So back on the topic of routine updates, and off the discussion of who's nasty and has what policies, because we all know most western countries have crappy policy regarding our ladies. At least in our extremely biased opinions....
Things are dragging along for us. We chat every day, mostly verbal chat with some pictures and now of course the iPhone use of QQ, which came in handy. My grandfather has taken to looking down on me, I don't think he believed I was serious about Yuan. However he won't show this charming side of his personality around mom, because he knows his only daughter who possesses his late wife's temper and flare for attitude adjustment is going to lay into him regarding that behavior. It's sad, I have one cousin who has done nothing with his/her life (skanky type lesbian) and 'it' has leached money off him for years, until my aunt found out a couple years ago and put a stop to it. Now, grandpa is concerned about two druggy low life skanks who keep floating around. One is the neighbors soon-to-be ex-wife, I will commend grandpa on handling her boyfriend who he put on a bus, with the neighbor and a the cops assisting at the bus station. However, he's an old retired farmer/shopworker. His retirement benefits are gone, only drawing social security and the money he has stashed away.
I understand his blind dislike of my wife, however I hope mom can get him over it before she gets her visa. He was in one of the U.S. units that was occupying Japan. His mother found out where he was (he lied about his age) contacted the unit chaplain and he was sent home. After he returned home, the unit went to South Korea. I do not know the exact timeline, but his unit ended up on the Chinese border, the PLA invaded Korea. Grandpa is reportedly the only surviving member of his company. So I do understand, but I have an issue with taking a backseat to a useless druggie whore who isn't family. Nothing more I can say on that issue, sorry to post it, but I needed to vent that one.
My parents are actually excited about the hunli, we still haven't told dad he's drinking tea that day....

My older brother isn't going, didn't expect him too, he might miss Sunday service. Before you ask or question in anyway Shaun, he's joined and IFB that's a little in right field, I won't say left, because that would really alienate him(that whole concept of left/right). One uncle made a "commie" comment, mom shut him up. The only one's I'm concerned about going are the ones that want to go, minus my aunts who want to go, but do to not listening to their father and brother (my dad and other grandfather) all married poorly b/c their mother told them they were good men. The exception being my youngest aunt who did marry a good guy and they have nice track of land, but they have horses and are not in the 6 figure bracket. Oh well, They'll all be at the party here. Little brother and sister are onboard, little brothers wife is protesting her first trip outside the US is going to be China, She wanted Ireland. I think I've have eased the concern with telling her my flight number and airline (Air Canada, the D to TO to Beijing). Which I still can't believe she's never been across the border....
A couple of my buds have canceled, still waiting on the craziest and longest of my friends, it would be better she met him in China than here, plus we can con him into drinking a bottle of baijiu in our place and being drunk for us. I'm thinking he's trying to convince his girlfriend to let him go. So I'll have one table at the Party and she's talking about 30?

wow, and she said she has a small family and no friends....
Right now, she's trying to figure out this Daylight Savings Time thing. I told her not to bother, just join most of us in wishing it would go away. I'm sure like most of us, she will prefer the 'Spring Ahead' part of the deal though.
As for paperwork, we are waiting on a proper translation of her Address. I have an address that sort of works for shipping, but we think it takes longer than the previous address from before the move. Two weeks longer, plus we want to make sure we have it correct. Obviously so we have no issues with her and I responding in a timely manner.
I'm also doing my prep for tax season, I've picked up a couple new customers who need AMT (substantial income) paperwork, good for my bank account, bad for my sanity. AMT tax laws are totally jacked up, I love how people tell you that people who have large paychecks don't pay taxes. They don't pay taxes if they can write off enough. One of these guys is hosed, I've already discussed with him. He will still clear good after taxes, but he really should have listened to his old accountant and kept track of stuff. I guess he likes funding the system, ironically, he's a Republican.
Well, I'm backing to talking with her, she wants me to go to bed and I am a little tired. However I'd rather stay up until 3AM and talk to her. Guess she wants to me to talk her to sleep.
Yes, I miss her, it's driving me nuts. I thought about ducking over to see her during Thanksgiving, but I promised my family I'd be here and she reminded me of that fact. We are discussing a side trip to Yunnan while I'm there during the Christmas season. She keeps trying to get me to tell her what she's getting. Yea right, I'm enjoying watching her squirm. Fun part, I'm prepping the Christmas cards early this year, and I am signing them Lloyd and Yuan. Wonder how many confused responses I'll get in return.
Later all,