Author Topic: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)  (Read 9438 times)

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Offline Axiom

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Re: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2011, 01:48:08 pm »
Axiom, hit me up when you get here. Me and my gf lives in Beijing. We can also help you with the visa stuff later if you have problems.

Thanks Mikael. (Sorry about the late reply... I have been stressing so much about getting everything done I stressed myself into a bad head cold...)

Well, my Big thing is whether I should do something like get a teaching job so i can get a Z visa and then start looking from there (Not very honest but cheaper)   OR  Go over on a tourist visa and then look for a job and then pay who knows what to change it over... and that said its not guarenteed that I will find work either.

Just so many things to cover... I thought of a few more things I wanted to add over the past few days while I wasnt feeling good, but for the life of me I cant remember them... ah well, they will come back to me eventually :P

Offline Axiom

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Re: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2011, 10:51:47 pm »
Okay finally to the point whre I am talking to different (potential) employers...

I hear a lot about scam English teaching schools... how can you tell if they are not on the level?

The buiggest headache is trying to figure out the Visa form...

I was told I will need a medical exam... what do I do? Just walk into the hospital and say "Hey! I need a medical exam for a visa to China! Will they know what I am talking about? Will they pelt me with rocks and shoo me away?

Do I even need one? Looking on this site.. (under number 6) is states I dont even need one... huh?!?! How does that work?

Any advice on this would be fantastical

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Re: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)
« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2011, 10:32:29 am »
Okay finally to the point whre I am talking to different (potential) employers...

I hear a lot about scam English teaching schools... how can you tell if they are not on the level?

The buiggest headache is trying to figure out the Visa form...

I was told I will need a medical exam... what do I do? Just walk into the hospital and say "Hey! I need a medical exam for a visa to China! Will they know what I am talking about? Will they pelt me with rocks and shoo me away?

Do I even need one? Looking on this site.. (under number 6) is states I dont even need one... huh?!?! How does that work?

Any advice on this would be fantastical

Maybe the rules are different for your country. But as an Australian, when you apply for that type of visa (the "Z" visa), there is a form that has the medical checks on there (which is downloaded with the visa application form) that you take to your doctor for the medical. Once this is done and your doctor has completed the form, and you've received the invitation letter from the school, you take all of this along with the completed paperwork and your passport to the consulate/embassy for them to process. I think for the Z visa, you take a medical in your home country, and then have to take another one after you arrive in China. Usually, if you're applying for a job through a school, this is the standard procedure.

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2011, 10:45:23 am »
Axiom, hit me up when you get here. Me and my gf lives in Beijing. We can also help you with the visa stuff later if you have problems.

Thanks Mikael. (Sorry about the late reply... I have been stressing so much about getting everything done I stressed myself into a bad head cold...)

Well, my Big thing is whether I should do something like get a teaching job so i can get a Z visa and then start looking from there (Not very honest but cheaper)   OR  Go over on a tourist visa and then look for a job and then pay who knows what to change it over... and that said its not guarenteed that I will find work either.

Just so many things to cover... I thought of a few more things I wanted to add over the past few days while I wasnt feeling good, but for the life of me I cant remember them... ah well, they will come back to me eventually :P

An alternative is to come over on a F-Visa, it has a lot of advantages over the tourist visa. There are no real limits as to how many times the F-Visa can be renewed/extended. The F-Visa can also be converted from F to Z without having to leave China. If you are going to stay here in Beijing, i can help you get the F-Visa easily. We also have all the contacts needed for the F to Z conversion, and also to extend the L visa.  In the end, it will be a bit more hassle and a bit more costly arriving on a L visa and attaining a Z. From F to Z is far simpler.  F-visas can now be extended to 1 year onsite in China and you only have to exit China once a year (Available only to citizens of certain countries, US should not be a problem) . The initial F-Visa u can apply for 1,3 or 6 months with multiple entry. I got the 6 months one when i first came here without any problem. You need an official letter of invitation to get this. This i can help you with. 

The health check, here in Beijing you just go do it when/if you get the Z visa. The process is fast and simple. You really dont need to worry much about this. It is also A LOT easier to actually get a job if you are already in China. You do NOT need to make a health check in both your home country and then also China. ONLY the one in China is needed, and like i said, its a simple and swift process (Atleast in Beijing). There are a lot of "scam" schools yes. My best advice for you is to come here first, dont sign any agreements with a company or school you havent met face up. After you have been here for a while you will understand it better then i can explain ;) and you will thank me for the advice.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 10:55:31 am by Mikael_Shim »
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


Offline Axiom

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Re: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2011, 10:57:45 pm »
Yeah, I would like any help you can give setting up the F visa...

I have been looking at a few teaching places.. and let me tell you, all i can say is WOW!!! Who would've thunk so many English Teaching scam companies exsisted!!?!

So with an F visa.. would I be able to come to china without a job and then look for work when I get there? I think that might be a better way to go currently.

I am still looking for that elusive Z visa... but at this point I need to get work there ASAP

p.s. Mikael, I added you onto my QQ list.  If you see some strange guy saying hello... don't delete him.. thats me ;p

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: Beijing? Brothers and Other(s questions I have)
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2011, 12:32:15 am »
With the F-Visa you wont have troubles looking for work here. We´ll take it in priv on QQ later.
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"
