Author Topic: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...  (Read 10950 times)

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Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« on: May 16, 2011, 08:47:10 pm »
Hello everyone....I am starting to look in China for a companion and wife ..I have spent the last several weeks in off time reading the pros and cons about chnluv...I have signed up to Chinese Love Links and Chn Luv...I have read all of the negative reports about Chn luv ..I am asking this question from those who have used Chnluv and went to china to actually see the girl(s) that you have been writing to.  Can you please give a brief thoughts of how you made out? Were the results positive or other question would it be a good idea to just write a few and then show up at the agency that represented the women that you had contact with and ask them to set up a few dates....with the women that you have been writing to ...instead of months after months of letter through the EMF service.

Thank you

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 09:02:19 pm »
Personally, I gave up on ChnLve.. My personal experience is they are a scam.

I heard good things about ChinaLoveLinks... I personally met my sweety while trying to learn Chinese on

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2011, 09:52:38 pm »
Like Axiom, I gave up too after being scammed by a couple of agencies and ladies.  One of the agencies is one of the best rated for no scams.  how about that for you.  I went somewhere else and found the love of my life.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 10:00:44 pm »
This question comes up time and time again and the same people offer up the same advice and experience for the new guys. Would it be possible to gather all those separate threads , questions and advice into a single thread and give it an obvious name. This would give the new guys a head start when they first arrive here and provide them with a lot of reading and advice in a single place. 

Now my 2 cents about chnlove.  Avoid them at all cost.  They are a band of thieves and have no interest in you or you happiness other than to separate you from your money. Yes they have a ton of gorgeous girls to browse through.  You can spend hours looking at lovely ladies to the point of double vision 
But the photos are fake. They have been photoshopped to the point they look like an entirely different person. There are plenty examples here.

You may have a wonderful relationship with a woman only to find out that you are carring on a love affair with a translator who is making up bullshit to keep you interested. There are plenty examples here.

Sometimes the woman is not even aware that you exist. You are sent a interest letter that is a complete fabrication just to test if you are interested. If you repsond then you just put another few bucks into their pocket. If you take the bait they are going to make a lot of money from you.  All the while the lady whose profile they are using has no idea that she and you are in a relationship. There are plenty examples here.

So... fake ladies, fake photos, fake letters, fake stories...need I go on?

 You dont stand a chance against organizations that are designed to take away your last penny. You will do best dealing directly with the lady you are interested in. Your on the right track with

Your not entirely safe there either but at least you have a fighting chance. If you are scammed then you get had by a single lady or maybe her and her boyfriend but not an organized crime syndicate..

« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 10:23:10 pm by Pineau »
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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 10:26:57 pm »
I didn't have any problems with Chnlove.Martin,Ed,Sarge,Okie Rob,Shaun Nafferty,Brian Mc c,Arnold Nik,Paul Todd.Didn't have a problem with Chnlove.Nik Evin advertises for them on his blog.I could set here all night.And keep adding to the list.I could also write a list.Of people who have ben taken to the cleaners.By one of the agencies.

If you want to go the Chnlove route.Establish contact.Get the every day photo of the girl.Get off the Emf's as soon as you and the lady are comfortable.Have a web chat with the lady.Remove the doubt.That you are being swindled before it eats you up.Then you have a bad attitude.And it is all bad before you have Evan got a good start.

If I had to do this again.Knowing what I know now.I would just go to China and stand on a street corner.The lady of your dreams will be along in a minute.If she can't make it.Her friend will be by.And she is just as beautiful and clever.As the woman of your dreams.If this doesn't work for you.You are doing something wrong.

If this bold plan isn't to your liking.Post some information here on this thread.Post a couple of pictures.We have half a dozen Chinese woman.On this forum.And one of them mite be interested in talking to you.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 10:29:01 pm by maxx »

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 11:27:18 pm »
Hi Chinatraveler,

I had no problems with Chnlove, neither. I think it depends on the local agency behind. The Chnlove thing took about 2 month for us. Thereafter, chatting on QQ (with uncle Google for the translation). Now we have been married and living together for about 20 month.

But I have also heard a lot about those scams. If I had to do it again, I'd probably do it the way Maxx says. Go there and find a lady in the crowd.

Good luck!
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Offline Rhonald

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 11:31:17 pm »
If I had to do this again.Knowing what I know now.I would just go to China and stand on a street corner.The lady of your dreams will be along in a minute.If she can't make it.Her friend will be by.And she is just as beautiful and clever.As the woman of your dreams.If this doesn't work for you.You are doing something wrong.

Maxx you are right on the mark as this is how I would do it again as well, but only if I could live in China for a while. Since I have a decent job here and my teenage boy lives with me, I would give up much to go to China to purse this plan. I think a better plan is that since I have made friends with a few recent immigrates from China, I would ask them to introduce me to some of their friends. Meeting a recent immigrate to my own country avoids two major pitfalls: the girl being too westernised and the dreadfull Visa wait.
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Offline Pineau

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 11:39:48 pm »
Well you may have  guessed that I am one of those guys that got taken to the cleaners. (more than once) and I never had any successful dealings with Chnlove. 

And I stand by my statement that chnlove has no interest in your personal happiness. You are part of their revenue stream and it is to their interest to keep you on the line for as long as possible.

Of course if the public mission statement is to forward cross cultural marriage then they had better hit a few home runs to make their business legitimate. But in my opinion they are a storefront for unscrupulous agencies and provide an umbrella under which the agencies operate. At the same time the agencies provide chnlove a scapegoat of plausible denial that they can blame the scams and swindles upon. It’s a perfect partnership. When things go bad and someone gets caught then Chnlove can blame the agency or a rougue translator.

I am happy that some of the guys got lucky with Chnlove but I think that they are a small percentage of the users of  chnlove. I believe there are far more men that walked away unhappy and frustrated with the experience or had to try several times to achieve success.

I don’t like to argue this again and again and I am sorry to use this guys thread for a rebuttal but I think it is important to state the obvious. Chnlove and their affiliated agencies have a history of dishonest behavior and numerous complaints among the membership here. The guy asked for pros and cons about Chnlove so I gave him a few cons. Rather than come to their defense I choose to warn him to be cautious.   

I also agree with Maxx.  The perfect situation would be to come to China and just start meeting ladies. You will certainly come up with a good catch shortly. But you may have a hard time making up your mind which one. haha.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 11:43:51 pm by Pineau »
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Offline ChinaTraveler

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2011, 01:14:34 am »
Thank you guys for all of the help ...That is just it of the ladies I was interested in suggested in her ChnLuv profile that she wanted to do a web cam as soon as possible...a "scam" ? what do you more experienced guys think ? What about just going to the cities that I am interested in and going to a few introduction agency there and just walk in ...make a few appointments ?  One of the things I did was to hide my profile so that I would do the selection of the ladies...I am 37 ...ok looking ..successful....easy to get dates here in LA ...but just missing the truthfulness in my dating pool..I have a Masters ....looking for an educated woman ...23-33...would like to have at least one child...perhaps a teacher,nurse,doctor....! And what do the chinese ladies think of a pre-nup....any experience ...? Don't mind sharing 50-50 from the day we are married on ..but I have been working hard to get my life where it is ... !
Oh China story ..was going to Sai gon for a work project ....transfer airport was GZ ...but of course I was not allowed out of airport I have been to China....but not really ..! as always any and all suggestions would be helpful ....!I am a patient man .

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2011, 03:03:26 am »
I too have not had any trouble with chnlove, I had contact with one lady for five months, Met her in  Beijing and we hit it off really well from the from the first day, She sent the translator home after only three or four days and we enjoyed twelve days together, We kept in daily contact for the next three months through emf,s and also through the translators personal e,mail address , Who by the way is a lovely person, I married my wonderful lady and now only FOUR DAYS until we are together again,,,I have read a lot of BAD news from chnlove but i am happy to be one of the lucky ones.

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2011, 03:09:16 am »
Hi and welcome CT , the fact that the lady wants to webcam asap is a big plus , you will read a lot of now funny stories both here and on the chnlove forums , but one thing to remember that in China even doctors etc, work 60 hours plus a week usually 6 days and are to tired to gallop around on the 7 th  so whoever you do go to see requires planning especially in the age group you are thinking about as most will not have finished schooling till at least 25 so will be pretty new to their place of employment.  Then like Maxx said if you went in China's Autumn or Spring you will have a sore neck from looking at all the beautiful ladies whilst enjoying a takeaway coffee in one of their shopping streets , especially in somewhere like ChongQing where the population is double that of LA .
 One thing is even if things do not work out to have a lady meet you at the airport is a good start , but you can learn more as you progress along , I also had no problems with Chn site , but I actually met my love on Asia Friendfinder , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2011, 03:12:01 am »
I had several bad experiences with burned as an "EMF" generator and was very disappointed overall.

Then I joined THIS Forum and found out what I had been doing wrong !!!

Long story short...I found my wife on another site. But if I had to do it all again I would give CHNLove a go, but I would be aware of the traps.

You will read it here time and time again...get off EMF's and onto real photos, personal communication and face-to-face web-cam as soon as possible. That way you will be in control and not get "Translator fluffed"

Like everything in life, knowlege is power...and here on this Forum is all the knowlege you will ever need to avoid getting burned.


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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2011, 03:25:07 am »

Not happy with Chnlove, exchanged very "belivable" emf for a few months, even everyday pictures. Then i went there and met a total stranger. I would say stay away, if i was offered a web cam sessoion I would do that and take it from there.

Later I did meet a wonderful and amazing woman through a more conventail paying sites (

Today i would suggest people to go to China as soon as possible and try to meet someone through mutual activites/interest/hobbies. I know the first trip might be difficult to embark on, but it will be worth it. At least it was for me.

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2011, 06:14:04 am »
Chnlove is the unreliable, rip-off of a vehicle that got me to China in the first place. When I started, I knew little about the mechanics of this particular vehicle, so it wasn't a surprise in hindsight that I got royally scammed. But by that time, it was too late, I was in love with China, and I knew that I would find my wife in that country. Like David said, information is power. So, before ditching the vehicle, and instead of vowing vengeance on Chnlove, I just dusted myself off and started again. This time, I wrote to a few women, with the aim of choosing one. I told them all that if we couldn't make personal contact after the exchange of ten EMFs, then I would regrettably have to say goodbye. Two of the four women were OK with this, then I wrote to the one I liked best. When it became apparent that her agency, were pressurizing her to advance them part of the marriage fee, and that they were fabricating letters, we decided to meet without either the agency or Chnlove knowing. We met in October 2009, married in China in April 2010, and are now living together (for 90 days at a time) in Hong Kong.
Do I like Chnlove? No. I won't be sending them any testimonials. They are just common or garden corporate thieves, who cover up for the agencies. I don't like insurance companies either. I don't much like lawyers. But sometimes insurance companies and lawyers are  necessary evils, to get you what you want. I could tell Chnlove how to run their business better, but they wouldn't listen.
I could have spent my life planning a vendetta against Chlove after my first experience, but that would have only made me bitter. Instead, after they mugged me and hit me for a few hundred pounds, I just found a beautiful woman to heal my wounds.
It is possible to make Chnlove work for you. It is about luck, but more about determination and information and plain common sense. Chnlove is an option. Many of the people who found love via Chnlove found it partly despite Chnlove. But all of them have strong never-give-up patient and stubborn personalities. They do not confuse the love that they have for their wives with the healthy suspicion of an institution. They also know that there will be bigger battles ahead than Chnlove, and they keep their powder dry for those battles, rather than waste time thinking about the rather shaky vehicle that got them there in the first place.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 06:29:50 am by Philip »

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Re: Dreaded ChnLuv questions....from a new guy ...
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2011, 06:23:38 am »

If I had to do this again.Knowing what I know now.I would just go to China and stand on a street corner.The lady of your dreams will be along in a minute.If she can't make it.Her friend will be by.And she is just as beautiful and clever.As the woman of your dreams.If this doesn't work for you.You are doing something wrong.

Om my first trip - I met a lady on the street. Te be MORE precise... ;D...I stopped a lady to help me..and if you read the story you'll know the result.
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