Author Topic: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...  (Read 10941 times)

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Offline Clayton

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2011, 08:27:17 am »
This is interesting, reading what everyone would do if they were looking for a lady again. I personally had no trouble with Chnlove but i wished i had got off the EMF's sooner. The way I would do it again is to Google a city and all the info comes up about that city and most of them advertise translation services, so i would get in touched with some of these and I recon for not much money they would be your tour guide negotiator ext.  You only need to strike a repore with just one person and you have a foot in the door so to speak
This is the way to go

Offline Neil

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2011, 10:26:33 am »
I had success with Chnlove.  I met a beautiful woman after 6 months of EMF's who hardly knew me.  She was amazing, but we were not meant to be together. 

I met my wife on qq.  We became friends first.  I wanted to return to China and I was beginning to feel really attracted to her, so I visited.  She was amazing, so I asked her to marry me.  I returned a few months later and got married. 

My suggestion would be, and what I would do if I had to do it again: make some friends in China, go and visit.  If you return single, you didn't try.  Someone will introduce you to the woman of your dreams. irresistible as chocolate


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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2011, 02:16:41 pm »
As most of you know , I had great success with Chnlove . If I had to do it over again , I certainly would do it exactly the way I did it the first time .. only downfall would be .. how could I expect it to go exactly the way I found my Wife ? This has really been a chance in a Lifetime and it will never be repeated . So , like they say .. if you miss the Boat you're out of Luck . The next Boat different Destination/different Crew/different Outcome .