Author Topic: what kind of the life would you like in china?  (Read 4387 times)

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Offline sara

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what kind of the life would you like in china?
« on: May 18, 2011, 07:34:42 pm »
   I read something here i know some of your guys would like to live in china in the future. I would ask your guys a question: how would you live nice in the big cities of china,  like Beijing, Guangzhou, and shanghai after you meet a nice Chinese lady? How much money would you need for renting a house and eating in a month if she has no house and job in the big cities?
   i wish i could do some nice thing for you because i worked and lived over 20 years in guangzhou and i am working and living in beijing.


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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2011, 08:46:17 pm »
Personally I would probably live while being a teacher, teaching either french or english. As far as money is concerned I don't know enought about how much I would need yet  ;) after all I'm just starting this venture.
Must also considere the future wife wish, if she want to come to Canada or want me to stay in China. So far that's what I think.


Offline Hajo

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2011, 11:02:12 pm »
Hi Sara,

I am actually in the situation that I have found a job opportunity with a Danish company in Beijing and wish to apply for it. I do not know how much money, I can earn there. But my wife is concerned about going to Beijing, because of our son. He is 12 year old and Chinese. He has been going to in 乌鲁木齐 until October 2009 (6. class/grade). Today he is going to a Danish school (6. class/grade).

In Denmark, he will go in 7. class/grade after summer. My wife is very concerned that our boy would have to have to start in 6. grade/class again when going to Beijing. She is also concerned about the living costs in Beijing. She is also very concerned the living costs in Beijing. She told me, that we would have to pay school money because we are not from Beijing.

I would like to know your opinion about schools in Beijing and how much money would I need to earn in your opinion to have a decent living in Beijing? I have seen some housing for about RMB 10.000 - RMB 13.000 in Beijing. Is this expensive for Beijing standard?
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Offline Irishman

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2011, 11:47:05 pm »
Its something I've often thought about.
Long term I would like to move to Sanya from most of the year bar maybe June, July and August . I am not a cold weather fan at all and would love to live somewhere warm all year  round. It would be convenient for Sunny to visit her parents too.
There is a bit of an insane housing bubble there even by Chinese housing bubble standards at the moment though, but I guess that will all end in tears as it has everywhere else in the west.
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2011, 03:14:39 am »
I have long been a fan of Beihai and its very nice overall climate and Sujuan agrees with this , but whilst the move is on the horizon may only be my ashes that make it there , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline Kiwi303

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2011, 05:15:54 am »
to tell the truth, I'm a country boy, I like green around me, and while I can live in a concrete jungle, the real jungle with it's green trees and live wild animals is always calling. Rather than in the heart of a city in the CBD, I'd see myself living in a rural-ish suburban area within walking distance from the housing to the fields. A half hour commute into the city proper is acceptable, here it is an hour and a hlaf drive to go do the grocery shopping, but I live on 740 acres and get to sit on the back door step and shoot tin cans with a high powered rifle... Not a pastime much approved of by city police.

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2011, 06:50:30 am »
We are living in Guangzhou at the moment.  Fiona sold her house and socked the money away in savings. She quit her job and is now only workign twice a week for extra money to go play with. So we are living on my income alone. We are renting a two bedrom apartment for 1500 RMB a month including water and electric. We go out to eat 3 times a week and go on some sort of holiday once a month.  We are doing fine on less than 1200 USD each month. It is going to get hot here in June and I am anxious to run to Weihai or somewhere else close to the Ocean where it would be cooler in the summer months.

My home is in America and that is probably where we will end up but it is nice to know that I can tollerate the food, culture and climate here in China incase we wanted to move back someday.
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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2011, 08:40:18 am »
I live and work in Beijing. We will never buy apartment here because the prices are way to high and keeps climbing. We live in Tongzhou which is about 45 minutes from city center. Apartments here are very cheap if you just want to rent. The area where we live is nice and clean, apartments are western style and you can get a nice 70sqm for ~2000/rmb a month. In october we are moving closer to city center (Dongzhimen or Jinsong), you can find quite nice apartments for rent in this area for 3-3.500rmb/month. If you are willing to Spend 6k+ you can get a really modern and nice apartment. Me and my gf dont think its worth the money though. We are saving up to buy apartment in Qingdao or Weihai next year but will keep living here in Beijing for a few more years because its easier to find good jobs here. Meanwhile we will rent out our apartment in Qingdao/Weihai. In 5 years we plan to move to Qingdao/Weihai and open business there instead.

We live very well on 10.000rmb month and we make quite a bit more then that so theres left for saving as well.
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2011, 05:29:16 am »
Well anyone with any sense is not going to want to live in Beijing or Guangzhou and even Shanghai.  I can think of a good reason.  Basically if a man is going to get shafted in China it is likely to be in either of these places.

I always recommend people I come into contact with to say forget about these cities as they are filled with women from the northern countryside who are out to make what they can from any man that comes their way.

After close to two years since I moved to Zhongshan  I am still looked on as a sort of novelty amongst the locals.  But then I was always looked on a sort of novelty in the area of London where I lived!

But do not let me put off anyone who comes herre to live.  I would not want to live anywhere else. 

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Offline Axiom

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2011, 06:14:00 pm »
I just want a shot at making my dreams come true. I am a hard working guy.. I just need the chance.

I was in advertising for 5 years (not little local mom and pop advertising.. I am talking  the HUGE ad firms that control oh so much of our daily lives), and I got sick of selling cigarettes to school kids and coaxing people out of their pension cheques.. I wanted to change my life. So I started making cartoons and web games. Its very difficult to break into that kind of work in the states.. but its still a very new thing in China.

So if I can get a job doing that and marry my Tingers. What more could I want out of life?

Well, I *am* still waiting on my flying car that all those space movies from the 50's promised  >:(

Offline joeswuhandream

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2011, 05:09:30 pm »
well i could live anywere in china in the country ,in the city ,it would not bother me 
as long as i am with my wife, i do not give a dam the simple life is all i need with good simple food , just relaxing and chilling out all day sat in the parks reading,  in a tea house , and of course enjoying  my wife's excellent cooking  :)
the more stress free the better , not bad really after the rat race and stress of England , maybe open a small cafe just for something to do  ;)
now i think i am dreaming , no i am not that is what i will be doing in 10 years time retirement can be good very good
nothing better living the dream in china  with my beautiful wife wow
regards  joey/Sophia

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2011, 11:58:52 am »
As a vet, right now I'm bucking for a position in the IRS, SEC or even GAO to get an auditing position for a couple years, get all of my little letters after my name, CPA, CCPA, CMA, CAA, that chariming stuff. Then with enough certifications as an accountant, I should be ok, being that it is expected to be over 10 years for China to get the accountants they need and I will also freelance offering services for ex-pats.

she likes the idea that I am considering at least retiring to China. Besides, the only thing I would miss here for the most part, is my boomstick collection, which I would entrust to my radical fundamental baptist tea party marine brother. They would be taken care of quite well.

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Offline Axiom

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Re: what kind of the life would you like in china?
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2011, 12:17:54 pm »
oop! I thought of more stuff I wanted to add...

I would gnaw my own knees off if I could get into one of these schools!!

So i am adding them to the list of "The kind of life I want in China"