Author Topic: For the Technically Challenged  (Read 4537 times)

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Offline shaun

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For the Technically Challenged
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:02:12 pm »
From time to time many of us have computer problems.  As it turns out there are several people that are good at it.  I am not one of them.  I'm OK with a few things but forget giving advice.

I have a few problems a while back and there were a couple of people that helped.  Things got better for a while but then...   I thought I would tell this, we'd all get a laugh and others might offer help and others ask.  Down the road this might be a good thread to check when you have a technical issue.

So, Peggy and I have been talking on yahoo IM since the beginning which is now 20 months ago.  Recently she moved and the communication got much worse.  I blamed the new building she is in; she blamed me or the neighbor, I'm not sure.  Two nights ago I was about to pull my hair out.  I can't understand her because of the skipping in the voice.  I only see occasional pictures of her stationary and her screen goes blank every few minutes.  She can't hear or see me at all.  All I can do is type.  Then my computer simply froze up and I couldn't do anything.  ARRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!   Or as our beautiful women say   IIee yaaaaa!!!!!!

So I called her on my cell and  told her that I was going to shut my computer down so that she would take a bath before going to bed and that I might be up and running when she finished.  I unplugged the power and disconnected the battery and waited a few minutes.   But something struck me.  The bottom of my laptop was awful hot.  I set the computer up on its side, turned it on, went into my storeroom got 2 old 18 count Styrofoam egg crates, cut the tops off, put 4 blue ice packs in them, took a cookie sheet and put if over the egg crates and ice packs.  I pt my computer on top and voila everything has been working fine since.  We can see each other at the same time with movement and both talk and hear each other clearly.

So now my question is.  How do I separate a Toshiba Satellite to clean all of the dust out?  I tried on another one a few years ago.  After getting all of the screws out I couldn't  open the case to look inside.  The computer guys where I work would not show me how.

Vince G

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 06:22:40 pm »
It shouldn't need to be cleaned by taking it apart? Get a can of air duster. It's a can of air that blasts the dust out of the keys. All laptops run Hot. They have cooling tray for laptops probably right next to the air blaster? My guess is the heat is affecting the Ram chips? With mine if things slow down I clear the Cache. This is done in your web browser (IE, Firefox,etc).

Offline Mikael_Shim

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 08:01:48 pm »
Disassembling a Laptop, and putting it back could be a nightmare. I have probably done it in the numbers of hundreds and i still shrug at it. A normal cause for overheating is that the heatsinks gets clogged with dust, hair etc. Especially if you have pets nearby. This will prevent the fans from actually pushing the heated air out of the laptop, it will just circulate inside it instead and in some cases you could even feel the keyboard being extremely hot due to this. To further complicate this, many models draws air from under the notebook and push it out on the backside this is particularly common for laptops with high performance. These ones can not be properly cleaned with airpressure since without disassembling it the only way to release all crap from the heatsinks is by pushing air into it from the backside. What happens however is only that you push the majority of dirt further into your lappy and even though it may help for a short time being it will actually only cause more heating issues in a quite foreseeable future. Some models however that do not have thick heatsinks close to the air outputs on the back can be quite efficiently cleaned the way Vince explained.

Overheating will downclock you CPU and GPU on modern laptops, making them perform considerably slower, in some cases even unbearable. The cooler it runs, the better it performs. A good investment is to get a cooling pad for your laptop. There are many available, personally i have a "Coolermaster Notepal U3" you can google it. If you really want to disassemble it, many models have videoguides on Youtube how to do it.
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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 08:25:57 pm »
it's possible that a fan has stopped working inside the laptop.  if you can find a decent repair shop that you can trust, try them.  increasing airflow around the machine is a good start and like Mikael said, a laptop cooling pad is a good investment.  Don't try to open 'er up yourself.  that can turn into a frustrating mess.

if you use the canned air - try not to spray the liquid (which will come out if you wiggle the can around too much).  the liquid is a lot cooler and can harm delicate components, or your skin. irresistible as chocolate

Offline shaun

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 11:01:54 pm »
Well first the laptop is 5 years old so I imagine there is a lot of junk inside of there.  Pushing it in further does not appeal to me as I know it can cause even more issues.  I do have a little bit of an electronics background.  I at least know all electronic components are made of smoke.  You let the smoke out of its plastic case and it wont work anymore.

The fan is working.  I do believe the heat sinks are clogged up and the memory is about 4 inches from the fan toward the middle of the computer.  I did think about compressed air but not being able to see what is in there is a deep concern to me.  Also the stores here locally scare me.  When I go in and I know more that the tech THAT is something to be scared of.  A could of other store can't do anything without loading new software into your computer for $80.00 I think now.  There are a couple I haven't tried yet so I guess I'll be checking them out after I look at youtube to see if I can find a video that can help me.  Which makes me wonder.  If I am searching for a disassemble program on the computer I am trying to disassemble will it shut me down much like HAL did?

I'm still thinking that opening it myself is the correct course but we'll see.   I don't need anymore headaches right now.

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 11:25:03 pm »
Here try my friend over at tech support, maybe he can assist you!

Offline mustfocus

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 12:10:05 am »

If you do not know what you're doing, then I really don't recommend doing it.  Like Mikael, I've probably done hundreds of laptop disassemblies and I dislike it (never mind that every time they introduce a new model, they always change how it's assembled and how to take it apart).  A can of compressed air works well, although you have to do it in bursts.  The liquid that forms on the exit pipe isn't the liquid from inside (that stuff vapourizes in normal room temperature) but is the condensation from the air around it (works along the same principles as an air conditioner....).  You don't want that getting into the laptop... if you use short controlled bursts, you can often flush out the dust that has gotten into the heatsink fins, but it can be tricky.

Another solution is to use one of those portable vacuum cleaners that you can find at Costco (search for vacuum and look at the 4 gallon model) or (Never seen them there, but I assume they are) Lowes or Home Depot... the models I am thinking about are sort of like a small toolbox.  They often come with some detailing tools to help focus the suction (for places like the crack of your car seat)  They are usually powerful enough (at least when they're empty) to suck most of the dust out of it...

As always, if you do decide to take apart your laptop, PLEASE make sure you're electrically grounded.  Laptop units (in my opinion) are often more sensitive to static than desktop units.
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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 01:17:08 am »
Two nights ago I was about to pull my hair out. 

You still have hair???

Sorry, I could not resist..... hehehe...

Dave C
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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2011, 03:14:07 am »
Dear Oh dear Shaun.........

I cant see what yourn problem is....

I know NOTHING about computers and I always find that to get them really clean it is very simple.....

Just pop it into your washing machine (use the gentle cycle) and when it comes out is is squeaky clean and fresh.

Of course it wont work then, but just buy another .... ;D ;D ;D

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2011, 03:46:40 am »
David , you only gave Shaun half of the job , you then take it out of the washing machine and put into Tumble dryer for 2 hours on hot , gather all the pieces and take to a incompetant computer technician to put back together , regards Robert .
 p s , luckily my tech guy is a magic worker [ Chinese of course via Sujuan after 18 months here ask for anything and someone arrives ha ha ] I now have new pc and new laptop plus a new Brother MFC all wireless connected so we can now print from anywhere in the house .
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Offline Sylvain D

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2011, 07:37:36 am »
Hi there.
Most of time, laptops can be very warm when using it very often (more than 4 hours can easily occur to that, depending of the brandname)
The battery can become so warm (overheated?) that it can make your computer "lagging" or "freezing" when using some programs or games.
By the way, maybe could you give a little more information about your O.S . Is it Windows XP? (I guess it isn't Windows7 because you say your computer is more than 5 years old)
By the way, maybe a fan could be the problem too. Some tools could help you to know where is the problem.
One of the most appreciated programs is called "Everest", maybe it could help to know where is the main problem inside your computer.

Plus, I recommand you to not open your laptop. It is very difficult to open it and to make it working again with no problems, if man doesn't know how to proceed.
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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2011, 08:11:11 am »
I had that problem. My laptop would shut itself off.  I realised that it was getting too hot. Bought a desk fan locally for 35 rmb. turn on comp turn on fan and I can leave both running all day no problems. Just used 4 erasers to lift the laptop off the desk a little further.

Also when using YM then you should also have skype as a spare. There video in China is usually good and it does not cost anything.   So get problem with one then go to another.

Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline shaun

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2011, 08:29:07 am »
Willy that is a good idea but she wants to use QQ but that takes too much memory for me.  Well, maybe not.  Maybe this has been my problem with QQ too...    Hmmmmm.........

Offline Sylvain D

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2011, 09:01:09 am »
maybe also try to clear inside c:\windows\temp or
"C:\documents and settings\"username"\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5"

(just change "username" by the name which opens your windows session (account) )

That also can help to make your computer not being too slow....
and using :
Start, execute : "msconfig"  (with no quotes) : there you can choose which programs to use when Windows starts, to save some "memory".
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Offline shaun

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Re: For the Technically Challenged
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2011, 08:55:42 pm »
Well a friend suggested that I take it to Best Buy to have cleaned out.  They said it would take 3 weeks because they send laptops off to be worked on so I walked down 3 stores to Office Depot.  They said the same thing.  So I got some compressed air and tried it.  A little dirt came out but I don't think I dislodged anything from the CPU heat sink.  I also bought a Chill Hub from Best Buy.  Between the compressed air and the Chill Hub I think I have my problem fixed.  Maybe I'll try to reload QQ.    Naaa...   I wait a little while to see how this works.

Thanks all for the suggestions.   I'm not ready to buy a new computer right now.