I totally agree with Scott.
I too put out a fair amount of dollars on EMF's, I am not sorry I did that and did learn quite a bit. But now, I have just gotten to the point where I am not willing to spend as much as I once did.
It has made quite an impact on me after reading the member's stories here. And I have made some decisions. I am going to just tell any other Chnlove women right from the start that I can share a small amount of EMF's, but after that I want some of our communications to move over to private emails and Video chats. I am not interested in getting hung up in a bottomless EMF pit any more.
I had to put a stop to one Chnlove lady who constantly was sending out letters, I mean this gal really could pump them out. I would barely have enough time to read one and then another would come in. So, I had to put my foot down and just told her she needed to start up a QQ or another email account for the shorter emails. I also told her we could still use Chnlove but not all of the time. If she does not want to try to work along with me a little bit, I can find someone who will. I felt things were getting out of control too much and I feel better after doing this.
I just wanted to say one more thing. I know some of you have written quite a bit about Chnlove issues and it does get old responding to the same old stuff. But I did glean quite a bit from your posts, so don't think your time was wasted, I learned a great deal from you. I am glad you took the time to put that up even though you might have thought it was already talked about.