the mail.It will be coming.If you decide not to pay the bill no worries.They will come to your place of employment And arrest you.While you are trying to get bailed out of jail.The bills are still stacking up.If you still decide to not pay the bills.The government will confiscate all you own and sell it.

I read a story a few years ago.About some poor guy who married a Filipino woman who was a professional kick boxer in the Philippines.Every time she would get mad at him.She would beat the stuffing out of him.He Finlay got tired of getting beat up so he kicked her to the curb.But since he was the sponsor.He had to pay her bills.If I remember correctly she married another guy.And he was finally off the hook.But it took her a couple of years to find another husband.So he had to pay for her a place to live.Get her a car.And keep her on his insurance.Along with paying all her bills.And giving her spending money.

Offline David E

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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2011, 07:56:23 pm »
And the moral of this story is...........

If you are corresponding with a 6ft 3inch, 200 pound Filipino Kick Boxer.........

Run Forest, run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline halfpint

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Re: Proposed changes to Candian Immigration Laws
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2011, 12:35:43 am »
LOL, good lesson
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not