Author Topic: RIOTS...???  (Read 2827 times)

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Offline Scots_Robbie

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« on: June 11, 2011, 08:06:57 am »
I was chatting to a lady friend this morning, she lives in guangzhou, cannot remember the district, but she was telling me there were RIOTS taking place right in front of her eyes.
About 300 people involved, over 1000 police.. 3 cars were set on fire...

Not heard anything since 11am...
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Vince G

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2011, 08:34:54 am »
It's hard to tell who was rioting. It seems to be happening all the time? The latest Blacks Riot in China & Guangzhou tightens migrants' permit checks. Which was a protest, maybe escalated? But both of these have to do with illegal migrant's.

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2011, 01:58:09 pm »
According to local news, illegal immigrants are the driving factor behind this (mainly south africans) and it is not the first time, this has happened several times before.
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Offline David E

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2011, 05:12:11 pm »
There is a real crackdown happening in China over visa abuse.......right now. Here is an article from today's South China Daily...

"Australian Jailed for 2 months for Breaching Visa..

An Australian visitor was jailed for 2 months yesterday for breaching his visa conditions of stay, by giving training courses at a local Hotel. Harold Gerd, 58, a Safety Management Consultant arrived in Hong Kong on May 17th and gave Training Courses for fees in a Conference Room at the Metropark Hotel in Kowloon two days later.
He was arrested and appeared at the Shan Tin Court where he was convicted and jailed."

Be warned...a Tourist visa is a tourist visa...nothing else.... and the Chinese Authorities are getting tough about breaching visa conditions

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 07:21:01 am »
Just like David E said. Another reason why they are cracking down on illegal and/or abusing visa foreigners and random inspections is that starting from July 1:st the new Social Security law goes into effect. Yes, all of us working here legally will have to pay for social security. Its not all bad though ;), we are actually supposed to get some benefits from this new system also.

Here in Beijing, there are more foreigners working on non-legal terms then there are who is and the gov and law enforcement are very well aware of this but has been very tolerant about it. But things are changing. For better or worse? If you are here on legal terms and work legally then i do not see why you would complain. For those who are working through vendors on L and F visas it might get a lot tougher. Unfortunately a lot of these vendors do not want to pay the costs for the work visa and if you really want it you might have to pay for it on your own. And no it does not cost 10K rmb like many agents will tell you (thats what an Z visa on the black market costs which by legal terms are in the grayzone). The actual cost here in Beijing for a legal Z (transfer from L or F) is 3-4000rmb + healthcheck. If you do not have a degree you will have problems if you want a legally issued Z. There are illegal workarounds (cheap) and there are legal workarounds (expensive). Personally, i would recommend nothing but the legal route.

Personally i think the tougher visa rules brings more positive effects then negative. As a guest in this country i wholeheartedly respect and abide by these laws and regulations.

There were recently 2 americans in Beijing who were deported for 5 years but the story behind that was a little more complicated. Nevertheless, for all who wants to work here dont settle too easy with your employer about the visa if they want to hire you on an L or F. If you have a degree and they want to hire you, they should pay for the work visa if they are serious and you should demand it. An F visa is favorable for most employers since the transfer procedure is easier then from an L visa.

A colleague of mine have a couple of friends from Nigeria who are here and working (yes legally), they have gotten harassed several times by police about papers and visas. They feel they are specifically being targeted for being black. If this is true or not i am not to judge but if you look at Hangzhou and whats happening there it would come as no surprise.
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Vince G

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 07:40:08 am »
I saw the video of the African riot in China. It seems the police raided where some illegals were staying and one man jumped out the 2nd story window Head First and landed on his head and died. So they took the body and paraded it (rioted) in front of the Police station claiming the police killed him? Stupid move. Now the Police know exactly how many illegals there are and what they look like.

Offline shaun

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 07:42:24 am »
What racial profiling????????

Why would anyone do that ?????

They really ought to check a Chinese grandmother in her 80's to be fair.

Some people don't think before they go to the police.   We've had a rash of burglaries here lately due to economics.  There have been a few held up and had all their money stolen while trying to buy drugs.  They called the police.  :o  Makes for good comic relief when reading the newspaper.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 07:47:29 am by shaun »

Vince G

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2011, 07:56:05 am »
If they are Nigerian in China? What is the chance they are doing real work? Or are they the source of the send me money women profiled in so many web sites and chats? Oh? Lets not forget the there is 4 million dollars in a bank for you scam. Most of the ones I get recently is from China, Hong Kong. Who do you blame?

About a year ago I had my van broken into right in front of the Home Depot door. The cop that showed up blamed the Mexicans that were looking for work in the parking lot? I didn't say anything about it but it wasn't them. Where were they hiding the tools they took? Of course the video showed differently. I didn't blame the Mexicans just because they're there.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 08:00:55 am by Vince G »

Offline shaun

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2011, 09:23:13 am »
Vince I hope you realize that I wasn't being racial.  I don't have a problem with checking other people.  It is the 80 year old grandmother I am talking about.  I'm not ignorant enough to think that only one race of person commits a crime but I don't think allowing a certain race of people to pass because they are that race.  Common sense must prevail when a person investigates.  Unfortunately many have taken the easy route and blamed a person because of the way they look.

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 09:26:15 am »
Well, chances are small ;). Lets leave it to that before someone starts to misinterpret this as racism.

Nigerian in particular have some real difficulties in getting a visa to go to China, they do however really want to go here and some will pay with their mother to get a visa. When the visa expires they simply stay.

The few nigerians who are here legally are afraid of leaving China since they fear they will not be granted a visa again. Instead they stay and extend their visas, in many cases the extension is denied and they simply stay.

This is kind of unthinkable behavior for me, but for some reason not for them.
"Just call me Mikkie , thats what all Asians do anyway"


Vince G

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2011, 09:50:10 am »
I too was not referring to a racial issue but looking at it as the chinese gov. may? They know they have illegals no matter who they are. They also cracked down on chinese without work permits.

So looking at the whole thing from there prospective. The get a stack of complaints from all over the world of scammers there (web) and they know most are illegals so they try to get them rounded up and sent back. I can totally understand this.

So NO Shaun, even though you live in Georgia  ;)  I didn't take it as a racial statement.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2011, 10:36:17 am »
There is a real crackdown happening in China over visa abuse.......right now. Here is an article from today's South China Daily...

"Australian Jailed for 2 months for Breaching Visa..

An Australian visitor was jailed for 2 months yesterday for breaching his visa conditions of stay, by giving training courses at a local Hotel. Harold Gerd, 58, a Safety Management Consultant arrived in Hong Kong on May 17th and gave Training Courses for fees in a Conference Room at the Metropark Hotel in Kowloon two days later.
He was arrested and appeared at the Shan Tin Court where he was convicted and jailed."

Be warned...a Tourist visa is a tourist visa...nothing else.... and the Chinese Authorities are getting tough about breaching visa conditions

NOW...I'm I glad that you helped me out mate... :o :o
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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: RIOTS...???
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2011, 08:21:00 am »
Just wanted to add that Kowloon is in Hong Kong and has laws still that were placed by the British Government before they  handed it back. The courts look very much like a British Court with lawyers wearing the wigs and robes.

Willy The Lpndoner

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