Author Topic: need some help  (Read 6582 times)

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Vince G

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Re: need some help
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2011, 06:23:50 pm »
My ex-wife said I never listen to her. At least I think that's what she said.

There are three rings of a marriage, the engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffering.

Offline shaun

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Re: need some help
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2011, 07:23:23 pm »
Hi Angel and Rachael,  This is a difficult question to answer.  There will be as many different answers are there are men because there are many aspects to the answer.

I thing for you it might be better to ask specific questions for example; Do Western men believe in marriage?  Do western men believe in family?  Do western men believe...

Another possibility is for you to decide what kind of requirements you might want in a western man and ask if that requirement is reasonable or unreasonable.

I think some of the things you might be trying to find out is if most western men believe in family, faithfulness to his wife,  supportive to the woman's needs and desires.   Questions like that.   Tell me if I am right or wrong.


Offline sara

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Re: need some help
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2011, 11:14:58 pm »
Hi, Angel
   Saying in china: 婚姻就像你脚上的鞋子,好不好看别人知道,舒不舒服只有你自己知道。
   i believe the happy marriage is the same over the world, but the unhappy marriages are very different for the different family: how to spend money, having a baby, communicating well, lying something ........
   Have a good luck to meet a nice guy

Offline Hajo

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Re: need some help
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2011, 01:25:49 am »
Hi, Angel
   Saying in china: 婚姻就像你脚上的鞋子,好不好看别人知道,舒不舒服只有你自己知道。
   i believe the happy marriage is the same over the world, but the unhappy marriages are very different for the different family: how to spend money, having a baby, communicating well, lying something ........
   Have a good luck to meet a nice guy

Hi Angel,

I think Sara, has a good point. It will always depend on the couple who has found together.

Also like Shaun says, there as many different opinions on this question as there are people. Many people have probably the same wishes for a good marriage. But that is not enough I think.

When you first live together, many things will influence your life. Will you be able to reach an agreement on the matters of live? I do not say, that people need to have the same opinion on things, but they need to be able to reach a point where they both can accept the solution to the problem.

It is difficult to say what kind of man you should look for. But if you communicate with someone and you think there is something you do not understand, ask us and we will give you our opinion on this matter.

Listen to your inside and you will feel it when you meet the right one. May your search for the right partner be filled with luck and happiness!
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Offline halfpint

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Re: need some help
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2011, 12:05:36 am »
Love must be there 1st, its the root of everything else.  Respect for each other, trust in each other, caring for each other.  Add those three things, I think you will have a successful marriage.
My qin ai de is in Shanghai, and I'm not

Offline Mag00

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Re: need some help
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2011, 01:09:29 am »
Angel, I agree, there is no one thing that leads to or is the most impoortant in a marriage.. but i feel that trust, honesty, comon goals, and desires are Important. To wish success in whatever endevors the partner may have .. To give support in the same. After all it should be a PARTNER ship.. two pulling in the same direction.. But If there is one thing that can hurt or even ruin a relationship,be it bussiness or personal is the lack of one thing. COMMUNCATION. without the abilty and openess of communication most any couple will have a bad time ... even failure.

Offline Mag00

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Re: need some help
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2011, 07:27:37 pm »
Angel, I agree, there is no one thing that leads to or is the most impoortant in a marriage.. but i feel that trust, honesty, comon goals, and desires are Important. To wish success in whatever endevors the partner may have .. To give support in the same. After all it should be a PARTNER ship.. two pulling in the same direction.. But If there is one thing that can hurt or even ruin a relationship,be it bussiness or personal is the lack of one thing. COMMUNCATION. without the abilty and openess of communication most any couple will have a bad time ... even failure.
Oh, and spelling..yeaqh,proper spekling...Oh, Mag00 you've done it again.