Author Topic: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest  (Read 9859 times)

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Offline TomFisher

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QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« on: April 27, 2009, 08:32:05 pm »
I've been chatting with my lady using QQ and it has been great.  The web cam chats have filled on the little gaps in an otherwise solid relationship.  But there is one thing I haven't told my lady and that is all the crazy people that are on QQ.  I've been approached to chat by a few great folks and a couple of real nut jobs.  I have been, shall we say, propositioned by two men and one crazy woman. One guy was an outright flamer who thought I was beautiful and deserved better than my lady.  The other guy and the crazy Chinese chick just wanted me to show him my junk on web cam.  I am not worried about it but I was just wondering if any of the rest of the brotherhood has run into this kind of characters.

Offline David

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 09:11:39 pm »
Wow crazy stuff Tom! :lol:  I would like to learn more about QQ so I might use it to communicate with my lady.

Big Dave


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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2009, 05:06:03 am »
nut cases come off there sometimes i agree but the very first one i talked to is a nice  lady helping me learn chinese mandarin and i am helping her improve her english hehe sometimes i wonder why i use chnlove these last few days get better respones than the damm agency playing or what ever they are doing i use that MDBG site and it seems to be fine with everyone i talked too

Paul Todd

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2009, 07:27:12 am »
I understand where your coming from Tom. Nick, nice idea. I didn't give anyone my QQ number apart from my lady, when we first started using the web cam. Still got some crazy messages from women? ranging from desperate to out right propositions. Freaked me out a bit, so we moved to Yahoo. One good thing about QQ is the ability to capture screen shots with just one click.The first few sessions I must have taken over 100 pic's   :lol: . Now I use "Webinaria" to capture the whole session. It's free and works great. She sing songs to me sometimes, so to be able to see this anytime is a real joy. Even put them on my I-pod :D

Vince G

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2009, 07:51:58 am »
I have yahoo, MSN, iChat (AIM) and QQ. To tell you the truth I hardly use them anymore. Recently telling my lady what I have to what the agency has (for webcam meet) She said to use MSN. Or they will get whatever one I want to use. I just open the appl. and there are messages from strange people? but block them right off. I think they just autodial down a list and it sends the same message to all. Most are just same "wanta chat go to website" No don't wanta chat!  :D


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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2009, 08:28:49 am »
FISH  ( x ... )<

I had the same nuisance requests to chat until I applied the "secret answer" password that people must answer before they can add me as a chat friend. Since then, no solicitation. Go to "Settings", then "Security & Privacy" ... also, then you can "check" the box to avoid receiving chat messages.

Paul Todd

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2009, 08:31:36 am »
Hi Vince,
Did you get your mac web cam sorted? If not, have you thought about using a local web cafe.Only a stop gap, but you could be online with your lady real fast.

Vince G

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2009, 08:40:07 am »
No, to much work and money to get it on my Mac. Not a problem for a Mac just mine (older model). I don't know of any internet cafe's anywhere near here? Looking around for a laptop or the new smaller netbook? but the prices are nuty. One place has it for $300. another for $800. ? Sales guy came running over,  :D  expected a sale but got something else? Something like, WTF is this $800. bucks? u outta your freakin mind?  :lol:

Paul Todd

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2009, 11:41:43 am »
Over here the salesman try to sell you breakdown cover,and it's not cheap. About 250 U.S for 5 years.I told the guy in 5 years this will be antique so why would I pay this fee and does it not come with a guarentee anyway! He got real angry so I left   :lol:  . Went down the street to another store.Those small notebooks look good,lightweight too.

Offline JimB

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2009, 12:46:03 pm »
I had one and I asked how she got me as I do not give my number out to anyone.  She said she did a search on QQ.  I think the password for chat is a good idea, but I just decline anyone that I do not know.  
Before I started declining, I would approve as I thought it was someone I might know. She got downright rude when i told her I was with someone.  I have not had any flamers but I have had some wild women.   One sent me a very detailed scenario.  This was her first letter. Of course I read it a "few" times before I deleted it and her. lol
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Offline Chad

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2009, 09:22:46 pm »
Vince I just bought a netbook a couple of weeks ago from Best Buy for $330. It already had skype loaded on it and has wifi included. It is a little slow but I really just bought it to take with me and for my kids to use. I really like it and it weighs less than three pounds. It is an Eee PC, never heard of the brand before but it will work good for me.

Offline TomFisher

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2009, 09:27:43 pm »
No I did not give out m CuKoo ID, it is just random hits.  I have met some really nice folks, both men and women.  I have stopped accepting request because of the nut jobs, kind of a shame to have to exclude the nice ones that want to chat and exchange language and culture.  But that is life in the cyberworld.

I have to say that since we started video chats our relationship has really taken off.  So it isn't all bad...

Only one week until I head over, leave next Tuesday, I think it's all going to workout just fine.  I'll keep the brotherhood updated but I hope mine is boreing unlike some of the other brothas...


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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2009, 09:35:46 pm »
Oh Mr. FISH ( x ... )< , we'll make sure your postings won't be boring ... hehehe   :twisted:

Offline Rhonald

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2009, 12:15:36 am »
I keep thinking on trying QQ but my anti virus program NOD32 gives warnings about many sites for downloading malicious spyware that I am worried about the program.
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Vince G

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Re: QQ should be called one flow over the cuckoo's nest
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2009, 12:19:24 am »
That's the nice thing about a Mac. When they try to download anything that shouldn't it shuts down the app. Locks it out entirely. I have QQ but haven't tried it out yet.