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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #90 on: September 14, 2011, 04:23:50 am »

I believe we are getting pictures this afternoon, I'm not totally certain. I can't keep up anymore...

Ha Ha - you are definately with a Chinese lady.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline shaun

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #91 on: September 14, 2011, 05:02:43 am »
I'm told a beer or 2 will help in this kind of situation.   Good luck.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2011, 05:25:23 am »
Best advice I ever got from this site I will pass onto you......go with your ladies flow and don't rock your apple cart too much
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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #93 on: September 14, 2011, 11:14:31 am »
Sounds kind of strange to me , that someone actually over there likes to Drive by Car 6/SIX hours one way to get somewhere . My LaoPo is tired just driving here ONE hour .
This reminds me of Chevy Chase and his first Vacation Movie , only your NOT going to Wally World . hahaha

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #94 on: September 17, 2011, 02:29:30 am »

Wednesday night, Yuan's English teacher, decided he would coerce me into hiring his service as our wedding MC for the actual party, but plying me with alcohol. This was my introduction to Baijiu...  this was bad... very bad... they are still teasing me about the after effects and the fact that I was dumb enough to say, "fuwu'yan, liang ge piujiu!" after having a few beers, after having only two of us kill a bottle of baijiu... very bad..  I have done worse, we discussed it. She know understands why I try not to drink much anymore. When I drink, I like to drink. Which is great in view of people watching me knock them back, but we got home, I sat on the bed, then ran for toilet... very, very bad...  However, we are going to use him as an MC when we have the party, because mama insists on a Party, I want the personal joy of watching my dad drink tea and some of my family would be upset if I had the chance to invite them to a wedding in China and did not do so. Along with a couple of my parents close friends, one of whom I call my other mom. Ironically, it's the Hamtramck/Garden City branch of the family that most wants to see a Chinese wedding. I think they just like weddings and partying myself.

Wake up call by mama at 3AM, arduous hours in the car, The horrendous pain in my legs from squeezing into the back of a Kia Soul for 6 hours to Beijing, 2 hours to find the embassy because mama would not hear of us using a cab or the subway to get to the embassy. Then "uncle" getting lost despite having a GPS, I was done at the embassy by 11:00, but it took us 3 hours to get out of Beijing, rather scenic drive through all of the Chaoyang district, I think mama and uncle asked every embassy guard in Chaoyang how to get to the American Embassy. Then when we finally got there, uncle said it didn't have an American flag, therefore wasn't the American Embassy....  So we got back to Handan late... We passed Shijiazhuang at around 7 PM and uncle finally found the gas pedal again. Thankfully it was just Yuan and I in the backseat. Very good considering I was pretty much sick as hell and showed up looking hungover to the embassy. The receptionist gave me grief and I apologized stating, if uncle and mama had been nicer and let Yuan and I just hop a cab once we go to Beijing, I'd have been early and she could have seen me looking even more rough because of the baijiu experience. She snickered at the baijiu comment and as I left she wished me well. I know the Vice Counsel who handled the notary stamp said something to her after he and I talked about Yuan's education. I think I know what she was initially thinking.   The embassy procedure was of course short, brief and obnoxiously boring, felt guilty when I was only in there for about 20 minutes total and there were a couple guys who had been there for various reasons waiting for whatever they were doing for almost 2 hours already, waiting on the interviewer.
Friday, not so lucky in the backseat, auntie wanted to come along to Shijiazhuang... three adults in the backseat of a Kia Soul and Yuan is about 5 foot 7 inches, tall for a Chinese girl, I happen to enjoy the fact, being just under 6 feet myself. Mama likes it because she believes she is going to have tall grandchildren. However in the short term, I wish mama had bought a nice Buick, Ford, or anything with more than 3 inches of legroom in the back of the hamster wagon, but I've been very good, have not complained and Yuan knows I'm hurting in that backseat when we go on one of these long road trips. Again we had a 3AM wakeup, at least I wasn't ill from the night before although I was confused as to why we left so early, until we got to Shijiazhuang and uncle again had to ask every cop and taxi driver where the building was we were going to... He really is a nice guy, give you the shirt of his back type... but he is the last person I want driving in the future... So we did find the marriage agency office before it opened, actually in time to finally get something to eat for breakfast. Chinese doughnuts and Yuan and I had dumpling soup...
The agency complained about us not having a translated copy of the single affidavit, but the embassy would only let me use their affidavit form. Did the application at one office, then she sent us over to another office where we signed some other papers and then uncle blew of the GPS and drove through the middle of town North to South and out the back way and we took the scenic way home. Sadly, the only scenery was cornfields and small villages. Cornfields I can see at home, I have no idea why he wanted to go that way, but I kept my mouth shut and sucked it up. We stopped at a little hole-in-wall place for lunch, not in a village, we were in Xingtai, which is about as attractive as Flint on a bad day... most of the food was good, mama has this obsession that my favorite food is beef, she ordered a stew for me, and they served us gnarly, tough old hormone flooded bull meat. Everyone agreed with me the meat was too tough and the flavor was off, auntie took the beef to feed to her dog.
Halfway back to Handan, they finally let Yuan drive and I got to sit in the front seat, my legs were happy, there was definitely more room in the front...

We took the car to the car wash, because, well, two days driving cross country in China with a white car leaves an incredibly filthy white car. After the car wash we went to a bath house, unique experience. Most of it was good, the only part that bothered me was the whole concept of another guy scrubbing my junk, which of course most western men are not comfortable with. Having been in the army, walking around a giant room with several dozen other naked men is not so disturbing. Just the whole scrubbing thing...

We had dinner at the bathhouse, the English teacher showed up for dinner, we talked and started planning the wedding ceremony, there is a compromise in motion that her mama is being very understanding about. If she wants my parents at the wedding, then we have to plan farther out than two months. Simple logistics and West vs. East culture of wedding etiquette. We are going for a date in late March, this gives me time to coordinate any family and friends that wish to attend. Also, time to get mom's help in forcing dad onto the plane to come to China. He's afraid we're going to feed him cat, bugs and monkey brains, I forgive him, he was in Vietnam before I was born. I was informed that I am required to buy a diamond ring for the wedding ceremony, this following the gold ring I got for the engagement and filing of the marriage certificate. Mama is demanding, but I understand, she wants proof of financial commitment to her only child.

So yes, it's official, here it is, Saturday and I woke up this morning with my wife.
I went to bed, knowing that my whole world is changed forever and woke up still with smile and her in my arms. Now she is giving me hell for spending too much time telling all of you what has transpired the last few days and we need to go pray for our wedding date.

farewell for now,
A happily married and contented Lloyd
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2011, 03:48:58 am »
The heartiest of congratulations to you and Yuan , from Sujuan and Robert .
Now it is early to bed and late to rise .
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Offline Clayton

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #96 on: September 17, 2011, 07:17:08 am »
Good on ya bloke,all the best to you and Yuan, " May The Blue Bird of Happiness Crap on your wedding cake"

This is the way to go

Offline john1964

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #97 on: September 17, 2011, 09:51:44 am »
Congratulations to you and Yuan, Fate has it that we do not cross paths this time in Handan, I received your email this-morning but still no content, Just a link that sent me to some mortgage broker, Well best of luck to you both and now it is my wife complaining that i am spending too much time on this site, Must go now as it is our last night together until December, I love reading your posts and i hope to read many more, I as yet have not had time to post but will do so on Monday night if sleep deprivation does not catch up with me first, MinYing and John. 

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #98 on: September 17, 2011, 12:09:43 pm »
Thank you all, even those that haven't had a chance to read it yet. Found out the reason she wanted me to hurry was so we could go and get our date. We have a date, that will appease my family (that whole western don't rush rule) and makes her mama extremely happy because while it's a few months off, the gentleman who went over everything told Yuan and mama that we are literally blessed by Buddha. Last I knew, that was a good thing. So fate does work in strange and mysterious ways.

John, don't worry, I understand, I've only a few days left in town myself and I'm trying to soak up as much time as I can with Yuan. I do have to ask that if you have not mentioned anything to the agency, please do not do so. We did a wonderful job of convincing Echo we were not getting married this month. As we haven't really been using the agency. I know that this agency does do a wonderful job, but we only exchanged 4 letters with them, we already did the marriage paperwork and therefore, nothing personal, but they didn't earn any extra money.

For now, it's off to bed, we're both tired and had a good foot massage, god how I miss those when I am back stateside...

Goodnight all
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #99 on: September 17, 2011, 06:13:21 pm »
Bugga the agency mate.  They can get nothing from you and can not enforce anything.  Xia and I only took the owners out for lunch about 2 weeks after we got married that is all and have never seen them since.  Nor did they ask for any money and I would not have given them any anyway.  I am sure plenty of guys will tell you pretty much the same and their own experiences.

Congratulations on everything and now you can join the rest of the brotherhood and know that you have the second best woman in China.  As everyone else will confess to having the best.

Look forward to more updates as the time unfolds.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.

Offline john1964

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #100 on: September 17, 2011, 08:57:43 pm »
Hey Lloyd, I agree with Jason, I have said nothing, You did not meet Yuan though the agency so bugger them, They can not enforce Yuan to make the payment so do not worry about it and have no further contact with them., And yet again the email you sent last night diverts me to some mortgage broker, I don't know what's going on there, Enjoy the rest of your days in Handan, For me the alarm went off an hour ago and my heart sank, soon to be at the airport to go home, bye for now John and MinYing.

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #101 on: September 21, 2011, 02:59:16 am »
John(1964) that email isn't from me, I never set that email account with a phony id in my address book, now it's set, but I did notice I started receiving bogus emails from myself. I'm submitting a complaint about it, I know I haven't any connections currently with any brokers. So it's a spam attack under my name.

As for the agency, we're not worried about them. The documents arrived today from Shijiazhuang, official statement and notary translation stating we registered for marriage on September 16...  Right now, it's sunny outside and she is watching something on Funshion, looks like a TV show.

The train ticket is bought for Beijing, we're both not happy about the time left.

Good news, I survived the photo studio, albeit I wanted to pay back that photographer with some pain. My neck is still hurting from the experience. I really am not fond of most of the 'styles' they wanted me in. Especially the Sgt. Pepper's Jacket. Apparently I really didn't get any say in the matter, according to the 'style' experts, it matched her dress... At least I got out of the rhinestone ruffled tux... That was embarrassing.

Thing she is most upset about, we just got married and her birthday is coming up, but I won't be here for it. I think we're going to get some lunch soon. No idea what mama has planned for dinner and we have to set up the wire to her bank account.  Mama is more concerned about how much I am leaving with her on Sunday morning. I don't believe Mama gets the idea that I will be sending money to Yuan regularly. We are making plans for Christmas and I have been informed when Yuan finally comes to America, mama plans to also come along and will be inspecting property. I'm not surprised, because Yuan already warned me mama expects to come with her and to be able to visit when (like any mama) she becomes grandma... big shock.

So we are just trying to enjoy these last few days together and look forward to the future. We did visit a gentlemen who has 'fortune' with Buddha and have a wedding party date. This makes mama even more happy, even though she still thinks it is too far in future (March). However, the Buddha man told her without asking me that members of my family are to be considered blessed people for Yuan to be around and that our marriage is blessed by Buddha. He also told mama that my family has noble (yes, the traditional meaning) blood on both sides and that it would be inappropriate to rush the wedding. Thank you Buddha man, my mother would be pissed if she didn't attend my wedding, I remember the hell my brother faced when he and his wife married in Nevada, without inviting any of our family. I do not want to face that or risk Yuan dealing with it either.

That's all for now,
Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline john1964

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #102 on: September 21, 2011, 06:26:55 am »
Lloyd and Yuan, Glad to hear that things are going well for thee both of you, I know how you feel about limited time left together, The dreaded alarm clock will make your heart sink as it has done to me many times now, Enjoy the rest of your time together and if you are in Handan in December WE WILL catch up then, You have mine and the wifes cell phone numbers now so there is no excuse  ;D, It will be ffffrrrreeeezing in December but worth the trip, I now know the emails weren't from you, I received one two days ago with a link to Viagra 8), I may be 47 but do not need this product,,,YET ;D, Well my friend enjoy and i look forward to reading your posts always,  MinYing and John. 

Offline lfputman3

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #103 on: September 21, 2011, 09:38:07 am »
So I have a question, does anyone know anything about filing copies of the marriage documents with the translations with the embassy, or is that something for the visa process and not a concern for the American Embassy in Beijing, much appreciated, thanks...

Better to plunge in and drowned, than sit on the pier wondering.

Offline Jason B

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Re: Hebei, Round 2
« Reply #104 on: September 21, 2011, 08:11:46 pm »
As Mike said if you are doing your marriage certificate (red book) for the visa process you will need to get it translated into English and verified.  This is usually done in the same office at the same time.  Mine looked like a big A4 sized document and a paper cover.  Much bigger than the red book is.  One thing to keep in mind and even for the process later, keep atleast 4-5 extra copies or get extra made up  of your photos that go into the red book as they will be needed for the marriage documents.

If the papers are for the marriage itself, you will need your documents, single certificate, divorce/death certificate if applicable translated, notarised and verified both in your own country and in China.  Not sure if you can get the embassy/consulate to do this for you otherwise they will turn you away at the desk when you go to register for marriage.

If you are enquiring about registering the marriage in your country as a matter of course, I am not sure of other countries but in Australia if the marriage is recognised by the country of marriage it is recognised here and there is no need to register.  So an extra translated certificate maybe all that is required for work/tax etc.
I WILL have my revenge for having to be clean shaven......once I learn how to tame my Dragon.