Author Topic: You need to think about it.  (Read 8560 times)

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Offline maxx

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You need to think about it.
« on: May 06, 2011, 12:11:47 am »
One of are long time members.Fiancee was just denied a visa.To come to the states.I'm pretty sure the members paperwork is right.And I'm sure he filed it right.And did all the things he was supposed to do.So why was this members wife denied a visa.

I think it was because GZ knows who they can mess with and get away with it.I met one person who filled out the paperwork and filed his own paperwork.And his fiancee got a visa.I know 2 guys on this forum who did there own paperwork.And got there wife's/fiancee a visa.Two of the people I know are veterans.The other person I don't know to much about.So I think this all comes down to.Who GZ can mess with.The visa application is not to difficult.If you have a basic understanding of English. You can fill out the application.If I can fill out the application.Most of you guys can fill out this application by yourselves.And mail it to the right place

My wife had here interview in March of 2006.The day of my wife's interview.I sat in the coffee shop on the third floor of the U.S. consulate,And passed the time with some guys who were there with there wife's and girlfriends.Who also had interviews that day.SO we are talking back and fourth.Talking about who hired a lawyer.And who didn't hire a lawyer.And the pros and cons of hiring a lawyer.Or not hiring a lawyer.The room was mostly guys who hired lawyers.There was maybe a half a dozen guys who didn't hire a lawyer.

The half a dozen guys who didn't hire a lawyer.Thought that there was more then enough information on the enternet to fill out the visa paperwork.And more then enough information to avoid the pitfalls of the visa journey.They are right.There is more than enough information.On the enternet.To get you and your wife/fiancee threw this.Of the six guys that day only one guy's fiancee received her visa.The other five guys fiancee/wives were denied visa's.The guy's wife who received the Visa he was retired Army with 20 years of experience filling out government forms.He was a supply clerk in the Army.

The rest of the guys that did hire lawyers.All there wife's/fiancees received a visa.Except for one guy.The lawyer he hired was not a immigration attorney.He was a friend of a friend.Who was a business lawyer.

Before me and my wife went to the interview.I loaded my lawyer's number in my phone.I opend the computer in my hotel room to my lawyers email address.If my wife didn't receive her visa.There was going to be hell to pay.My lawyer knew this and GZ knew that if they denied my wife a visa.After I had jumped threw all there hoops and obstacles.And supplied every piece of paperwork that they asked for.They were going to be hearing from my lawyer.And the poor schmuck who interviewed my wife.And then had the guts.To deny my wife a visa. was going to loose his cushy government job.With the great benefits.

My wife's interview took like 10 minutes.They asked her maybe five questions in English.Only two of the questions had anything to do with a visa.The rest of the questions.Had to do with my wife being a plastic surgeon.The guy doing the interview.Wanted to know how much a plastic surgeon made in China.And he wanted my wife to recommend a good hospital in GZ.

So in my own personell opinion.I think you guys who are trying to get your wife's/fiancee a visa to the U.S. need to hire a lawyer.Time and time again.This seems like the only way.To get a visa.on the first try.If your wife/ fiancee doesn't get the visa on the first try.You will have to supply the information that GZ thinks they need.A new interview date will have to be set.And the new interview date used to be 6 months from the day of the first interview.I don't know what the Waite time is now.So think about it.And remember hire a good immigration at tourney.Do not hire a lawyer in China.Or a friend of a friend lawyer.Who is not a immigration at tourney.Chinese at tourneys don't seem to have any sway over the GZ consulate.

good lick


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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2011, 12:54:02 am »
I can only agree with Maxx a 100% of what he posted here . I did feel the need for a Lawyer right from the beginning and now the more I see other's have trouble .. the better I feel doing it that way .

Qing and her Brother , when just a few weeks ago it came to send paper's for brother's Wife to visit us .. they thought .. we don't need a Lawyer for her Visiting Visa . I insisted upon it and stood my ground and told both , that it is well worth the $300 .. instead of taking a chance receiving a " NO GO " notice . She's been to the States twice already , but it did not matter to me .. as I did not want to be the Sponsor that could NOT get the Wife of Qing's brother over here and loose Face .

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2011, 04:02:48 am »
This is an excellent post, with great advice. I would like to mention, that for the Canadian guys, hiring a lawyer doesn't seem as needed. Chong and I both did ours without lawyers, and had no problem getting an approval.

If I was American, I would get the lawyer. Maxx, maybe you could recommend your lawyer here. If I recal, a few guys have used this lawyer with good end results.

Offline shaun

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2011, 05:18:15 am »
That is because America is run by lawyers.

Offline Buzz

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 11:50:56 am »
Maxx ix spot on.  Get the lawyer.  It will cost more in time and money to fix and refile than the lawyer costs.  And shop for a lawyer.  I spoke with several lawyers before i chose mine.  The first question was "when was the last successful visa from china did you process?".  My lawyer had three in the past year, several from Viet Namn and two from Korea.  He is married to a Korean, so he knows first hand what to do. 
My lawyer explained it like this.  The paper work needs to be 'professional looking with out being "lawyer slick".  In other words it needs to flow in the order that the people reading the paperwork are used to seeing.  The paperwork needs to be complete the first time, as once you get a 'red flag', it takes time and money to get the process back on track.  The last thing you want to be is 'noticed'. 
Scott and I both started about the same time.  We both went thru without any problems.  My wife interview lasted 5 minutes and it was in Chinese. 
Bottom line is that having an experience lawyer doing the paperwork will help get the lady her visa quicker.  Shop wisely for the lawyer.  I can say that my lawyer is very good.  He is helping my brother who lives in Nebraska with his visa.  His name is David Long in Greensboro NC.  336-855-5700.

There was one other post by Maxx that needs to be read again.   These ladies do not come cheep.  If you can not afford the cost of the lawyer, then you need to take a close look at whether or not you can afford the lady when she gets here.  My wife does not spend money very easy, but just the cost of her in the home as doubled my monthly expense.  Just FYI. 

Vince G

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 04:48:09 pm »
I am not near ready to need an immigration lawyer but it is in my plans when I will need one. There is no way I will let any part of the gov. pick apart any paperwork submitted. They look for any excuse to empty your pockets. I don't favor lawyers hell I don't even like them BUT I don't take a step without one these days. I've learned my lesson. GET A LAWYER!

Offline lfputman3

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 05:23:28 pm »
I remember from when I was in the army, the guys getting married overseas all said the same thing and the JAG said it as well, to not use a lawyer for immigration is a fools errand.

Shaun is right:
That is because America is run by lawyers.

Our government was written by lawyers, is populated by lawyers and on top of that, trial lawyers foot more campaign money to candidates than any other group out there. Why do you think we're such a sue happy society?
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Offline maxx

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2011, 07:06:02 pm »
Ifputman3 If you were in the military.Or are retired military.Yes you probably don't need a lawyer.For the rest of us.Yes you had better get a lawyer.Reread what I posted.Those 3 people that I know who got there wives a visa without a lawyer 2 of them were ex military.The third guy.Talks and posts like a lawyer.So he mite be a lawyer.I didn't ask him.So I don't know.

I have ben reading and posting on these forums for about 5 years now.Those 3 guys that I mentioned.Are the only 3 people I know of who got a visa on the first try.With out hiring a lawyer.When I was in Gz in 2006.I ran into a guy who was trying to get.His wife a visa.He had ben at it for 2 and a half years.He had five or six trips to China.Just to deal with the visa application.So lets say 5000 for air travel probably 600 for hotels 1,000 for walking around cash each trip.probably another 2,000 in miscellanies resubmit the paperwork.And to fix the problems from the last denial.So this guy was out close to 14,000.After 6 trips.And he still had to go back to the consulate when I talked to him.My lawyer charged me 1800.And another 375 to pay the government fees.And when my wife arrived in the states.And I went to adjust my wife's status.My lawyer sent me all the papers I would need.And told me to call him if I needed any help filling out or filing the papers.

I made three trips to China.After I filled my wife's paperwork.One trip was to have a wedding party.The second trip was just because I was tired of talking to my wife on a computer.And I really wanted to see her.The last trip was to be with her at her interview.We have ben back to China 3 times since my wife came to the states.I will fly to Beijing in June.And help my wife and kids come back to the states.They have ben over viisting since April.Only one of my trips to China.Has ben to deal with my wife's visa.And I didn't have to go.I went because I wanted to.So save yourself some grieve and save yourself some big bucks.Hire the lawyer.Why take the chance.

Buzz makes a very good point.If you can't afford to hire a lawyer.You probably need to think this thing threw a little more.My expenses have also doubled since my wife came to live here.And as the boys get older.I can't see it getting any cheaper.And don't think that you are going to bring your girlfriend/ fiancee to the states.And instantly get her a job.It takes time for them to adjust.And to figure out how things work in your country.So at the least I'm thinking 2 months before your wife starts making any income..

Martin when I hired my lawyer it was called Holmes and Lolly.Now it is  Lolly and associates. They are out of La Jolla California phone # 1-800-872-4664. email address is

Ifputman3 if you decide to bring your wife/fiancee to the states.And you decide to do the paperwork and file it yourself.Please let me know.If your wife/Fiancee.Gets her visa on the first try.You will be the fourth person.I have heard of in five years.Who has done this.And it is really something to be proud of.If you can pull it off.Let me know.

How long were you in the military? did you fight in any engagement over seas? if you were in the military more then 10 years.And you fought in a couple of wars.Then yes you can do this without any problems.If you did a 3 year stint.And was stationed state side. or somewhere else in the world.And you were not involved in a armed conflict.I would hire the lawyer.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 07:16:27 pm by maxx »

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2011, 07:43:09 pm »
Scott I understand and agree.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2011, 07:50:05 pm »
Maxx, my family is military and politically connected, but I would not dare think of doing the paperwork without a lawyer. Those guys got lucky, even guys on duty or retired face challenges. More so the guys on duty, when I was in Korea, lots of guys were dating "locals" and a few got married or engaged, only one was able to bring her back to the states. It's not so clean cut as your painting. It's possible with the ties my family has, I could do it without the lawyer, but I plan to use a law firm that specializes in military and veterans for their family immigration needs. That is of course, if I should find it necessary, considering what happened after I returned from my trip.

The guy that was the supply clerk, yeah, he's used to filling out crap tons of paperwork, I know, dad was in the division supply office when I was a kid.

As for the expenses associated with having a wife from another country come over here, guys, come on, that's a fact of marriage, no matter how you slice it. To go from single to married will change your cash flows and anyone who is not willing to accept that shouldn't be dating anyone in any country.
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Offline maxx

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2011, 10:04:10 pm »
Robert you were one of the three guys I was talking about.Who did it on there own.I knew that you had ben in the service.You were in the Navy right?My point is if you did three years in the service stateside.Then got out.No it isn't going to help you.If you did ten years and saw some action.You are in like Flinn.If you have government contacts like ifputman3 you probably stand a real good chance of getting your lady the visa.

Nobody wants to mess with a Veteran.Or somebody who is politically connected.If somebody found out that you are messing with a vets application.Your going to have to eat lunch by yourself for the next 6 months.You had better put in for a transfer to inner Mongolia.Cause you just screwed yourself.You just don't mess with a vet.They have done there time.Made there own personell sacrifices.It is the least they can do to help you out. If you are messing with somebody app. that is politically connected.You had better learn how to say.Welcome to McDonald's.What can I get you.

Thees people that do the interviews know this.They are not going to mess around with vets or the politically connected.Because they don't want to give up the easy life with the great benefits.So I beg to disagree SR. :) what they can do is mess with people like me and Shaun.Who have never served in the armed forces.And the guy who doesn't have the lawyer backing him up.That is where the lawyer comes into play.They are not going to take on a lawyer who has had many successful visa applicants.Because they don't want to get in trouble.And take a chance of loosing that cushy job.

I do agree.With part of what you posted I felt the same way you did.Why am I paying all this money.I'm doing all the work.All that no account lawyer is doing is having his assistant type the papers up.And making them look neat.I didn't have any red flags.My wife didn't have any red flags.So why am I paying this guy.I felt that way.Until I was sitting in the GZ consulate coffee shop.And the crying girls started coming down the stairs.Then I took back every negative thing I ever said about my lawyer.And I new if this did go bad for my wife.I would have my lawyer to help fix it.And I knew that GZ would not be messing with the guys who had hired a lawyer

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2011, 11:26:05 pm »
We did not use a lawyer. I was in the military however I do not necessarily agree that helped in filling out the paperwork. Maybe the Australian paperwork is different to USA but I think that at the least it covers basically the same critieria. Relationship, personal detals etc.

Xia did get the web address (forget the name now - Pacific Migration or something like that) from someone in the consulate one day and she told me, I had a look and to me it was nothing different than what I did myself.  So I was not going to waste 2-3K for them to fill out what I could do myself.  However if the person(s) doing the paperwork can not understand English or has failed before in an application then the lawyers are probably a good idea.  I would have used one if we had failed, but thankfully it wasn't and fast too.  Must have been the 2-3K I saved on lawyers stapled to the application. ;)
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Offline shaun

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2011, 06:18:45 am »
To be honest I don't think a lawyer would have helped Peggy.  She gets nervous very easy.  She lacks confidence.  But now that the interview has ended in failure she is angry.  She is soaking up everything she can read about the interview process.  There will be a second interview and she will not be a push over this next time.

We've bulletproof paperwork now we need to prepare our women to be bulletproof.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 06:28:34 pm by shaun »

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2011, 06:41:01 am »
No doubt Shaun.  They need lots of coaching and encouraging.  I will try to prepare my wife for everything.  This information will help me become more vigilant. irresistible as chocolate

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Re: You need to think about it.
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2011, 09:51:15 pm »
Scott thanks.

Yes I know the point Maxx is trying to make.  But my point is that unless he is willing to walk a woman through the process it can blow up in your face mush as mine did.   I will share one thing with you.  There is a website you can send your fiance/wife to that will help her better understand what is needed.  I wish we would have had this before Peggy's interview.

It is;

This is helping Peggy a lot to understand.  Like I said I wish we would have had this before the interview.