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Offline Peter Arnold

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Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« on: June 14, 2011, 10:17:32 pm »
Hi guys,
 Been a while since I posted. I have been busy with the process of applying for a tourist visa with Australian immigration. With the help of my Chinese friends, with whom I did some renovation work at their Chinese restaurant,( Yes, they screwed me down to a ridiculous quote, but I did it because I very much like the couple and they are having a go at running a business) we have sent all of the paperwork to Renjie to sign and submit to the Aust. Embassy in Shanghai. I needed to send a letter of invitation, with my bank statement details to prove I can financially support her for the month she is here. She also had to send a letter from her employer and an income statement to show that she has a job to return to. Also, if she owns real estate/ property, it is also good to send off a copy of the deed or such. We filled out the 48R immigration form here and posted it to her.
      It has been much quicker with the help of my wonderful Chinese friends, Felix and Melody ( I love the names they choose). They presently have Felixs mother here who runs a bread shop back in China. I have had many wonderful breakfast/ lunch and dinners with them. They cook 'real' Chinese meals and I love sharing a meal with them( the mother is a great pastry cook- fresh steamed buns! Love them). He is a great chef and is only 26 yo.I could talk about Chinese food all day! They have a new little baby daughter, Maggie who is adorable, and another 6 yo, Matilda. She is adorable, and loves nagging me by always asking 'why'. I would have loved to have had a daughter. I have two grown sons.
    Anyway, we will wait and see if the Embassy will allow Renjie to visit me in August. I know she is very much looking forward to visiting me and seeing Australia. I know it will blow her mind. I live in a small country town, so the open space and greenery will impress her. I took her for a small walk around where I live, on my computer, using QQ as I have a laptop and wireless internet. I try to do interesting stuff when we talk.
    Renjie thinks we will know in 10 days from submitting the forms. She got the Passport very quickly.
    So wish us luck. Great to read everybody's updates, especially David1964,
Peter from Northern NSW, Australia
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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 01:49:54 am »

      It has been much quicker with the help of my wonderful Chinese friends, Felix and Melody ( I love the names they choose).   

       Great to read everybody's updates, especially David1964,

Peter from Northern NSW, Australia

My partner has Melody as her chosen name, it has quite grown on me now.

Is David1964 any relation to John1964? - they have the same surname!

Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 02:13:33 am »
 Yes I did mean John1964. Sorry 'bout that.
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 02:27:31 am »
Peter , great to read about things progressing , and we wish you all the luck that we can muster to our lazy government workers giving you a prompt yes to your request , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 06:47:42 am »
Peter, I did post a letter of invitation in the Australian Requirements a while ago.  I know this letter is what they are after as it is a visa "winning" letter.  Have a look if you haven't already so you can decide if you have all the infomation required.

Good luck mate, it does take about 5-10 days for the consulate to make a decision on the visa.  Well it did in Guangzhou anyway.
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Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2011, 06:19:27 am »
Well gents, I need to update my attempt to get Renjie here. We waited a long time to hear from Shanghai, and we were told we would find out on the 6th July. Well, Renjie got phone call from her case manager on the 4th July, and she was interrogated, sorry, questioned about how well she knew me and what facts she could tell immigration about me. I had given all of the necessary details about my ability to support her, how long we had been in relationship, and her employment details. But in the end it all hinged on whether she could tell them detail about me. She was asked if she knew the city where I lived. She didn't , as I live in a country town with a very long aboriginal name. She said I lived 1 1/2 hours from Brisbane which was correct. She also failed to know my surname. BIG mistake. They asked her about 8 other questions which she got right, like my occupation and past marriage details and immediate family.
I never would have thought they would have thrown questions which belong in the realms of Spouse visa.
I wasn't annoyed at first, just disappointed, but when Renjie sent me a copy of the reasons for refusing a Visa, I was bloody annoyed.
I will quote the letter here
' Your limited knowledge of your boyfriend raises doubts as to the bona fides of your intentions and as such cannot be satisfied that a genuine visit is intended. Therefore I must refuse your application'
Case closed!
I even called Shanghai and tried to talk with her case manager before the final decision was made, but I was stone-walled by the woman from immigration who took my call. She asked me for a reference number, as I knew she would, but I just submitted her name and DOB. She said the case was 'confidential', so I could not give any input into her application.
I tried to tell Renjie that I thought they were bastards, but the meaning was lost in translation as it translated  as Hybrids. So hybrids they are!
So, I write all this so others can be better prepared than my poor Renjie was. She has told me she was sorry so many times for not knowing my surname, which is now very much a part of her vocabulary, as well as the town I live in! There are 12 letters in my home town name and she can say it as well as any Aussie.
So I have booked a ticket over to Shenyang to land on the 1st September. I told her, the good news is, I am coming to China, the bad news is I arrive at 11.05 PM. She said, " no problem" bless her cotton socks.
We are much closer now because of all we have been through. And this time she will take a month off work and I will stay with her.
We will be heading down to somewhere in Hebei to my Chinese friends wedding. I am looking forward to seeing my friends get married in China and being apart of their celebrations.
Okay enough from me. I know I will have no problems getting my Visa to China.
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Offline shaun

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2011, 06:26:26 am »
Well Peter, I am sorry to hear that.  It sounds a little like my story in the refusal.  But it is good to know you are going to see her soon.

Let me suggest that you spend some time encouraging her.  Peggy took it very hard that she was rejected because she missed a few questions.  You need to help build a little confidence in her now.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 06:28:24 am by shaun »

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2011, 11:48:48 am »
Sorry to read about the refusal Peter , You may both be down but the case is never  closed , but if you have time visit the relevant people here before you head over , but enjoy your next visit whatever way it swings , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline David E

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2011, 05:13:45 pm »
Sorry to hear the news Peter...but they are "red-hot" on some of the questions.....John 164 found out the hard way also. :-[

There is no way that you can move these people, they have our destiny in their hands and like it or not, we have no choice but to fully comply with their perceptions of reality.

Having said that, I do think your "Plan B" go to China is a much more robust plan. Be sure to keep EVERY piece of paper you get during your visit, take squillions of photos with her, you, freinds and will need these (hopefully) to support any future Spouse/Fiance visa application.

Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2011, 05:40:52 pm »
Thanks guys, I have been encouraging her and helping her to be confident. And I have already gone back and printed out all of the letters she wrote during our time on Chnlove. I have also been taking photos on QQ the last few weeks. I will not let the hybrids get me down! So yes David, I will take lots of photos when I am there with Mama and her sisters, Thanks again for the encouragement.
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Offline Jason B

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2011, 08:29:47 pm »
Mate, I feel bad for you but as you said atleast you have a plan B.  Get to China comfort her, make sure she understands none of this is her fault and move on in the right direction together.

One thing I will say, before I left China last time I wrote down all the infomation that I could think of, most about the questions that I thought they might ask, what Dave E had posted they asked his wife and anything else I could think of.  Not for the fact that Xia did not know the answers but when asked and given the gravity of the situation better to have the answers there than trying to remember everything at once.  May help others in the future.

I am sure that you will be able to work everything out now.  If you decide to apply again go to the consulate together and they will check all the papers before submission to ensure all is correct.
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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2011, 01:39:50 am »
I hope the detour does not take too long. Situations like this suck bigtime no matter if one is a realist, pessimist, or optimist. Plan B tends to always be that next trip. And as you sayed about our ability to aquire a visa, some solace will be earned when you visit her in September.
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Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2011, 01:24:59 am »
Good idea Jason, I guess if we rocked up on their doorstep with the visa application, we could answer any questions. I think I will re-apply while I am there and I can help her through it. I will sort the hybrids out myself!
I would like to get her here in our summer so she can escape those dreadful winters in Shenyang. My Chinese mandarin teacher came from Shenyang, and she once questioned her parents as to why they lived in such a barbaric city as Shenyang! Renjie hates the winters and has never come to terms with the cold weather
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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2011, 03:47:56 am »
Peter my better half also comes from Shenyang and the weather is the reason we would never go home at Christmas she says it is to bloody cold , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline shaun

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Re: Getting my Renjie to visit Oz
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2011, 01:31:38 pm »
Plan B's seem to happen quite a bit here.  I don't know about an optimist, pessimist, or a realist but I seem to be having a problem in convincing the consulate that I am not a bigamist.  :o ::) :'(