Willy is right on this one, I've had a little coaching from more than just here at this site and like myself you are under 40 which is far more appealing than all these old guys

that typically tend to be floating around looking for an Asian bride. She is motivated most likely due to she is at the marriage age and she's graduating soon. That's time to get it in gear. You will find that educated (university) Chinese girls play ball a little more strategically than do others in China. Personally, I enjoy it more.
Get over it already. There are plenty of people who have had wonderful experiences through Chnlove, look at John1964. Not all agencies are crooks and business is after all business. No one goes into business to fail and give away money. Even NPOs seek to make money, because they have staff and bills to pay before they can hand out their % of profits to maintain that NPO status. You're gonna scare this poor guy.
Back to Chinatraveler, the girl I'm visiting on my next trip, graduate of Beijing Music college and she is meeting me at the airport, one reason is to be certain what train I'm on from Beijing, the other, the good ones want to make sure that you as a foreigner, even if you speak Chinese are taken care of and are for real yourself. My girl, ironically, met me on my last trip, which ended in disaster as most here know. She knows I'm for real, she just can't wait to see me.