Author Topic: Oppinion on the matter please  (Read 4556 times)

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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2011, 11:18:14 am »
Philip/Vince , that's some great Work you did .. thanks a million . This is my first look into an actual Agency .. mmmh .
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 05:02:07 pm by Arnold »


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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2011, 04:36:36 pm »
Whoa, first thank you Philip I was about to think I did something realy bad here, I'm happy to see I wasn't TOTALLY wrong. I need to apologize to everyone if I caused any trouble, that wasn't my intention and I understand what you all said, I may have jumped the gun here.

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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2011, 07:20:05 pm »
Good One...Sherlocks !!!

Can you imagine how many EMF's per day go through this place !!! And I understand that the Translators are on a quota system....must complete 12 per day or dont get paid.

So it is not hard to figure that you dont have a dedicated Translator, agonising over your every word and emotion and carefully thinking up a legitimate response to all the stuff you pour out in your letters.....!!!!!

And imagine how hard it is for a Translator to remember the details of every individual and every letter that passes through her desk every wonder we get some mixed messages.

The photos simply illustrate that it is a great big money making machine, totally devoid of any emotion or warned.

Only way to get over this is to go to China...thats exactly when you get to know the reality...not as a result of the "process" we see happening in these photos.


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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2011, 07:46:15 pm »
It's funny that there are only Women in the Place . So going by Chinese Custom , this is NOT a Man's Job .. with a few exceptions . Speaking of Men , my first Translator actually was a Man ( Chinese Knot ) if anyone remembers ? He left the Agency for better work ( Translating for international Business Traveler's ) . This Job is too insecure and doesn't pay enough for Men to support a Family . Thus , so many Translator changes at Agencies and throw in BAD english .. out you go . Your costing us Money Girl !!!


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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2011, 04:22:55 pm »
Whoa !

You know something... after hearing all of this stuff, I'll bet that was the agency in Changsha my friend contacted and then had that no-show at the airport. That would not surprise me !

Ya, EMF's are a great cash cow ! Haha !


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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2011, 09:26:15 am »
Whoa, first thank you Philip I was about to think I did something really bad here, I'm happy to see I wasn't TOTALLY wrong. I need to apologize to everyone if I caused any trouble, that wasn't my intention and I understand what you all said, I may have jumped the gun here.

No need to apologize.  If anything, you got some of our guys to do a little detective work.  It's been awhile since we have seen Vince do some of his digging.  Feel free to question anything here about the agencies, or the dating sites.  We don't work for them...we are independent of all dating sites.  We are here to help each other out to get through this maze of cross cultural/online dating.

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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2011, 04:02:45 pm »
I concur with Mikkie, get her onto QQ or other chat, she's not in some little village somewhere, she's in a city, not hard to get internet access. Start learning Chinese, Sunny can help you get started with that, there's also great online resources all over the place and when in doubt, Amazon and look at the reviews. It does suck that there are not many good language learning titles on Kindle yet, but hey, they are working on it. Don't be afraid to have a translator page open when chatting. Believe it or not, it helps to start jamming those characters into your memory. Which can also help with speech, a little. Nothing like actually speaking of course.

Some agencies are trash, some agencies are good, big thing, get her talking outside of EMFs. Find out what she's looking for and if she is what you are looking for. If not, move along, don't get tied up in the illusion, there are literally millions of beautiful women in China, one of them wants a funny looking western man in her life.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

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Re: Oppinion on the matter please
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2011, 08:40:24 am »
... one of them wants a funny looking western man in her life.

 :D lol