Author Topic: Information needed from anyone in Quebec who went to China to get married  (Read 1704 times)

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Offline mracn

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Good afternoon,

After having a beautiful woman say goodbye to me after 8 months of  continous chat on Skype, I was really fortunate to get back with the first woman I ever got a letter from China Love. She gave me her email but after a few letters back and forth, she decided that it was too difficult to study English and that maybe she had to stay within her country.

After my breakup with Elva, I saw her online one day on Yahoo. I told her what happened and it just so happened she had a similar experience from some man fro New Zealand. We started to correspond every day with the computer at her work. This proved a bit uncomfortable for both of us so she decided to buy a computer for home and hooked it up with Skype right away. I can not tell you how great this has turned out for the both of us. I have gotten to learn so much about her and her, me. I know translating using Babel Fish is not perfect but it has done a great job for me.

What I need to know here is if a fellow Quebecer has gone through the marriage process before and what I will need to know. As many have learnt in the past, this is a great site to get your information. I'm working on my Mandarin so having free unlimited calling to China is not helping me at this moment.

Thanks in advance,

Offline djal

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Even though I am not yet married with Chinese woman and I live in New Brunswick (but i also have a secondary home in Montreal),  I can give you plenty of infos about what immigration Canada likes or dislikes when it comes to giving a permanent visa to a Chinese newlywed lady.  I have 2 friends who went through the process...  one was successful with his/her first application ( he lives in Montreal) but the other failed the first time and had to go through a lot of red tape to get his Chinese wife in Canada. He is from Toronto btw.   You can send me a PM and I could talk to you over the phone...  It can be a very long story,  believe me! Unfortunately ,  Immigration Canada has a very bad impression of Chinese ladies IMO.  The refusal rate is very high compared to other Asian countries ...  like the Phillipines for example.

Kind Regards

Offline Martin

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I can't remember if we have had any Quebecois members go through the process.  I know it is a little different from the rest of the country.  Keep us posted on what you are up to, since it will be a good lesson for many in the future.

Offline djal

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I have seen on at least 3 guys from the province of Quebec who got married with a Chinese lady.  I have no clue if they had problems with the immigration procedures.  My friend in MTL met his wife on AFF simply to learn Chinese at first.  In his case he had no problem and she got her permanent visa shortly after they got married in China.  He could already speak Chinese and his relationship was long enough before he got married; he had no problem with the immigration people of Quebec.