Author Topic: Suggestions Please...  (Read 3131 times)

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Offline ChinaTraveler

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Suggestions Please...
« on: May 30, 2011, 04:16:30 pm »
I will be traveling to China to attend an expo ...for business...I have been writing some one is about ready to graduate with a masters ...She speaks and understands English  quite well chance ..I will be going to the girls hometown for the convention ...she is on the other side of china...She has invited me to visit her ..we both would like to meet to see if our interests in each other is real not just virtual . I have a really limited amount of time ...I suggested we meet during the Expo and i would take her to the various events (dinners,daily activities) during the convention....she accepted and wanted to know the dates so she could book her trip to meet me at the airport in her hometown (Where the convention would be )....questions...Should I offer to pay for her flight from her university city  to her hometown location ?Please remember she did not ask for this. She seemed quite willing to come on her own money . Her parents are very solid upper middle class!  ...why is she so insistent in meeting me at the airport ...the next day would be fine  for me after I am  rested and had a chance to sort out my clothes...!She said she would offer to translate for me during the convention she does it now as a side job . Should I offer to pay her for her  services as a translator ? While i am very interested in her a possible wife ...things are going rather too quick ...! She is 25 ....another question for the American members  ..what is the average time for a marriage visa from the start to finish with a girl from China ?  I was just curious !I just want to do the right thing chinese customs wise...!Don't want her to think I am paying her for her time yet don't want to come off as a cheap charley.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 04:40:10 pm by ChinaTraveler »

Offline Neil

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Re: Suggestions Please...
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 04:28:05 pm »
Have you been writing her through Chnlove?  Meeting at the airport is kinda part of the way they like to do things (Chnlove I mean). 

Just out of curiosity, how old are you and what type of business do you do?  She sounds motivated.  What do you think her primary motivations are?  Have you discussed Marriage with her at all? irresistible as chocolate

Offline ChinaTraveler

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Re: Suggestions Please...
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 04:37:09 pm »
37 ...a developer here in California ....I have an interest in wine exportation...we make the best in my state in the world...just starting some initial early steps as a second business... yes of course we have discussed marriage that is why we first had an interest in chatting,  did not meet her on chnluv.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Suggestions Please...
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2011, 06:39:41 pm »
ChinaTraveller , Yes if all goes well and your dates are okay from both sides , having someone looking after your interests is a big plus , I would say to her okay providing that you can give her her plane fare etc , to make sure she is not out of pocket when you see each other , not that the value in Western terms is great , but it also will cover you meeting her , if you have been getting on well via the internet then in person all should also go well , but stranger things have happened or like John 1964 you cannot prise them apart .
 The best wines in the world , the chinese will have heard this 100 times already from almost every country , but to say quality Californian wines would be acceptable as they already know that some of the Worlds best come from Australia and while they might nod their heads approvingly if they are well into the business they will know who has won what throughout the world in recent times , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Suggestions Please...
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2011, 12:51:52 am »
Wine is big business in China now.

When I came here my friend had  8 wine shops and in two years that has increased to 12, all with managers  but she also has about 36  restuarants displaying and selling to customers.

Her net profit is over 1 million rmb a year but she still has her full time job earning 3500 a month as that has a pension.  And it will be another 5 years before she is willing to retire from job and do this full time!

Only problem I find with it is that it is French wine.  Give me German wine anytime.

As for the original reply the women are quite willing to pay for the travel themselves.  But it would be nice when you eventually meet to slip her a nicely padded red envelope.

That will be really appreciated I guarantee. Whether she accepts it or not the fact is that she will appreciate it.   Just remember that the passing of red envelopes is usually accompanied by the envelope going to and fro between you in a sort ofa  its not really necessary stance.

Plus the fact that your 36 is another good reason she will travel. The average age of men on the chinese dating sites has got to be close to 50 if not higher.

You a young business man, from the USA dealing in a growth industry will be a prize for any family.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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Re: Suggestions Please...
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2011, 11:17:44 am »

Willy is right on this one, I've had a little coaching from more than just here at this site and like myself you are under 40 which is far more appealing than all these old guys  :P  that typically tend to be floating around looking for an Asian bride. She is motivated most likely due to she is at the marriage age and she's graduating soon. That's time to get it in gear. You will find that educated (university) Chinese girls play ball a little more strategically than do others in China. Personally, I enjoy it more.

Neil,  Get over it already. There are plenty of people who have had wonderful experiences through Chnlove, look at John1964. Not all agencies are crooks and business is after all business. No one goes into business to fail and give away money. Even NPOs seek to make money, because they have staff and bills to pay before they can hand out their % of profits to maintain that NPO status. You're gonna scare this poor guy.

Back to Chinatraveler, the girl I'm visiting on my next trip, graduate of Beijing Music college and she is meeting me at the airport, one reason is to be certain what train I'm on from Beijing, the other, the good ones want to make sure that you as a foreigner, even if you speak Chinese are taken care of and are for real yourself.  My girl, ironically, met me on my last trip, which ended in disaster as most here know. She knows I'm for real, she just can't wait to see me.  ;D

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline Buzz

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Re: Suggestions Please...
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2011, 01:45:18 pm »

Plus the fact that your 36 is another good reason she will travel. The average age of men on the Chinese dating sites has got to be close to 50 if not higher.


Now the 50 (or 60 in my case) is not the issue.  It is the age of the ladies you are trying to catch.  It is unfortunate that by the time the readers get to this forum, most are already 'in love' with the 'lady of their dreams'.  I think the most important thing to do at the very beginning is to take time and look at yourself, what you want, what you are willing to do for the relationship, and most important, are you ready to commit to a long and difficult journey to get this lady.  After you do the self assessment, then sit down and decide on what you are looking for in a wife.  As we all know, children make the difficult process even more difficult.  Only after you have spent some time with this, can you start a successful search for the lady.  And as Willie knows,  a greater than 15 year age span will cause alarm and more trouble. 

I wish you well.  I hope all goes well with the wine business and if you need some people up North in china to work with the wine, let me know.  I have several friends that have small shops and many connections.  The only thing I can see holding them back,  is that the Chinese wine they prefer is 53% or higher.

best wishes. 