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Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #60 on: July 05, 2011, 06:50:58 pm »
All great news David , you have already changed something in your posts , less Ming and more she's ha ha , continue to enjoy , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #61 on: July 05, 2011, 07:22:25 pm »
 :) I really can not have a bigger "SMILE" on my Face .. while reading your Wife's arrival at "HOME" in your beautiful House . It is finally a complete Home for you , even though .. it might be with Chinese Taste in no time . Soooo happy for the both of you David !!! 

Offline maxx

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #62 on: July 05, 2011, 07:30:14 pm »
David good update.You and your wife are on the right track so far.Just keep at it.And it should be ok.

The reason your wife brought all the medicine.Is somebody on the enternet told your wife Aussie Medicine is no good.My wife thought the same way about American medicine.When she came to the states.She didn't trust any of the medicines.Or the doctors.She brought a bunch of her own medicines.And wouldn't touch anything else.Then when she got pregnant with are oldest kid.I took her to the doctor.She about ripped my head off after the first doctors appointment.By the time the first baby was born.My wife was convinced. that America has the best medical services in the world.With the best medicines.Now everytime we go to China.We have a long list of medicines along with vitamines.That we need to take to China.To pass out to family and friends.

Both Kids were sick while they were in China. last month they both had coughs and were weezing like chain smokers.We took them to the doctors.All the time we were at the hospital my wife whined about how bad Chinese medicine was.And how bad the doctors are.When she and the kids returned to the states.She had me make both of them doctor appointments.To make sure they were ok.And the Chinese doctors hadn't messed them up permanently.

So there attitudes do change.I think you will be surprised.What you will find out in the next six months.About how your wife really feels about China.And what she really thinks about Australia.My wife's loves China.But only because that is where she was born.And where her family lives.If her family lived in the states.She would probably never go back to China.

My wife has told me more then a dozen times she doesn't want to live in China.And try to raise a family there.She would rather live in the United States.Just because the quality of life is so much better.And the number of people in any area is so much less.She doesn't have people living in a house bellow her.Or a apartment above her.The closest neighbor is probably 40 yards away.She has a 3 bedroom 2 bath house setting on 3/4 of a acre of land.And she thinks it's just grand.It has heat and A/C and running water.That she doesn't have to boil before she drinks it.She doesn't have to push her way threw croweds to go somewhere.Or to see something she wants to look at.She doesn't have to walk 3 blocks to catch the bus.Or change buses three times just to go somewhere.She just tells me where she wants to go.And we grab the kids and jump in the truck and just go.

My wife wanted me to put up a set of lines.So that she could hang the clothes out to dry.I just laughed and told her the wind would just blow dirt all over her clean clothes.She didn't believe me until she seen her first sand storm.With the wind cranking up to fifty mph.Then she told me not to worry about the clothes line.She decided using the clothes dryer was much easier and a lot less work.

The real adventure does start for you and your wife.As she learns to live with you.You will also learn to live with her.And remember if it isn't the end of the world.And nobody is going to get hurt.And it isn't going to cost you six months worth of wages.It probably isn't worth arguing about.

Good luck and best wishes for you and your lovely wife.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #63 on: July 05, 2011, 07:44:29 pm »
You know what David...Sometime words are just not enough. There is nothing I can say that has not already been said.

Please believe me when I say this...But the news that Ming has finally arrived in your home  makes me very happy for you both..

Your wait, the 'stuff' that happened, I know you know it was all worthwhile...

Good luck and God bless you both... :D :D
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Offline Clayton

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #64 on: July 05, 2011, 08:58:47 pm »
Good Luck to you David and Ming, it sounds like you've put a smile on a lot of faces, including mine,I have gone over in my mind a thousand times the arrival of my wife to Adelaide and reading you and Max's comments puts a huge smile on my face because you description is just like i imagined.
I am particularly interested in Max's post , your description Max of your place sounds similar to here so it is interesting to hear how your wife has settled in to your way of life.  How does your wife handle a dust storm? it's not some thing you see much of in Shenzhen.
David, it doesn't matter to me how insignificant you think your updates might be , I read them with great interest and find that it IS the little things that i am interested in
I'd just like to thank all you blokes who already have your wife's with you for taking the time to inform us others about life after your wife's arrival.
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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #65 on: July 05, 2011, 09:42:02 pm »
Great news David.  I am happy for the both of you.   Keep the trivial and the exciting coming in; with pictures of course.

Maxx, Gee it's been years since I've been in a dust storm.  We had a dust devil a couple of weeks ago in Georgia.  It brought back warm memories of my childhood.  People have no idea what you mean when you say dust storm.

Offline David E

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #66 on: July 06, 2011, 06:06:58 pm »
Thanks for all your good wishes is much appreciated.

Maxx, you are exactly right about medicine.

She showed me the internet site where many, many Chinese Women who have migrated, are waiting to migrate or are hoping to migrate....all with foreign husbands.

She read many of their emails to me (translated of course) and what a lot of rubbish and mis-information most of them have about life in the Western World.

The real complaint about medicines was that it it too expensive to see Western Doctors and often they wont give medicine for simple illnesses (I explained about the rampant usage of anti-biotics and the developing resistance issue, but that was water off a ducks back !!) they bring many "cheap" medicines they can get in China...but I am yet to be convinced that their medicine can cure anything !!!, probably they mostly are reinforcements for natural body immunity. But as you can imagine, such subjects are difficut to discuss at our current level of English interaction !!! I quickly got the habit of "yes Honey" whatever Chinese Medicines you like...and I will try it too.... :-\ :-\

Mings first impressions and comments...:

The air is so clear and clean, she can feel it going all the way into her body
Why are there not cars beeping their horns 24/ is very quiet
Soft beds are something hidden from the average Chinese person in China...why dont they have soft beds...sleeping like a baby for 10 hours !!
Electric blankets are a gift from the Gods !!!!!!!!!!!
I dont eat enough food and I must eat more
I drink too much coffee and must change to tea
Why dont I boil water before drinking it !!!
Dishwashers are suspicious things...dishes should be washed IMMEDIATELY after use.............had a bit of an intense discussion about that one !!!!!

On day 3 she went round the garden and within 3 hours there was not a dead leaf or a weed in sight........miraculous.

Interesting...I have an automatic hot water system, you just dial in the temperature you need for a bath, or a shower or whatever and turn on the hot tap...the water comes through at the selected temperature......this caused great confusion....I like to shower at 42 degrees C...and after much adjusting Ming decided that she preferred 50 degrees C...WOW, that would cook me !!!

I will process some photos of Her Majesty in her new Kindom at the weekend and post soonest

Again, more trivia guys, sorry........but these little things gently happening each day, with love and laughter between us are exactly what we both want and planned........

I find it very easy to adjust some of my thinking and habits to accommodate such a lovely Woman.............never thought I would ever say that !!!!!!


Offline RobertBfrom aust

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #67 on: July 06, 2011, 06:45:01 pm »
Funny , your" Ming's first impressions " it is great to see them put onto paper promptly , as these are also the very things that Sujuan can also still say , I am allowed to run the dishwasher 2 times a week now ha ha , but one tends to forget these little differences that raise up , they seem to fit more into their days than I ever could , regards Sujuan and Robert .
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Offline maxx

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #68 on: July 06, 2011, 07:21:34 pm »
my wife will wash the dishes by hand.Then put them into the dishwasher.And let the dishwasher wash them again.I asked her one time.Why she did this.She said it is because they are now sanitized.I told her she didn't need to wash the dishes first.She says yes yo do.They no sanitize until you wash first. then put them in the dishwasher.

So I understood her to mean.That the dishes wouldn't get clean.Until she washed them first.Then ran them threw the dishwasher.I dropped the subject after that.It just wasn't worth going into deep discusion about it.

My wife learned the word sanitize off of a Chinese TV.That has a daily English program.The funny thing about this program is that they are using actors and actresses.That look and sound like they are from The UK.But they are using the words in the wrong context.And it really confuses my wife when I tell her she is using the word wrong.So I think she has stopped watching.And switched to watching cartoons with the boys.Her English has improved allot since she started watching cartoons with the kids.

Offline Clayton

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #69 on: July 06, 2011, 09:12:47 pm »
I got a real laugh out of that Max, I had the same conversation about washing dishes with my wife and she's not even here yet, I would let it go but we are on rain water here and every drop is precious.
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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2011, 12:13:05 am »
Clayton you probably need to sell the dishwasher.Before your wife arrives.They do what they want to do.No matter what you tell them.Until they are proven wrong


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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2011, 12:37:18 am »
I find it very easy to adjust some of my thinking and habits to accommodate such a lovely Woman.............never thought I would ever say that !!!!!!

David , this is exactly what is needed to make it soooo much easier for both of you and you'll see .. you will be in Heaven with Ming .. as Qing and I . This is one of the "MOST" important factor for a Honeymoon that just wont go away . :P  Who wants it to ?

Offline zook144

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2011, 06:13:22 pm »
Her English has improved allot since she started watching cartoons with the kids.

Just a quick note on what Maxx said.  I have a friend whose wife is a nurse at the VA Hospital. She works with a man that came to the U.S from Korea.  He told her he did not know any English at all when he arrived. And learned a great deal from watching only cartoons. I have already given Lili some links on computer, so she can start watching cartoons.  Hopefully it will help her.  Who knew cartoons could be such a learning tool.

And David E., congrats to you and Ming!  I enjoy reading your updates. Keep'em coming. :)

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Offline Peter Arnold

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #73 on: July 09, 2011, 05:46:43 am »
Hi David, Sorry I'm a bit late, but congratulation on Mings arrival. Glad to hear you are as happy as a 'pig in mud'. I know your journey has been a long one and now you have reaped the benefit of all your persistence (and money). I am happy for you,
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Offline David E

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Re: Birth Announcement......!!!!
« Reply #74 on: July 18, 2011, 07:00:50 pm »
Hi Guys

Sorry if this post gets a bit long -winded, but I had to share it with you all......!!

All Mings family and friends have Iphone 4's, and Ming suggested that we should get one each, she can speak and have video with all her friends and family in China, and she and I can keep in touch when I am at work...all for free on Skype or QQ.

So....bright and early on Sat morning, we trecked off to the Apple Shop in Perth...there is only 1 Apple shop here, so I guess they have a monopoly ....bad start !!!!!

We stood waiting for 40 minutes for some attention, and eventually a pimply-faced child (looked about 9 years old to me !!) sloped over and said.."Whhaddya want Mate"

Firstly, I felt the need to explain that I never was, could never be, was not the slightest bit interested in being his mate or anything else, and could we get some service here because we wanted to buy 2 phones......

We were directed to a queue...and waited again for 30 minutes, and were approached by another child (probably just out of diapers) who seemed to be a bit put out having to explain phone technology to a wrinkly like me...( I should point out here that my existing phone only makes phone calls, does not do anything else and is just within my technical capabilites)....I was bombarded with "Apps, 3G, MB, wifi and many other nysterious doings and was developing:

A) A headache
B) A deep loathing of phones and child phone sellers.

Meanwhile, Ming was getting "that look"...which to me signals that her "shitometer" has hit red-line and somebody is going to cop it big-time !!!!

Having now got a real bad headache and struggling to decide which bloody phone to buy, I caved in and pointed at the most expensive version, on the asumption that this farce should not continue much longer...the child seller had no more work to "up-sell ' me !!!!

Having got, and paid for these technological monsters, we were directed to yet ANOTHER queue, where we were told we must wait in line to get the phones "synched", dont ask me what that was for...dont have a clue. This process involved many mumbo jumbos betwen phone and computer and many foreign words being exchanged to worship whatever phone Gods live inside these things. Ming was now very agitated...and frustrated because she wanted to let rip, but her English was not good enough to properly express what she was going to do to these clowns who did not understand the meaning of she said to me "In China we would be fighting off the multitude of knowlegable shop assistants and if she wanted an Iphone in Chengdu, she would never take more than 30 minutes for the whole deal !!

I patiently explained that "this is how things are in Aus,,,just relax, it will soon be over.........

But continues........the next queue was to get the phone to do something else which involved going into "Itunes"...I explained that I NEVER wanted to use my phone for music, I have a hi-fi at home for that...but apparently Itunes has something else to do with set-up processes.

AND THANK ALL THE LUCKY COINCIDENCES ON THE PLANET....the "pimply" in the Itunes department was a Chinese boy..................

So Ming asked politely..."do you speak Chinese" which pimply responded with a condescending and superior air..."of course I do"...that was his biggest mistake of the week......

So then she simply blew a fuse and went for it...........I have never heard anything like it, and neither had all the people in the shop !!!! in no time flat, a large crowd had gathered to watch this performance as my pocket rocket tore this guy to pieces...he was reeling and blubbering and blustering at the impact of it............I of course, in complete support of my LP had slunk off to a corner, found a seat and watched the drama develop........brave Man me !!!!!

The whole thing attracted the Shop Manager (luckily he was a mature adult of about 18 years, but he was not Chinese so could not really make any contribution to the issue, instead he just told the Chinese pimply to go to the staff room and took Ming over to another counter......where he tried to placate her with several free gifts...Iphone case, quality ear phones and probably would have given her his car just to shut her up.

What really tickled me was at the end of it all, the whole set of bystanders broke into a round of applause for my LP..........gotta love 'em dont you !!!!!....

Total time to buy 2 Iphones...4 hours 28 minutes............

ps...I have probably been a bit too critical of Iphone I take it all back, I have just bought 2 "Apps" for $ turns the phone into a neat spirit-level and the other turns it into a "Dirty Harry" long barrelled colt I can  now use my "other" phone for phone calls and chuck this monster in my tool-box....I can get exact levels on my building projects, and if I ever get accosted by a bad guy I can point the phone at him and say "Well do you feel lucky Punk "  ;D
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 07:23:23 pm by David E »