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Offline lfputman3

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Hebei, Round 2
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:24:22 pm »
So before I returned from my previous trip which now seems ages ago, I had purchased tickets for two more trips. Ironically, after the whole break up incident, which I always seem to get dumped from the distance, I must have good puppy dog eyes. anyway, so I'm trying to figure out what to do on my next two trips when I'm on qq chatting with people and I get this strange message, "she is not worth your pain", I'm thinking naturally "WT??" as most would do.

Long story short, the zhongyi experience I had in China was actually a blessing in disguise, I remember this big argument in the clinic after I was "tested" and drank the vial of flaming body juice. Big argument, between the ladies behind the counter and my then sweetheart, now estranged friend who I somewhat chat with. Because she has a jealousy issue. Of course they argued at a very fast clip and I was lost, couple of the old ladies in the next room came over and inquired to the argument and joined in.

One of the ladies behind the counter, who administered my "test" kept giving me the eye during the exam, really difficult for me, sweet smile, beautiful eyes, perfect person to flirt with and I'm in the office with the person I'm supposed to be marrying. Well, as it turns out, the argument was about the thought of her marrying me. The old ladies really let her have it. The young lady who did the test sent me the aforementioned strange message.

That night, we talked, and talked and talked. next day nothing. We have talked every day since. She realized I was trying to decide what to do on my next two visits, inquired as to my visa type and we have really hit it off. Is it healthy to pick up so soon after a disaster like the one I had, no idea, I am no head shrinker. Do I care, I'm having quality talks in both Chinese and English and she's helping me learn more quickly. She remembers things, like family names and she likes my dog, thinks he's cute.

So we agreed, my next trip in June, because I bought the tickets and thought "refund minus fee" loss of rewards miles, ah to hell with it not doing anything else that week anyway, I'm going back to Handan. Sorry John, won't see ya there, I don't arrive til the 21st. 

So I am less than 3 weeks away from a second trip, questioning my sanity to the matter, but I smile every time I see a message from her, even before I read it. Best thing, she is a bit of a smart @--, which fits with my family. If this goes well, she is going to take me to Rizhao and I will finally get a couple days in Beijing in September, with her as my guide. Oh and she studied in Beijing and unlike the last one, she's told me, "I will see you at the airport and mama want's to see you also." She also plans to put me on the plane. She is a smart cookie, just like many music students throughout the world, she does not work in her field. It's ok, she's pretty good at this zhongyi stuff and she's already promised to torture me with a cupping session.

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 09:42:33 pm »
Looks like you already made up your mind.   But I would have said go for it.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2011, 04:29:01 am »
Lloyd , I see no problem , she is like a lot of the ladies very switched on and the fact that you already have a good repore means things are on the up , so have a great trip , regards Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline john1964

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2011, 08:21:15 am »
Hey Lloyd, No i do not think it is too soon, Like you said , you already have booked so why sit around and wonder "what if", Go for it buddy and see what becomes, I leave here on the 12th June and am not to pleased about it,
Things between MinYing and myself have strengthened in leaps and bounds and i could not be happier, I have not yet come in to contact with the fortune teller yet but will let you know as soon as a date is set, Good luck mate and keep us all posted, MinYing and John.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2011, 11:47:38 pm »
so we're having fun talking and she's making plans for all the things she is going to do to me, with me, I lost track. I am not certain if we are visiting a day spa or not, hot springs and massages sounded good to me, but she wants to optimize time and show me everything that I didn't see before. Which I admit, I did feel like I was getting the abbreviated tour before, the nice restaurants, but no real sightseeing. Explains a lot I believe...

anyway, she's taken to telling me I need to go to bed at night, because I will get old if I do not.  ;D sure thing! interesting to hear the different things she says compared to how I was treated before, but I believe this has a lot to do with life situations.

one major change in plans, she, her mom, her friends mom are all meeting me at the airport in Beijing...  and then we are going for kaoya! I like this plan, even if I am out the Beijing price of a family dinner. Who cares, it's kaoya!! Have I mentioned I like duck?

She also informed me that she, and her mother are both not from Handan, they live there. I know her grandma (laolao) is from Rizhao, which we will visit in September. So I am learning a lot from her. Vastly different from past experiences. Guess it's the difference between a woman who is interested in me and a woman who was just interested in my bank account. There was that tip off from the sweetheart on the first night.

Anyway, just keeping a fresh thread here before I board the plane, two weeks this time, I will be there. not here. not that it matters, it's hot and miserable in both towns! yeah summer, and people wonder why I like spring and fall...

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Offline Rhonald

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2011, 12:01:40 am »
Have I mentioned I like duck?

You fowl mouth lover  8)

I like how you are handling the change and winging it - thanks for the update.
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2011, 12:20:33 pm »
I have found winging it to be a good approach sometimes. This morning we had a brief chat, the case for lunacy I would call it. The fact that we met briefly and for some reason she worked up the courage to procure my contact information and talk to me. The fact that I am insanely charging into this and how we both have our doubts, but yet we find reasons to go ahead with it.

The one problem I see, she does not yet feel safe, so hopefully, this trip will dismiss those thoughts. I know our mutual 'friend' who I saw on my first trip is spreading rumors about me. I am certain this does nothing for me. However, I was smart enough to and have enough forethought and experience from past evil women in my life, that I have kept copies of her letters and messages to me. For this exact purpose, as my dear friend and former professor ( a retired IRS guy) fondly says, "never mess with an accountant, we keep records."

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2011, 06:31:23 pm »
I love reading about experiences like this.  It really is true, when one door closes, another opens.  You just have to be ready to accept it.  I love that you're both willing to take the chance, but you're both also realistic.  The ability to see the world through open eyes and an open mind is a little rare sometimes.  I'm excited for you. irresistible as chocolate

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2011, 09:23:19 pm »
Mike, Peggy wants me to try cupping next time.  She thinks it can help me with a couple of issues.  Then suddenly last night she was eating chicken feet laughing while she ate them.   It is funny how things begin creeping out the more you know them.  No worries to borrow a phrase, I'll get back when she comes here with biscuits and gravy, cornbread hash topped off with ice cold sweet tea.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2011, 12:42:03 pm »
Mike, Peggy wants me to try cupping next time.  She thinks it can help me with a couple of issues.  Then suddenly last night she was eating chicken feet laughing while she ate them.   It is funny how things begin creeping out the more you know them.  No worries to borrow a phrase, I'll get back when she comes here with biscuits and gravy, cornbread hash topped off with ice cold sweet tea.

I haven't told her yet, but should I eat anything strange, she is subject to payback, up north. I'm thinking smoked whiting, with some ramps, morels and pasties. Pasties are good anytime, morels, well, they look nasty, I'm sure once she realizes it's just a mushroom, she'll down them without question. The smoked whiting, now that's an acquired taste. I've never developed it myself.

I am not too worried about the cupping thing, my chiropractor is Chinese, from Hong Kong to be specific. Asked him he said it should be no problem and could help with my shoulder(early arthritis)  and one of my hands (neuropathy).

On a very jolly note, good news on the homefront, I'm certain a few folks remember one of my problems on my first trip to China was the stress of my father's health, he did recover from the surgery but other issues were found. He went from a kidney procedure to a prostate issue and procedure. Last Wednesday, he got the all clear from the docs. They told him they'd see him next year for his now routine cancer screenings. I told him that's good, because I already told his non-tea drinking self that he will drink tea one day and he will love it on the day he does. So for now, he doesn't have an excuse.

As for me and my new friend, we have both expressed a little nervousness to one another. She told me mama is reading her the riot daily on the proper behavior of Chinese women when courting men and I have received briefings on what will get me in trouble. I still have no idea what she has all planned for me, but I have been told I do not need to bring a suit, tie or anything more formal than khakis/dockers. All goes well on this trip, I will need them on the next trip though.  She has been a bit depressed the last few days, with her mama and step-father separated and headed for divorce, he told her to come and get her poodle, well, apparently she couldn't keep the poodle at their current residence and she had to give it away. This after I told her I would help her to train it. Barely a yearling, still a pup. The people that took it apparently have a 10 year old daughter, should be a good home for a poodle, provided they were honest with her.

One week from today I'll be sitting at O'Hare, waiting on the flight that carries me across the globe again. I was laughing with my mom the other day, no matter what happens in my next two trips to China, I'm gonna have some pretty good frequent flier miles racked up with United. Delta never gave me miles from that last trip, so that settles it. I have no plans to fly them again anytime soon. But they did offer me $100 off my next Delta airfare before Dec 31!?!?

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2011, 12:57:54 pm »

Sorry for the susupense if anyone has been waiting. Yes, I've been here a few days. No problems with the travel or getting picked up at the airport. Mama and "Uncle" were with her, we drove from Beijing to Handan, yes, long car ride, but Uncle drives like someone from Detroit, crazy fast and passing on all sides. Got to the hotel that first night, found out my reservation was at the neighboring hotel with the same address, Mama no like, I spent the night in my reserved room, next day they moved me to a deluxe suite. I don't know if Bill Gates has 'facilities' that high tech. The damn toilet open, flushed and closed for you, even had the "washing" feature available. Stayed there one night, next morning mama drags me across to the hotel we all thought I had the reservation for. I got no complaints and I definitely like the price. I was informed that I would not be making any reservations myself in the future.

We've had a full couple days, a few dinners with mama and laolao. Mama doesn't like to let me pay for anything, not just the Chinese tradition of "I'll get it" she literally gets upset if I pull money out of my pocket. I am certain if we decide to get hitched, that'll change. Especially at the wedding shop.  It is strange fighting over who is paying for the cab.

Good notes, I've been told by a few people who met me on my first trip that my Chinese is much better and they are shocked when I interrupt conversations and understand what is going on around me.

As for any details, tough, to get all hillbilly on you folks, t'ain't none a yer dang'd biz'ness!  I do not spend alot of time out of her sight and quite frankly, I'm loving it. It is a shame it's raining cats and dogs, kinda ruined a couple planned outings. No, I don't have any pictures to post right now. We'll see what happens over the next couple days picture wise and then we'll see about posting some.

For now, good night, good bye and you can all rest assured, when I post some details, they will be good news details. I think mama's already planning the wedding, I know she's already talking about retirement. She said that right in front of me, to me and informed me of my duties as her son-in-law. That plan is a couple years off yet though, fortunately.

night all
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2011, 06:02:10 pm »
OK mod's.  Somebody got to talk to this guy.  No pictures?  What else are we suppose to read?  Gotta have picture to understand what we are reading.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2011, 06:44:56 pm »
OK mod's.  Somebody got to talk to this guy.  No pictures?  What else are we suppose to read?  Gotta have picture to understand what we are reading.

Hahahaha nice one shaun...really funny..... ;D ;D ;D
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Vince G

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2011, 07:44:37 pm »
This isn't a Playboy mag ya know?

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2011, 07:51:13 pm »
They have words in those?   :o ;D

Talking about Playboy I saw where Hef got left  at the altar by a cutie.  25 I think.  I guess she couldn't go through with it even with all of those millions.   Either that or Hef's daughter told her she wouldn't get much of anything after he either got tired of her or passed.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 07:56:02 pm by shaun »