I think you have got to the core of the truth with your observation.
For both Men and Women, it is easy to get caught up in the possibilities of Chinese/Western relationships, it all sounds so exotic, exciting and possible, early on. This scenario is heavily helped along by lots of translator "fluff"
Over time, the reality begins to bite, the scenario becomes more real and then the dark thoughts, uncertainties and fear creeps in...the "what if" syndrome. As you begin to become more verbally intimate, again promoted by translator exaggerations and maybe bad advice, both of you realise you are going down a track that could be dangerous because after all, you are still both complete strangers really.
It is difficult to know the best way through this phase, until you have met face-to-face, you cant know whether these flowery words can turn into a reality for you both. That is why we say "get over there soonest and decide one way or the other." There is little point in continuing an EMF relationship long term into the future.
Accept that this is phase 1 of any potential relationship, and has little meaning until you get to phase 2 (web-cam and more personal interaction) and phase 3 (a personal meeting)...if and when you get to phase 4 (a marriage) you will have something close to perfection !!!
Phase 1 is pleasant, necessary and useful...but no more than this. It is oh so easy to fall in love (!!!) with a translators phrases or with the thoughts of what might be......but it aint real......yet !!!
We have all been down this track, one way or the other and sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Just keep in mind WHY you decided to look in China for your future life partner, and remember that it would be a rare happening to marry the first woman you correspond with seriously, or the first woman you actually meet..........rare but sometimes possible.
In any event, dont kid yourself that you can begin, develop and conclude a relationship by EMF....thats Testosterone talking, not reality

Dont get concerned, you are doing OK....but you gotta get over there and see for yourself....see it , feel it, touch to speak
