Author Topic: Rebtel screwing up!  (Read 3729 times)

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Offline shaun

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Rebtel screwing up!
« on: August 19, 2011, 05:27:52 am »
I don't know how many of you use Rebtel but their service has become terrible.  For weeks now Peggy has not been able to call me at all.  This was the main reason I subscribed to Rebtel.  She calls me if she can't sleep and talks to me a few minutes.  It helps her a lot but it also brings comfort to her knowing I am just a phone call away.

Often I call her and she just doesn't answer.  Turns out that some of our calls go into oblivion in China but ring on our end.

Rebtel has been telling me that there are problems with their Beijing and Shanghai numbers.  They have truncated our calls to Shenzhen but there are too few lines and can't handle the volume of calls.  Again our phones ring and ring but nothing happens on the other end.  The women at lease get a busy signal.

So if some of you are getting angry with your girl over missed phone calls realize that it is Rebtel's issue.  I suspect now they are owned by chnlove.  Their customer support emails sound a lot like theirs. (joking)

Offline Pineau

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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2011, 07:36:45 am »
If she has a computer, send her a magic jack. You are tied to a landline but it's pretty reliable and the quality is just ok most of the time. It does suffer from whatever problems are on the internet but if the internet is working so is you phone..
Want to test it PM me for the number.
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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2011, 03:48:45 am »
I don't know how many of you use Rebtel but their service has become terrible.  For weeks now Peggy has not been able to call me at all.  This was the main reason I subscribed to Rebtel.  She calls me if she can't sleep and talks to me a few minutes.  It helps her a lot but it also brings comfort to her knowing I am just a phone call away.

Often I call her and she just doesn't answer.  Turns out that some of our calls go into oblivion in China but ring on our end.

Rebtel has been telling me that there are problems with their Beijing and Shanghai numbers.  They have truncated our calls to Shenzhen but there are too few lines and can't handle the volume of calls.  Again our phones ring and ring but nothing happens on the other end.  The women at lease get a busy signal.

So if some of you are getting angry with your girl over missed phone calls realize that it is Rebtel's issue.  I suspect now they are owned by chnlove.  Their customer support emails sound a lot like theirs. (joking)
Hi shaun, I am sorry to hear that you have issues calling China. Please contact us at and write "Attention Beijing/Shaun" and send it from your registered e-mail address. I am confident that the support team will be able to assist you and improve the quality to China. Best regards,
Niclas Rebtel Customer Team

Offline shaun

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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2011, 05:19:57 am »
To Rebtel's credit they eventually did do something about this.  But they didn't do anything until I posted this thread.  Basically what happened was that the Beijing and Shanghai call centers were shut down by the local governments so Rebtel directed all of their calls to the Shenzhen call center.  That in turn overloaded the lines leaving many with busy signals trying to call out of China.  If you were calling into China your phone rang into a black hole in outer space leaving me with the impression that Peggy was not wanting to talk with me.

Rebtel's answer to the was I'm sorry for the inconvenience but we'll get our other two call centers opened up soon.  I suggested that they open up more lines in Shenzhen until they were able to fix their problems and got a cold reception to that idea.  That was when I told them I would go public with my issues.  Funny thing public information is, my problems were soon fixed.

I guess their comment is damage control.  Still not a bad deal for $0.02 a minute but I am thinking magic jack is a much better idea especially when I am there for my children to call me.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2011, 06:34:20 am »
Skype sent me details of a new service where you can call from your own phone.

I already use a different product of theirs so deleted the info.
May be worth checking on.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2011, 05:20:06 pm »
Thanks Willy, I'll check into it.

Offline Pineau

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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2011, 10:31:50 am »
I remember reading on this forum last year that China has outlawed ALL VOIP service (except those owned by Chinese companies and certain large corporations with really deep pockets.).  That would mean that they could at their chosen time and schedule shut them all down. Perhaps they are starting with Rebtel. Who will be next? Skype? Magic jack?

I have never tried skype although I have it installed on my cell phone as a backup just in case.  I hope they don't try to block MJ because that has been my old reliable for many years. I have two and since my Colorado phone numbers follow me, it is oh so convenient to just throw them into my language when I go on a holiday. Here I am in Beihai and by just plugging it into my laptop or any other PC I can make domestic calls as though I was setting in my home in Colorado. And my kids can reach me no matter where in the world I am. And all the calls are free.

Shaun, There is another service that I use to call China.  It is called localphone. You get a local number that you can map to any number in china, When you call that number it is forwarded to China for 2.5 cents a minute. You can get a series of numbers on the same account so you can use a different number to call her at home,  her cell or at work. The extra numbers don't cost anything. I have 1 mapped to Fiona's cell phone, another to the house phone and another to my Guangzhou cell phone. The only problem with this service is that it is only one way. You can call china from the US but they cant call you. But when her internet service is down it is a lifesaver because magic jack depends on the internet.
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Offline shaun

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Re: Rebtel screwing up!
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2011, 05:36:38 pm »
Thanks for all of the suggestions.  Things seam to have settled for now but I do need a back up plan just in case.  With Joe Biden over there right now who knows how screwed up things can get.