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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #60 on: August 15, 2011, 10:58:56 pm »
Thank you Robert, yes, we (accounting folk) like our ducks lined up, I'm fond of roasting them after they line up myself. I know she is going to always keep me guessing, she does that extremely well as it is.

My joy is that each time someone (claiming to be her friend) visits my Qzone page, I spend three days in hell. Oh, I just started another round of it and I'm off to work in Brooklyn at the races this weekend. She asked me why I go to work there, as it's not an accounting job. Well, it's probably my last year doing it, I guess it's like the teachers that take odd jobs in the summer. I go to the race track, work as a bartender in the suites during the big races and typically pull down $1K in tips, it's probably my year, because they've gone to "tabbing" our tips for reporting purposes, which means the suite lessee must make the bulk tip on official paperwork, preventing me from seeing that chunk for 6 weeks. That's enough of that crap, there's a reason why we tell people who receive tips to "claim something, but I am not asking for an exact amount" because we all know bartenders, waitresses and other "tip" positions make a lot of money that goes undeclared, why, so they don't pay the tax and the IRS doesn't really care, as long as they claimed "something".

So I'm hoping to let things cool over night, I know I'm worked up, I don't know what the hell brought the latest bought on, but I know the person has a block on their page. I think it's time I learned to block my page as well.

who knows, crossing my fingers again, especially considering I'm going to be there in less than two weeks and mama wants me staying at the apartment.

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #61 on: August 15, 2011, 11:35:35 pm »
You had me confused there a minute when you wrote Brooklyn. "Brooklyn, (NY)? there's no racetrack in Brooklyn?" but I kind of remember there is one in the mid-west. Is this the one you meant?

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2011, 05:28:32 am »
I was thinking Watkins Glen when he said Brooklyn but google maps tells me differently.

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2011, 09:29:11 pm »
Figure 8 race.   Hmmm...   That might be interesting.   Never been to one of those.   Right now I am trying to figure out how to get Peggy to car race once I get her here.  I'm close to Atlanta Motor Speedway and Charlotte or Lowe's Motor Speedway.  How am I going to explain the price of the tickets just to watch cars go around in a circle and wreck.  We might make it to one race but I bet we leave shortly after the first pile up. She won't like the noise even with ear plugs.  The smell of fuel and the hard bleachers.  She will tell me how unhealthy all of this is and want to go home.  Then I'll have to explain that there is no refund for the tickets if you leave early.

Good grief.  I just realized that I will have to explain drunk red necks to her.  I think maybe a 60" big screen television might be an easier sell.  I can see it now....  :-X

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #64 on: August 16, 2011, 10:18:26 pm »
I don't think there are any Auto race tracks left in the lower NY State area. In my younger days....  ::)  they were all over the place. There was the illegal track as well. A little road right in front of JFK Airport and Friday or Saturday nights race cars towed in came off the trailers did a run and put back on. BIG $$$$ went down on the betting. Couldn't do it these days. The only tracks left over there are Belmont and Aqueduct (Horse racing).  :-\

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #65 on: August 17, 2011, 02:12:57 pm »
Ah, yeah, guys, I'm talking about Brooklyn, Michigan. The Irish Hills, it is a Super Speedway and it is a Nascar weekend.  Sorry about the confusion, but if it's any consolation, the same company owns both the track in NY and the track here in Michigan. Oh Shaun, try to get Suite passes at either track. She won't mind the suites, but if you get someone to let you into the Pit Suites, forget ever going back to the races again. Unless you are doing exceptionally well with your business, I do not recommend attempting to rent one of those suites on your own. I know here the small suites (15 person) run about $10k for the weekend. The company I work for are dumping in excess of $25k each race, but they bring in potential clients and are becoming an RCR partner-sponsor. However the best thing about the Pit Suites, is by far, people watching the pit pre-race. OMG the people watching is unreal, I cannot even begin to describe what you see, other than to ask, have you ever seen the website "people of wal-mart"?

Me and dad have been talking about actually in the future renting one of the Pit Suites for the family on the lesser Nascar weekend, my oldest nephew is a Nascar Junkie, but has some 'social' problems that my darling brother refuses to acknowledge, which would make it not practical to have him in the stands. Whereas in the Pit Suites, kids have meltdowns and pass out from over-stimulation all the time.

Our 'friend' issues appear handled once and for all, apparently some telling off happened, I witnessed one event while we were doing the daily video chat on QQ and I am pretty sure she used the big nasty terms. I know she told the person what they could "do" to their grandparents (ouch) which I know is a nasty Beijing-nese insult.

For now, back to the grind, have to finish up the week so I can get everything around for the weekend. She and I are both stressed at the moment. Stressed from being apart, having only a few more days until we are together again. I am under work stress, apparently they are clearing out the shop, because of the demolition notice, which puts stress on them. Then there is just general insanity setting in. Here's hoping we can cure most of the stress with a simple train ride to Shijiazhuang...

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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2011, 10:38:57 am »
Okay, it's the morning after Brooklyn, in the Irish Hills of Southern Michigan. Just for you folks that enjoy racing, a couple shots of my view so we can settle this location thing...

I actually get a great view of turns 3 & 4, but not view of Turn 2, which is where almost all the action occurred, except for that little pit row incident that Ambrose got, to the Aussies, I believe he would be justified in giving someone else a nudge on the track next week. Especially after Montreal on Saturday. The guy finally wins one and everybody thinks it's time to bump him around???  WTH?

As for my love life, laolao is meddlesome, terribly meddlesome. She's been talking with the Agency and because my previous experience included comments about when I would be arriving on August 27, airplane times anyway, they don't know anything about the train. we exchanged four letters through the agency and I got her old address from the Agency, but we have been doing all of our communication through QQ and on occasion I like to remind her it costs me nothing to call her from home, because I use vonage world service.

So I have the following question, which I am certain I have read the answer, but I want to verify the question of financial obligations to the Agency office when they are not really in the loop. Just laolao being cranky because her daughter and granddaughter have cut her off from their lives as much as they can. There's a little bad blood and mama has made comments more than once about the fact that her brother has a job and a house and is the oldest child and therefore responsible for laolao's well being in her hometown of Rizhou...  I am almost positive who my answer is going to come from, but I'm going to ask anyway, so I can verify.

At the time my contact information was given to laolao (which makes me question her motives) which she then gave to Yuan, allowing Yuan the opportunity to muster her guts and contact me. Which I still remember what she was wearing the day I met her and I was dating someone else! Oh the irony! Not part of the question or concern in subject. When my information was given by the agency, my profile was "hidden" I was not seeking contact through agency channels but for some reason they gave it anyway. My questioning laolao's motives is due to the fact that she considers that lying little witch I visited on my first trip to be her "daughter" also given the issues laolao has created for Yuan and her mama, I think I have a valid reason for questioning laolao. The agency should have figured out months ago when Yuan pulled her profile that something was up in her life.  Apparently laolao is trying to badger Yuan into going to the agency without me, if she goes at all.  So the big question after all this lead up. "Being that my profile was hidden when they gave out 'my information' and being that I have not sent any arrival information to to Yuan using the agency, is she required to give them any money at all? I ask because the charming folks at the agency have contacted her and said we cannot marry if they do not receive money for their services.

With that question posted for clarity purposes, here's a couple shots of where I spend the races in Brooklyn, Michigan....

first pic, why I 'work' for my seat, my seat cost's my 'client' $25k per weekend...

second pic, just before 7 am outside the pits, those are the crews...

third pic, turn 4
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Offline David E

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2011, 05:29:31 pm »
The Agency has absolutely ZERO say or control as to whom she marries.....period.

The Agency may, repeat may have a contract with her that she signed on initial registration. This "Contract" if it exists may well have a clause about fees that are due and payable if and when she marries a Lao Wei.

Whether such a Contract (if it exists) is enforceable at Chinese Law depends on many things....primarily if the said Agency actually is licensed to operate International Introductions...most are not and the demand for money is a bluff. Once you call that bluff, the issue disappears.

Whether or not, your Lady feels an obligation to pay them some "success" money is up to you and her.

How you both deal with bad minded, interfering old farts is yet another problem that you must deal with...I dont know what else to suggest...maybe half ounce of lead in the ear (just joking !!)

For me....I would be saying "put up, or shut up !!!"....but I am not noted as a diplomat in dealing with fools and idiots maybe best to do it in your own style  ;D ;D ;D

I am not sure that you can go on for the rest of your life propping up your Lady's uncertainties. Sooner or later she has got to cut the cord and make a committment to your future relationship and get tough with all the doomsayers around her.....and truly believe that you are her best option, despite all the negative influences around her. Until you deal with this on a fundamental level, it will continue to fester.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 05:36:37 pm by David E »

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2011, 06:50:09 pm »
You know I am just beginning to realize how much I am not paying attention to racing these days.  It has been a little over 2 years.  When I moved I switched to Direct TV and within a couple of weeks I tore everything out and told them to go pound sand.  I haven't replaced them with anyone and I don't really miss having cable or a dish.  I've managed to find a way to see what I want with the exception of Nascar.  Thanks for the pics Lloyd. Since you missed all of the good crashes I won't ask for more.  Yes, I am the lone person who admits to watching nascar for the spectacular crashes.  I watch it for other things too but hands down it is the crashes and seeing how stupid the Busch brothers can get.  Hey wait...  Isn't Michigan where Kurt Busch dorked out and made snow angels at the track? 

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2011, 11:45:19 pm »
ah, yes, that would be the snow angel incident. The track president is fond of that fact...

Neither race went the way the pundits expected, but that is the way it happens up here.

David, I'm not really worried about the friend issues anymore, they're have not been any lately. Her problem now is the meddling old fart that mama and her have both tried repeatedly to boot out of their lives. As I was told, it's not that mama doesn't respect grandmother, it's that she is sick of grandmother coming down on Yuan and sticking her nose into Yuan and my happiness. Although I was expecting Willy to make the comment about the Agency and their fees they are seeking....
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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #70 on: August 26, 2011, 03:24:20 am »
Yes, it's 3:17 Am and I am online, we are chatting. I have to be at Detroit Metro by 7 for my check in. I remember from my long ago life in the military, fastest way to adjust to the other side of the globe, don't sleep until your in the air. I land in Beijing at 1:45. I did cave into the cautious advice of using a different train, because she did not want me to risk missing the train and said she could wait a couple more hours. I'm arriving at 22:56 local time in Handan... easy to calculate, that is 10:56 Eastern time...  less than 32 hours to go... 

I do get to fix her wifi when I get there, she can no longer access it. I'm guessing a nice courteous neighbor and she probably did not secure the line. I'll fix that... b/c I have that ability to be a total d*ck to wifi freeloaders, especially when they interfere with my video face time...

Yes, I am getting the jitters, but I think it's the good kind...

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Offline john1964

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #71 on: August 26, 2011, 04:52:25 am »
Good luck Lloyd, Hope to see you in Handan over the next few weeks,,,,John .

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #72 on: August 26, 2011, 05:15:17 am »
Good Luck to you Lloyd.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #73 on: August 28, 2011, 09:10:08 pm »
my ticketing agent managed to get me to my originally desired train with time to pass out from terror of running through the train station. So managed to reach Handan by 8pm and whilst she could not meet me in Beijing this trip, I was still delighted to see her face as soon as I could see people at the end of the exit tunnel. As beautiful as ever. The flight was uneventful, minus a little turbulence coming out of New York, but it was just minor thermals leading up to that little rain event.

The apartment is rather nice, plenty of space, mama says we cannot sleep in the same room, obvious reasons prior to marriage. I will simply state we are behaving for the most part. I am supposed to cook for her and mama while I am here, she thought I'd be able to just walk into the store and buy a couple things. Had to tell her I actually had something planned that takes a couple days.

But this is just an update to let everyone know I am here and not sleeping somewhere in a dumpster in Beijing.

Will update you later, and thanks for the well wishes, John, we are definitely going to have to cross paths in the coming weeks.

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Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #74 on: August 30, 2011, 07:42:33 am »
ok, it's sometime after I arrived and still weeks away from return trip to the states. That of course implies I still don't have my days straight, damn dateline thingie...

Sunday was pretty much hanging out, went for a drive up the road to Xingtai procure what is apparently some d@mn tasty donkey meat and I will agree, that was tasty stuff. Not absolutely certain the drive is worth it. I've had little interaction with the stuff, so I guess when I have some terrible stuff, I'll know for certain.

Yesterday we we went to lunch, chilled out for a little while and then mama, ayi and another uncle I had not yet met tossed us into the car and we drove out to I believe they said Yongyun or Yongyuan. Kind of a big deal for TaiQi, not just guessing, it's a walled city, walls are pre-Ming in appearance and design. The folks in Beijing are apparently building a massive TaiQi school there... I just know awesome little trip, except for the ride in the back of a Kia Soul, I am definitely not a fan of the hamster car. The trip involves the option of walking the wall, riding a bike, single or tandem on the wall, or riding a go cart (tour bus style) on the wall. 4 gates, completely surrounded by water and I'm guessing the area was once a heavy rice area, with the water outside the moat like structure which is about football field's length (American or Soccer Pitch take your pick). I just thought it totally cool to see a place so apparently remote (there's a mini ghost city going in north of the actual city and school) they have kept the wall and a lot of the rectangular courtyard homes, with some obvious 20th century 2 stories that are grey brick, not red brick. if your curious we hiked the wall, I've got to download the pics from her cam, not mine though. It's a long walk, but we had fun, she kept throwing "tantrums" for the last quarter section from the East Gate (one of two massive gates) to the South gate, before we got lost in the car and I lost the sensation in my legs riding in the back of the hamster car.

Today, we overslept only a couple hours, long enough for mama to know without a doubt we were not sleeping seperately and I know mama chewed her out. bad part is, we were just sleeping, very comfortably together, but sleeping. As we all know, with mama, that's no difference, still a play foul. Went to lunch with mama, ayi and a friend I had never met and her son (about 8 I would guess). After lunch, it's official, I have met the enemy, and they bend her ear with Mahjong tiles. Apparently they think I am stupid and I let them think so. One of them figured out I understood a little and he (married to one of the other players) proceeded to try and work me over. These people don't seem to understand, but I am certain they will all watch their tongues around me in the future, because he wasn't expecting me to speak full complete sentences back to him. My vocabulary is limited, but the army did want me to be a linguist and I have some aptitude, granted, if they talk fast or with their mouths full, I'm boned, but I'm getting better.

Coincidentally, I was severely punished today, I had to watch her lose at Mahjong for 2 hours, after she had won for the first hour, then after she realized we hadn't gone to the bank today, she spent 30 minutes cleaning house and walked away with 80RMB, then it's home and we had dinner with mama. Now just kicked back again and wasting my time talking to you, "what am I doing that for" later!

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.