Ahhh, come on you guys, what's not to like about 5 buckerino EMF's, Hahahaha !

Ya, things can get pretty wild when you’re writing a number of ladies, that can get expensive real fast !! Hahaha !

I thought I would chirp in here to give my 2 cents, errrrr... I mean...yuan's worth on some of my experience.
I would have to say I am somewhere in the middle, I would not say I am for Chnlove nor would I say I am totally against it. I agree with what Philip said, consider it an option, there are many options out there.
When I first joined Chnlove, I went through lots of EMF's talking to various ladies. I learned a lot by talking with many gals but I soon got weiry of having so many Ben Franks depart on a regular basis. Then I started reading the forum on Chnlove where guys would talk about their experiences. I became more informed and started doing things differently. I would ask much sooner for casual photos. Yes, there were a whole slew of people I wrote but then after I saw the more casual photo of them, I cut the relationship off because there was too big a difference between the real photo and the original one they had up. That saved tons of EMF’s !
After a while, I settled on one lady and went to see her directly in China. When I met her at the airport with her translator, I was a bit surprised that she too looked a bit older than what she put up for her profile photo. That put me off but I went onward. Problems started to happen with the translator, she was a nice person but when she said certain things to me in person, those were different than what was written to me in the EMF's. In fact, I got into an argument about this with her. Things went up and down with the lady I was interested in but things improved a little towards when I needed to leave China, I told her that I would come back to see her. But I knew I would not use that same translator again, it just did not feel right.
I used Chnlove to meet another lady. I would have to say that this person was quite nice and resembled her photo. I did not feel anything strange here, it was good since the gal could also speak some English which made things easier. Things did not work out with this lady but I cannot say there was anything weird or strange that happened. Yes, I think part of it was not having a translator right there listening in to every detail we both said. There are times when you want some privacy and do not want to share stuff you are saying with a translator.
Another thing that happened is I met a really nice guy in the hotel where I was staying at on one trip to China. I met him accidentally when I was walking around the lobby looking at some of the shops. I heard English and then I went to find out who was talking since I did not see one single foreigner while I was there at that hotel. I introduced myself and he was quite open to talking more, we made an arrangement to visit with each other. We drank some beers and tea together and it turned out he too was looking for a wife, he also was using Chnlove. Well, when he told me the details of what happened, that really opened my eyes up. He was all set to be married to a lady whom he had been writing letters to, but when he got over to China to set up the marriage, something weird happened. The agency told him the former husband of the woman he was interested in came in and put a stop on the marriage. My friend could not even see her to discuss anything !! Wow, you can imagine the feelings my friend had when this happened, it was a major nightmare. My friend told me that he spent a number of days just crying, he wondered what to do. He told me that since he was already in China, instead of going back home he would go onward to meet other women. Well, he wrote to someone else after picking himself up, again using Chnlove. He told one lady he would come down to see her and that lady agreed to meet him at the airport, guess what ? No one showed up !! Geeze, what a raw deal after that first horrible experience ! Some airport staff helped him find a hotel, and the hotel he chose is the one where I met him. Believe me, after having many conversations with him, this really opened my eyes up.
Something else I want to say...please trust yourself and if you do not feel comfortable with a translator once you get to China, find one you do feel good about. Some of these translators are nice people and even though some know English quite well, they ARE NOT relationship experts !! A few have stepped outside of the boundaries of what I consider good practice, making recommendations about money matters, or things I should/should not do, I gave up on them. It took a while but I did find some who I could trust more. I personally think it is also a good idea to get a pocket translator (BESTA or something similar) and use that on some of the dates you have. Try a date with just your lady, she might open up to you more since there won’t be a go between. You might find out very valuable things you would never find out about when there is actual person translator there. It is NOT AN EITHER OR THING, you can have both a translator AND pocket translator. I for one will be using both !
Lastly, thanks to those who shared your ideas/opinions here in a more extended context, I learned a lot from you guys already ! I appreciate that !