Author Topic: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?  (Read 6736 times)

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Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« on: July 30, 2011, 03:08:06 pm »

Just wondering. I have seen some very attractive Chinese women in their late 30's and early 40's.  How are they for a man who is younger than they are?  Are they set in the wife at home type thinking or are they still into going out, going to clubs sometimes, concerts etc?

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 04:37:15 pm »
My guess would be its just like anyone else, it varies from individual to individual. Most guys like to be the older, but just the other day on the Beijinger I saw an ad for an older woman looking for a younger man.

You just have to ask them :)

Offline Pineau

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 10:53:49 pm »
Here is what I have heard from my wife and a few other ladies older than 40.

Older men are more reliable. They are just as much fun when you want them but are not prone to wander as much.

Younger guys cant be trusted (as much). They cheat and they like to play with younger girls. An unattached man younger that 50 is more trouble than he is worth because he too easily gets into trouble.

 From some of the stories I have heard from divorced women here, it is sad but true. Many of the younger men are playboys and the ladies know it.  My wife (age 42) told me that when she went looking for a husband she was targeting men older than 50 and younger than 60. She was not flexable in this criteria for the reasons I have stated. 
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:21:09 am by Pineau »
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Offline yoshiii

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 03:49:42 am »
Here is what I have heard from my wife and a few other ladies older than 40.

Older men are more reliable. They are just as much fun when you want them but are not prone to wander as much.

Younger guys cant be trusted (as much). They cheat and they like to play with younger girls. An unattached man younger that 50 is more trouble than he is worth because he too easily gets into trouble.

 From some of the stories I have heard from divorced women here, it is sad but true. Many of the younger men are playboys and the ladies know it.  My wife (age 42) told me that when she went looking for a husband she was targeting men older than 50 and younger than 60. She was not flexable in this criteria for the reasons I have stated.

Really?  There is this very attractive lady who is 42 that I am seriously consindering talking to. We are in communications. She said she is quiting the site she is on because she cannot find a serious guy.  I know she is older than me but wow,  she is attractive. I would get to know her of course, to find out if she is the person I would want to seriously meet.
Other than that I would not look at a older women but wow.

I mean what are Chinese women in their 40s like?

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 04:30:40 am »
There are no hard and fast rules. I thought you were asking a general question about the feelings of the general population and what I said applies. But if you have found an exception that you like, and she is showing an interest in you then by all means investigate. Maybe she has not been jilted by her Chinese husband/boyfriend or maybe she believes that western men are different. GO FOR IT.
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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2011, 05:23:18 am »
There are plenty of attractive women who are 40+ here and are very outgoing and "young in spririt" if that´s what ur asking.

On the other hand theres plenty 40+ attractive who stay at home too, many 40+ who are not attractive, or visually appealing  but outgoing and vice versa....
Basically you can mix the combinations endlessly. Chinese women are NOT _that_ very different then others in this area. They come in just as many colours and flavours like our common wetsern girls.
They taste better though  ;D
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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2011, 05:52:06 pm »
There are plenty of attractive women who are 40+ here and are very outgoing and "young in spririt" if that´s what ur asking.

On the other hand theres plenty 40+ attractive who stay at home too, many 40+ who are not attractive, or visually appealing  but outgoing and vice versa....
Basically you can mix the combinations endlessly. Chinese women are NOT _that_ very different then others in this area. They come in just as many colours and flavours like our common wetsern girls.
They taste better though  ;D

I'm going to have to give an Amen and a second to that. You never know what you are going to get. Also bear in mind, some Asian women are very beautiful in their pictures...  I think there are enough photoshop comments on here for you to guess what else about that.

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2011, 06:22:26 pm »
My wife is in her 40's.....but to me she looks and behaves much younger. But I am not kidding myself, she has a VERY wise head on her shoulders !!!

She tells me that she was often contacted by younger Men on the Blossoms web-site where we first met, but she had no interest in younger Men because they have no maturity, stability or wisdom and she knew that they would always have one eye open for a "younger model" sometime down the track.

However, if some mature Chinese Lady is in "Cougar" mode, and looking for a good time for a might get lucky !!!

Or maybe you seek a Mother figure, not a girlfriend/wife ????....your call  ;D ;D

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2011, 08:52:57 pm »
Cm'on guys lets face it. A women approaching 50 is at the height of her sexual needs. I know we all like to think of ourselves as superstuds but it aint so in many cases.   

I know that I am not as hot as I was say 5 years ago. 

And 5 years ago I was probably not as hot as I was 15 years before that.

But then if they are looking for a husband rather than look on you as a male sex object then nowadays I am the man.  My wife appreciates me just as I am.

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2011, 09:01:39 pm »
 :o :o :o Speak for yourself!  ::) :P  Oh.   You did.  ;)

Offline Pineau

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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2011, 11:45:56 pm »
We have similar wives.  Fiona is 42 but acts more like a teenager.  She can look elegant but she prefers to kick around in blue jeans and a baseball cap. When I set out on my quest for a wife I specified between ages 40 and 50.  I met several women, 40 to 46 and all were perfect ladies. They dressed in business suits or a dress.  They appeared to be just what they are, middle aged moms.  And they were on their best behavior. Perhaps I didn’t stay long enough for them to feel comfortable and let their hair down but Fiona didn’t care.  She was funny, playful and joking from the beginning.  She loves to laugh and tease and she is borderline crazy. Such a difference from the ones that I had met before.  There must be others out there like her.

Willy, I agree women in this age group are coming into their peak sexually. I am far from a super stud. But Fiona didn’t go out on the hunt for a stud. She could have found any number of volunteers for that. As with all the women I met, she went looking for a good stable husband.  I am happy on both counts. She is young and frisky enough to keep me totally interested and she is happy that she got a good combination of both.  I have reached my peak and she knows it. (I think it was part of her plan) She is young enough to take good care of me and I’m not likely to go roaming looking for more. She’s pretty clever I think.   

But back to the original question. I think if a younger fellow is comfortable with an older woman on his arm then he can find a good match.   BUT what I said before still applies. If the woman is looking for a long term partner, ( Spouse). Then she is going to scrutinize the younger man more closely because of the reputation of younger men playing the field and chasing the younger girls.  And a lot of the women have been burned by their ex-husband doing just that. 

And of course what you said is true. If she is just looking for a fling then it really doesn’t matter as long as he can afford to come to China and he is not a deadbeat. She will be delighted to have you around for a while.
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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2011, 12:17:23 pm »
But Fiona didn’t go out on the hunt for a stud....... As with all the women I met, she went looking for a good stable husband. 

But a horse lives in a stable so a stud could also be called a good stable husband! So I guess you must be glad Pineau, that Fiona decided to saddle up with you  8) .

I agree about the youthfullness as my wife is also 42, soon to be 43 and since I tend to act youthfull I am glad she can compete.
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Re: Older Chinese women for younger man, how are they?
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2011, 06:29:17 am »
And I really doubt most of these young bucks could handle an older Chinese woman. These gals are unbelievable.
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