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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #135 on: October 25, 2011, 08:15:51 am »
I have just finished reading a fascinating book, The Soong Dynasty. A poor Chinese man, Charlie Soong, went to the states in the late 19th century, got hooked up with some influential and rich Methodists, who educated him and sent him back as a preacher to convert the Chinese. He left America, just when they decided they didn't need anyone to build the railways anymore, or break strikes. One year there were 80,000 Chinese immigrants, the next, there were only 40. Charlie Soong, with his triad connections, rich US patrons and making friends with Sun Yat-Sen, helped to bankroll the early attempts at revolution against the Manchu empire. He also was the treasurer for the Nationalist Party, which became the Kuomintang. He had 3 daughters and three sons. One daughter, Chingling, married Sun Yat Sen, then after his death, aligned herself with the communists and became the most im[portant woman in the CP. Another daughter married Chiang Kai-Shek, became the darling of the anti-Communist, paranoid MCCarthyite witch-hunting America of the 50s. The third daughter married a rich businessman who became Chiang Kai-Shek's finance minister. One brother became one of the richest men in the world, and was also Chiang Kai-Shek's finance minister. All the girls were educated in the States, and most of them helped Chiang Kai-Shek to fence billions of US dollars, fuelled by cold war paranoia, into their own pockets. Simultaneously, with their underworld connections, they were producing 80% of the world's heroin (much more lucrative than opium) for export the mafia in the states.
So the UK may have got China hooked on opium, but China helped the US have a heroin problem.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #136 on: October 25, 2011, 10:58:46 pm »
Trouble is you read too much Maxx. ;D  You have to remember that I was probably living through all those times you mentioned. ;D

There is no difference today. All those conflicts were started by people who wanted to make money from the result.  Still the same today - money runs politicians that run the world. 

Willy The Lpndoner

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #137 on: October 26, 2011, 12:41:38 am »
Willy I thought that was you I seen at the gates of  Jerusalem in 1095 A.D.And again in Glen finnen on the shores of loch Shiel in 1479.Remember Willy there can only be one ;D

Willy you are right most wars are fought over greed or religion.It will probably be the downfall of the human race.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2011, 12:52:31 am by maxx »

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #138 on: October 26, 2011, 10:51:25 am »
A.D.And again in Glen finnen on the shores of loch Shiel in 1479.Remember Willy there can only be one ;D

The quote from Highlander (great movie & I enjoyed the series) I am surprised Maxx that you got wrong. Especially since you live so close to the border.

What they were saying, since they already knew who would win was"There can only be JUAN". Yes it is to be a Mexican that becomes head of the immortals.
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #139 on: October 28, 2011, 10:48:13 pm »
Being my thread, I find it important to make the note about history and the development of cultural shaft jobs in the US. The native Americans got shafted by the English and French and still have not recovered, however in some states, such as mine they have created a very lucrative casino industry which is fantastically shafting the white man back. And being a half breed, I can make such comments about you 'whiteys' my dad said so.

The progress of culture here in america is pretty much been about separation. Most 'white' folk did their best when they realized they couldn't eliminate a group to find a way to 'assimilate' the lighter skinned cultures into 'Whie America' and darker skinned folk into 'the other America' as a college professor once put it so eloquently for me.  Truth be told, Asimilation was once of those great ideas that was picked up from our English 'forefathers' however for the record, I have Scot, Welsh and Irish, and no none English in the family tree.

Until really the last 30-40 years, when more mixed marriages started popping up and now people are trying to get over it all. The Chinese did face some of the worst exclusionary laws regarding immigration and still do face some of the harshest, but then now the shift is falling squarely on the folks from Central and South America. Truth be told, in the next 20-30 years, every number cruncher except the most hateful and bigoted of the white supremacist movement believe that Caucasions will be #2 on the Census and be replaced by Hispanics, then shortly after super-ceded by us 'breeds' and the Asians.

My view, in 100 years, the lines will be blurred and only a few really crusty old bastards in the hills will still have any issues about it.
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #140 on: November 07, 2011, 11:46:10 pm »
So back on the topic of routine updates, and off the discussion of who's nasty and has what policies, because we all know most western countries have crappy policy regarding our ladies. At least in our extremely biased opinions....

Things are dragging along for us. We chat every day, mostly verbal chat with some pictures and now of course the iPhone use of QQ, which came in handy. My grandfather has taken to looking down on me, I don't think he believed I was serious about Yuan. However he won't show this charming side of his personality around mom, because he knows his only daughter who possesses his late wife's temper and flare for attitude adjustment is going to lay into him regarding that behavior. It's sad, I have one cousin who has done nothing with his/her life (skanky type lesbian) and 'it' has leached money off him for years, until my aunt found out a couple years ago and put a stop to it. Now, grandpa is concerned about two druggy low life skanks who keep floating around. One is the neighbors soon-to-be ex-wife, I will commend grandpa on handling her boyfriend who he put on a bus, with the neighbor and a the cops assisting at the bus station. However, he's an old retired farmer/shopworker. His retirement benefits are gone, only drawing social security and the money he has stashed away.

I understand his blind dislike of my wife, however I hope mom can get him over it before she gets her visa. He was in one of the U.S. units that was occupying Japan. His mother found out where he was (he lied about his age) contacted the unit chaplain and he was sent home. After he returned home, the unit went to South Korea. I do not know the exact timeline, but his unit ended up on the Chinese border, the PLA invaded Korea. Grandpa is reportedly the only surviving member of his company. So I do understand, but I have an issue with taking a backseat to a useless druggie whore who isn't family. Nothing more I can say on that issue, sorry to post it, but I needed to vent that one.

My parents are actually excited about the hunli, we still haven't told dad he's drinking tea that day....   ;D
My older brother isn't going, didn't expect him too, he might miss Sunday service. Before you ask or question in anyway Shaun, he's joined and IFB that's a little in right field, I won't say left, because that would really alienate him(that whole concept of left/right). One uncle made a "commie" comment, mom shut him up. The only one's I'm concerned about going are the ones that want to go, minus my aunts who want to go, but do to not listening to their father and brother (my dad and other grandfather) all married poorly b/c their mother told them they were good men. The exception being my youngest aunt who did marry a good guy and they have nice track of land, but they have horses and are not in the 6 figure bracket. Oh well, They'll all be at the party here. Little brother and sister are onboard, little brothers wife is protesting her first trip outside the US is going to be China, She wanted Ireland. I think I've have eased the concern with telling her my flight number and airline (Air Canada, the D to TO to Beijing). Which I still can't believe she's never been across the border....  :o 

A couple of my buds have canceled, still waiting on the craziest and longest of my friends, it would be better she met him in China than here, plus we can con him into drinking a bottle of baijiu in our place and being drunk for us. I'm thinking he's trying to convince his girlfriend to let him go. So I'll have one table at the Party and she's talking about 30????  wow, and she said she has a small family and no friends....

Right now, she's trying to figure out this Daylight Savings Time thing. I told her not to bother, just join most of us in wishing it would go away. I'm sure like most of us, she will prefer the 'Spring Ahead' part of the deal though.

As for paperwork, we are waiting on a proper translation of her Address. I have an address that sort of works for shipping, but we think it takes longer than the previous address from before the move. Two weeks longer, plus we want to make sure we have it correct. Obviously so we have no issues with her and I responding in a timely manner.

I'm also doing my prep for tax season, I've picked up a couple new customers who need AMT (substantial income) paperwork, good for my bank account, bad for my sanity. AMT tax laws are totally jacked up, I love how people tell you that people who have large paychecks don't pay taxes. They don't pay taxes if they can write off enough. One of these guys is hosed, I've already discussed with him. He will still clear good after taxes, but he really should have listened to his old accountant and kept track of stuff. I guess he likes funding the system, ironically, he's a Republican.

Well, I'm backing to talking with her, she wants me to go to bed and I am a little tired. However I'd rather stay up until 3AM and talk to her. Guess she wants to me to talk her to sleep.

Yes, I miss her, it's driving me nuts. I thought about ducking over to see her during Thanksgiving, but I promised my family I'd be here and she reminded me of that fact. We are discussing a side trip to Yunnan while I'm there during the Christmas season. She keeps trying to get me to tell her what she's getting.  Yea right, I'm enjoying watching her squirm.  Fun part, I'm prepping the Christmas cards early this year, and I am signing them Lloyd and Yuan. Wonder how many confused responses I'll get in return.

Later all,
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #141 on: December 09, 2011, 02:28:09 am »
Many apologies to you all. I have been a bit busy and given all of my internet time to a certain lovely lady and not posted any updates, mainly because I didn't have much happy news outside of Yuan and I are very happy to be together again very shortly.

The bad news, this accountant is on restricted finances, fortunately my bank branch manager has gotten to know me well enough to know I was not involved with what the little crooks were attempting to do with my accounts. However, I will be living on the cheap, which really sucks because I'm in the middle of designing a custom ring for my beloved. Her mama was making comments about how cheap I got off with the ring I let her pick before we got our red books. Yuan knows I am going to bring a ring for the hunli, but has no idea what it is going to be. She is thinking a simple band with maybe "I love you" or “我爱你” etched across it someway. Which I do love the simple, but I have to shut her mama up about calling me a cheapskate in the gift department. Christmas should help to solve part of that issue....   ;D  Had to pack one suitcase just for the gifts for the two of them.

My flight out of Chicago has already been delayed, because it's snowing "so heavy" in Chicago right now (bunch of pansies can deal with wind but they freak over rain or snow), before anyone mentions "caution" or "safety" remember, I was a helicopter guy in the army, so please, don't bother. The screws never tighten up.

So I will be spending Saturday night in Beijing, then I already have a confirmation for one of the morning trains to Handan. At some point, Yuan and I will have to connect with John and Min, I think we might be finding a "get well" card for Minying. I did hear about the snow, but she hasn't sent me any pictures, unlike the ones I sent her from our first snow this season.

Not much else to report, bags are packed. I'm not going to bed, because it's better to wait until the plane lifts off from Chicago, then I can sleep half the flight over and be mostly adjusted to the time difference.

For now, it's just waiting again. Joy....

Give you an update soon.
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Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #142 on: December 09, 2011, 06:24:37 pm »
Your a lucky dog too.  Have a great trip and keep those posts and picture coming in.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #143 on: December 09, 2011, 07:29:17 pm »
With all these dogs going around then have you one for me Shaun?   I was seriously thinking of getting a dog. People next door have a labrador.  Never seen a foreigner walking around with a dog yet though.

Not very good at training them so maybe will get a Shitzu.   Then change it's name to Crapsue. 

As I am approaching my third Christmas here I may treat myself.  Hmm! New Dog or New Electric Bike?  Maybe both, then I can ride, with YouYuan on back while he walks alongside.


Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #144 on: December 09, 2011, 07:39:53 pm »
we had a dog once in Yiyang. His name was dinner. He dissapeared one day. I wonder where he went?
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Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #145 on: December 09, 2011, 07:48:03 pm »
Willy, I'd go for the electric bike.  Theres no used in getting friendly with a dog only to eat him later.  :o  Anyway Willy, your a lucky dog everyday living there in China.

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #146 on: January 07, 2012, 08:04:15 pm »
Ok, so I'm not really sure where to begin.

before leaving and while enroute had a few chats with John(1964) as we were planning on getting together while we were both in Handan. Sadly there were other forces at work which created some issues for that happening. Every night for the first week and a half, Yuan's "auntie's and uncles" were taking us out to dinner and toasting us all night long. This led to some repeated hangover mornings and some ill feeling days for Yuan. The real trick came in when we didn't go out one night, thought we were recovering and the next morning... somebody was not feeling well... in fact, she wasn't feeling well for a few mornings...   

Ok, so that was almost a happy thing. Upon realizing she was feeling ill and we were not going out at night. We decided some investigations should be done. So she picked up a couple home tests and well, let's say her mama was happy about it. I thought I would wait to tell my folks until I was back in the states again. Which was a wise idea, I will elaborate in a moment. So Christmas eve and Christmas day came and we had some more invitations to celebrate, however they didn't try to get us smashed and only toasted me and wished me well on my holiday.

Now all is somewhat well and enjoyable. She's a little agitated because she's trying to figure out how to change what she wants to wear for our wedding party in March, with the prospect of a belly bump at that 3 month point. We started talking about going out with John and Ming, when her pain got pretty bad. She started spending a lot of time in bed. We were going to go out with her friends for New year's eve to celebrate and sing at her favorite KTV bar, when the good news turned bad.

So now that I'm back home, it's a good thing that we didn't tell my parents, because we are not having a sudden addition to our lives. Her mama is a little upset, but she stated herself that these things happen. two nights before I left, I finally met her father. I also met her youngest aunt (I met the other aunt at grandma's house) and also the eldest son of the family. He toasted me a few times and his wife expressed congratulations and toasted us as well. Her father never toasted me. The aunt and her husband also toasted me and Yuan. I toasted all of them, (including her father) I have that whole "proper sense of respect" that her mama keeps bragging about. All the toasting that occurred that night, her father never toasted me. He toasted the table, gave me dirty looks and flew off the handle when I tried to pay for dinner. I did shake his hand at the end of the night, I know he truly holds contempt for me, but I've no idea why. She has hinted he is a party member and I believe he does love his drink.

I will put up some pictures later, as for now, I'm still recovering, thankfully it's the weekend and I really need to get adjusted back. back to the grind on Monday.

farewell for now
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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #147 on: January 07, 2012, 09:56:09 pm »
Sad news indeed mate, my thoughts go with you and yours
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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #148 on: January 08, 2012, 10:07:53 am »
Lloyd and Yuan, MinYing and myself are sorry to hear the bad news, As you sad, Your lord has plans for you and you both must live with your pain for a while, Our thoughts are with you both, MinYing and John .

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #149 on: January 16, 2012, 12:26:29 pm »
Sorry it's been a bit slow on the responses, and thank you for the kind words from a few of you. We know that it is not the end of the world and that these things happen to lots of couples. We are proceeding with our plans for the wedding party in March. I keep forgetting the name of the restaurant where we are having the party. Ironically, it's the same restaurant where I finally got to meet her father. I still find it somewhat humorous, his mother gave her blessing, because he was not in the picture, so now we finally met, blessings, well-wishes and smiles with kind words from her Uncle (the real biological brother of her father) and both Aunts (the real sisters). Her Uncle (the oldest child) and his wife were really great and very cordial. He also told everyone at the table the reason why he felt it was better for me to drink beer or red wine is that he knows most westerners don't have "the taste" for baijiu. I don't think he could be more correct, I enjoy rum, vodka and beer. I used to drink quite a bit of whiskey as well (for the Irish and Scots, I do know the different types and qualities of whiskey).

My beautiful wife does not like to drink. I think in part due to the fact her dad is a bit of a drinker. That or that was his way of dealing with having a filthy, American son-in-law who the rest of the family loves. I also know her step-father was a bit of a drinker. So she really doesn't care for it and she likes the fact that I rarely drink. She does understand that I used to drink, she knows that most people who serve in the military of any nation (except Islamic nations where alcohol is forbidden) can knock back a few.

It's getting busy around here for me. It's gonna get crazy in a couple more weeks. Granted, I'm giving up the busiest time of the tax season this year, but it's worth it. Besides, I don't like working myself to death. I'm also considering using my status as a veteran and the completion of my masters later this year as a possibility of moving into a Government position. To be honest, tax accounting is a nuisance, being an accountant requires enough additional annual commitments to continuing education. Taxes triple that, with a fresh test every couple years to maintain that license status. Maybe I'm just getting a little tired and cranky as a side effect of not having Yuan with me here, who knows?

So with the season, if I'm slow to respond, please forgive me everyone. Most accountants in the states who do tax service do make the bulk of our money during this three and a half months though.

Until later
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.