Author Topic: I dont think this is right!  (Read 6319 times)

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Offline Bud Hammond

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I dont think this is right!
« on: July 06, 2011, 08:40:15 pm »
Hi folks, this is my first post on this forum. I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not. But I'm going to explain the problem and I'll let you more knowledgable people guide me from there.

I stumbled on to the Chnlove website a while back. I didn't think much of it. I enjoyed looking at the beautiful ladies and reading their profiles. I guess it was entertaining enough. But THEN, I found the profile of a woman that I personally found very beautiful and she was the right age for me and so on and so on. I added her to my "favorites" list so that I could come back and gaze at the photos when ever I was feeling lonely.

A few weeks passed and I got a message from her. She said that she had been viewing my profile and SURPISINGLY, she found that she was on my "favorites" list. So this was the reason that she was sending the message.

Anyone familiar with Chnlove's format knows you have to buy credits to respond. The darn credits are quite pricey IMHO. But I bought 4 credits just to see if she was as interesting as her profile. So when I sent the first message, I spent a credit. When she responded a day or two later, another credit was gone. It didn't take long to eat up my credits. So I bought some more. To make a long story short, I've bought quite a few credits now and I like this lady but any time that I even hint at an email address, physical address or any sort of contact information, THAT particular message will not be delivered. Obviously the translators are censoring the messages. It has become plainly clear that, if I am serious about this lady, Chnlove will have me by the short hairs all the way up to the wedding and probably beyond.(assuming it goes that far) I just can't see playing this game. It is insulting. I fully understand the need for a company to make money. But Jesus! I can't be the one to personally fund this silliness.

Here's what I have so far: I know the lady's given name and her family name. Of course, she also goes by an Americanized name but I know her Chinese name. The lady lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong. She works in what she calls a "Cultural Station." I've never heard of that but I know that there is a fairly new Cultural Center in Shenzhen. Could it be the same place?

So how in the world can I skirt this issue without tipping off the censors?

Any ideas, anyone?

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 09:03:24 pm »
It's definitely not right. I managed to get the contact details very soon after initial contact, as I'm sure most users do. Unfortunately seems like you are being taken for a ride. I'll be interested to see what others say about this.

Offline maxx

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2011, 12:07:30 am »
 Write one more letter.At the bottom of the letter.Leave a note to the translator.You either get direct contact.Or you are gone.Check and see if your new found love is registered on another website.IE blossoms,Asian friend finder.It takes some work.But a few members have bypassed Chnlove this way.Or just go to China.And when you meet the lady ask her for her phone number and email Address


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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2011, 12:16:23 am »
Bud , first off .. when you put anybody of these Ladies on your "Favourite List" they don't know about it . They also don't know if you have "Hidden" your Profile , unless you tell them this . Hence , you were Reeled in by a Translator to respond .. as "He" knows who you put on your List . So , in other words .. do what Maxx has said ! Natural Photo's without the Chnlove NAme/Logo on them . If refused , well you know what to do . Continue with an other or call it as you may , but remember .. there are wonderful Ladies out there . They are not all out to take you for a Ride , just many Translator like to .

Offline shaun

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2011, 07:53:28 am »
Since Maxx already intro'd it check out  I found direct contact with two women there.  One of whom I could not get an email for on chnlove.

Just be careful because the agencies are there too.   If you find her online there, watch a few days it could still be an agency.  If she isn't on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays then it is the agency.

I would say the same conditions apply on the other sites Maxx mentioned but I've not been on them so I really don't know.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 10:40:42 am by shaun »

Offline Hans

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2011, 03:10:49 am »
I know it is expensive and I know some agencies are doing everything just to make money. But if you are really interested in her, give it some time. Pay some credits while finding out more about her, ask for more photos (real ones, not the Photoshop ones in the profiles). I'm with Maxx, write a separate message to the translator. If they ignore you, then there is not much you can do since they are the ones pulling the strings. That's the downside of Chnlove. I've come to believe it is mostly about luck. Find the right agency and the right translator. Some agencies are good, some are bad (and the good agency my fiancée was registered at have now shut down due to financial difficulties. I guess being honest is not always a successful method). 

Sure, you could take a shot and go to China and hopefully find her. But how much do you really know about this woman at this stage?

If it doesn't work out, check out the other sites already mentioned here and in other posts.

Offline Wilfred Motosue

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2011, 01:56:34 am »
What I did was I hired a translator to translate all our letters to each other. The first letter was written in Chinese and I asked whomever I was writing to, to write me in chinese. When i received her letter , I sent it to my translator to translate it to English and send it back to me. That way, we bypassed the company translator from the beginning. If you want to write to my translator, give me your email address and I'll pass it along to her. It will cost about $10 a letter however. But you have to pay for credits anyway. I forgot how much those credits were already. You know how much their costs are so you can figure if it's worth it to you. After a few letters back and forth, perhaps you can have her use an internet translator to translate your letter but it sometimes is difficult to figure what the real words that was said originally. I used the translator till only recently and i used to write long letters to make it worth while. We talk by phone now since I found a phone card that I pay haf a cent per minute , I think.  You can also skype and use other methods after you and your Chinese friend get to trade a few letters.


Offline mracn

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2011, 07:42:17 pm »
I got my latest girl friend togive me her email address over a yeara go. We had communication problems at that time so we rarely stayed in touch.I brought off with my Chinese GF Elvas a few weeks back after 8 months of contact through Skype. I just happened to see Sue 2 weeks ago on Yahoo and explained what happened and she went through a similar experience. After chatting on Yahoo for a week and a half, Sue went out and bought a computer so that we can chat face to face every day. It shows her sincerity to want me and the effort she is making. As soon as I can speak enough Mandarin that she can understand, I will call her as all my phone calls to China are free through my company phone plan.

One thing I can say about CL is that most of the photos are of the women a few years younger. Every woman I have met through Skype look at least 5+ yrs older than the agency photos. Here's another thing I worked out. I send 1 big letter about myself and then tell the women if they want to really continue knowing me, to contact me through Skype. This way, only those who are really serious will make the effort. Read the letters they send you, most are made up by the agencies.

Offline Wilfred Motosue

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2011, 10:52:15 pm »
In my previous post , I said that I used a translator to translate our letters. However, I must tell you that when you file for your K-1, my attorney  told me that it is not good to say that we were using a translator and I couldn't use those letters as proof of communication. So it is good to switch to other means of communication after you meet each other. 
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 11:08:14 pm by Wilfred Motosue »

Offline Bud Hammond

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2011, 03:59:39 pm »
Ok, I'm back. I had a difficult time logging back onto this site because I must have mistyped my password. But here is what happened that made me start this thread in the first place.

I took your advice and I sent a letter to my girl. At the bottom, a typed a "NOTE TO TRANSLATOR." The note said that if I could not have direct contact with my girl, I would not buy any more credits. I got a reply back from my girl that said she was impressed with my "aggresiveness." The reply had an email address. I sent an email using this new email address. Now I need to stop right here and say that, any time that I have sent a message through China Love's website, I've always gotten a reply within just a few hours. But when I sent the email, I waited a week and there was no reply. So finally, I decided that I never had a girl to begin with and someone was just jerking my chain.

So I sent another message to my "girl" but this time it was addressed to the translator right from the top. it said that I didn't have any problem buying credits because it was worth the credit price to pay to the translator. But I did want to swap music files, video files and such like. I also needed some kind of proof that my girl was really a person on the end that was truly interested in me. I went on to explain that one can only imagine the hurt that I would feel if I got all the way to China only to find out that the girl that I thought was in love with me, actually never knew I even existed.

I got a letter back via my email and the letter was from my "girl." My "girl" said that she had not responded sooner because she had just gotten married. She hoped I wouldn't be too hurt and she wanted to wish me a happy life. YEAH RIGHT!

Offline auburnkp

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2011, 09:21:00 pm »
Sorry to say, but I think you got scammed by the translator and this is a way out for them. I had the same thing happen to me with a girl from Shenzhen (maybe that agency is more crooked than others?). I saw a very pretty girl on CL and after a few letters, I told her I was going to China for a visit. When I asked about meeting, I got a letter saying she just met someone else. I did not realize I got scammed until I joined this forum. Luckily I did not give up and met my current wife on CL. I hope you don't as well and find the woman of your dreams.


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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2011, 10:13:56 pm »
Boy Vince , you took the words right out of my Mouth .

? WTF ?

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2011, 10:20:18 pm »
they may as well have said: Yeah, we stole your money.  What are you gonna do about it? irresistible as chocolate

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2011, 11:12:11 pm »
Gosh who would have thought chnlove was responsible for yet another scam. Who would have guess that they could rip the heart out of yet another of our brothers.
Here is some interesting reading. Its all over the internet. CHNLOVE.COM is a SCAM

Here are a few of my favorite stories.
I Am a Chinese Girl Who Put My Profile in the Chnlove and I Am Going to Tell AllPosted over a year ago
< PREV  |  i hope all of you guys ther... >

I removed this one because the possibility it is a fake.

OK CHNLOVE, THIS ONE'S for YOUPosted over a year ago
< PREV  |  Hello Gentlemen: >
OK CHNLOVE, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU.........Explain this to ALL OF US here, NOT PRIVATELY as in the past.....WE ARE LISTENING .....NOW'S YOUR CHANCE.
( I know you are there, don't be bashful, only HONEST )
You have "assured" us in private form letters, and with the "phony posts" here on pfishy how you TRY SO HARD to assure that the agencies and the ladies are COMPLETELY HONEST, or they will face the "wrath of chnlove". ..well my "friends" you NEED TO DO BETTER......MUCH BETTER !!
A couple of months ago, I posted on here, that I had been "hit" by "scammers" ( on other sites), using pictures of the same lady, with slightly different profiles, and /or a slightly different pose.
Thomas/ "Cedarroad" has just posted the same problem with CHNLOVE.
On December 03/2008, I received an "admirer mail" ( from chnlove to which I didn't respond) from :
Registered member SINCE JANUARY 11, 2005 with Beijing OUI Culture & Information Co. Ltd.
Last refresh ......Aug 31, 2008
Birthday...........Aug 20, 1963 (46)
Weight.............126 lbs
Height..............5' 6"
Divorced / children
Looking for........46 to 61

COMPARE this profile with :
Registered member SINCE JANUARY 11, 2005 with Beijing OUI Culture & Information Co. Ltd.
City................ Quindao/Shandong
Last refresh......Sept 08, 2008
Birthday...........Sept 28, 1963 (46)
Weight.............126 lbs
Height..............5' 6"
Divorced / children
Looking for........46 to 61
OK, I wasn't born last night, so I WON'T BELIEVE they are identical twins, so I will have to leave the explanation up to you.......OK?? Good Luck!!....(I hope you can prove me WRONG, and restore a little confidence in your website )
I wonder what happens with an agency with a "rating" of 25 % positive"
I can't imagine why such a pretty lady would be unable to find a man after FOUR YEARS of SERIOUS searching.
After all, your "about this mail " note accompanying Li / Bo ?? Sun's "admirer mail" to me stated " MS LI SUN IS VERY INTERESTED IN YOU AFTER THE AGENCY'S INTRODUCTION OF YOUR PROFILE, SO SHE ( " she " ?? ) WROTE YOU THIS MAIL......"
Since, as you have told me, I am "SUCH A DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN", (thank you for the compliment) is it too much for me to expect that I will NOT BE subjected to these type of SCAMS by the AGENCIES, the "LADIES??" themselves, or Chnlove.
" Sparky "

The web matchmaking service engages in a number of deceptive and fraudulent practices. They charge money for credits that can be used in communicating with women listed on their web site. The credits are quite expensive. Up to US$5.50 per credit

After you purchase credits and contact a woman advertised on the site, you find out when she writes back that you get charged a credit for her response as well as your message. This is not mentioned in advance in any obvious place. If a woman "admirer" contacts you first she indicates she was attracted by your profile but it is clear that she never read the profile and you are just receiving a boilerplate letter.

So in order to try to not spend money on women who are not in a position to easily communicate by email, you put requests in your online profile that women should only contact you under specific conditions.

However, it quickly becomes clear that the women contacting you have never read your profile, because they do not mention any of the things that you requested. In addition when one carries on a prolonged back and forth exchange you gradually become aware that the photos on the web site are fake, either pictures of the women at a much younger age, or retouched photos, etc. By the time you find out that this is not what is claims to be and is in fact just a honey trap to lure men into spending a fortune under false pretenses it is too late. Complaints are met with polite refusals to refund your money.

I would strongly warn people against giving any money to or their companion site for Thai women. They are simply not honest.
Well, My Bad Experience My Complaints to Chnlove Ended Up With Their Usual Blaming
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 05:38:36 am by Pineau »
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.

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Re: I dont think this is right!
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2011, 03:24:15 am »
Bud, I am really sorry you struck out this time at bat. You’re not the first and definitely not the last to be swindled by chnlove. Don’t give up. There is hope. Here is what I recommend…

I think if you have a real interest in a Chinese bride then get on some other websites, chat rooms or Chinese social networks. Make and meet some Chinese friends.
Ask a Chinese person to help you set up a QQ personal page. QQzone is all in Chinese but with some help you can create a sort of blog, Facebook look-a-like page there.  You can tell the Chinese community who you are and advertise that you are looking for Chinese girlfriend(s).  I will bet in a short time you have all the Chinese pen pals you can handle. GO TO CHINA and date some Chinese girls. I will even pick you up at the airport !!!

I wish Willy would open his site back up because he screened the ladies and at least Willy is on our side.
I have met dozens of nice ladies that I think would make good wives. And I met them outside of chnlove. I would recommend them but I would feel really guilty if one did turn out to be a crook and broke your heart.  I simple can’t recommend something  that I am not sure of. But there are several guys here that would gladly (I think)  hook you up with their wife’s sister/cousin/sister-in-law/best friend.  You take it from there.

Now, about that possible fake letter….Good grief.  If that’s the case then yes, you should question the letter. Maybe it is a fake?  Just as fake as the letters we receive from the translators on And if it is the case that he faked the letter then one thing I can certainly believe is that he was really - really pissed off.  What would piss a guy off so bad that he would fake a letter? Possibly he JUST GOT RIPPED OFF or had his heart ripped out and stepped on.   I don’t blame him.

Some more interesting reading
lots of information here...
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 04:35:10 pm by Pineau »
Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying.